Three-Body Technology, Start Testing Water Drop Detector

Chapter 17 Smashing Water Droplets With A Geological Hammer

Zhang Heng has sent several other security bureau chiefs to rest.

have promised them.

Send their scientists early tomorrow morning to study water droplets.

After doing this.

He hurried to report his work.

in a large conference room.

Several big leaders are sitting right in front.

Zhang Heng sat opposite.

"Leaders, the above is the whole process of my reception of several other security chiefs."

"Use five thousand fighter jets to deter water droplets? Or the most advanced fighter jets?"

The big leaders heard this suggestion from the Grizzlies.


"I don't think this plan will work. It's too dangerous to be in the sky above our imperial capital."

The leader sitting in the middle spoke up.

It's not that he doesn't want to send out fighter jets.

Domestic top 20 and other fighters are all ready to go.

It's just that this plan is to be in the sky above the imperial capital of their own country.

Who can guarantee its safety?

"Isn't there any other suggestion?" The leaders were clearly dissatisfied with his plan.

"The other suggestion was to dismantle the water droplets, but doing so would be tantamount to tearing up the face of potential aliens.

If the water droplets really represent well-intentioned aliens, we would be blocking our own escape route. "

Zhang Heng analyzed the current situation for the leaders.

"You're right, you can't disassemble it at will without knowing the true identity of the water droplets.

It's just that the water droplet doesn't give me an answer now. What does the dark forest strike he said represent? "

This is the most annoying problem.

"You will continue to receive them tomorrow."

For leaders, we can only take one step at a time.

After all, they have too little information.

The more you do, the more you can go wrong.


Chen Feng's research center.

The picture of Zhang Heng reporting to the big leader has no secrets to Chen Feng.

Any place on Blue Star, no matter how secretive it is.

It can't escape the monitoring of protons.

"Proton, it seems that your inference is wrong this time."

Hear the words of the great leaders.

Chen Feng said to Proton.

Proton reasoned earlier that their plan was likely to be carried out.

But now it seems that the big leaders will not agree.

"Master, my inference will not be wrong. Although they disagree now, it does not mean that they will not agree later."

Proton inference is based on the final result.

In the end, they did all their efforts, but still no results.

Would definitely agree with this plan.

After all, it was just a show over the imperial capital, which was equivalent to a military parade.

There isn't much risk.

"Since they have concerns, then I will help them dispel their concerns."

Chen Feng couldn't wait any longer, so he simply gave them a hand.

"Proton, tonight you moved the water droplets to a deserted military training area."

"It's the master!"



On the plane, the microscope has been debugged at 10,000 times magnification.

This time, no one dared to say with certainty that if you zoom in 10,000 times, you will definitely see something.

After all, under a thousand times magnification.

There is almost no difference between what you see in the mirror and what you see with the naked eye.

Although there is some psychological preparation.

When actually seeing the picture on the screen.

There were still exclamations on the plane and in the conference room.

"Damn it!"

"How can you still have such a smooth mirror surface!"

"Impossible, why is he still so smooth?"

Everyone's expressions were like seeing a ghost.

You know, the smoothest thing we humans can do.

As long as it is under a thousand times the microscope, it will become rough.

But now the microscope has reached 10,000 times, what is this concept!

Any object, as long as the magnification effect of 10,000 times.

It's impossible to keep it smooth.

Like the face of a giant beauty in Griff's eyes.

With such a big face, how could it be possible to keep the smoothness of a girl?

"Is this thing really like the surface of a neutron star?" Jia Weiguo said with a sullen face.

"What is the surface of a neutron star?" Many others are not in this field.

I don't know what he meant by that.

"The specific gravity of a neutron star is equivalent to ten times the fourteenth power of water. All the atomic nuclei are pressed together and arranged very neatly, so no matter how large the magnification is, the surface looks extremely smooth."

Jia Weiguo spoke out the terrible thought in his heart.

"Impossible. The mass of this water droplet should be normal, and it simply can't reach the terrible weight density of neutron stars."

No one knows how dense a neutron star is.

According to scientific calculations, a neutron star of one cubic centimeter weighs two billion tons.

What is this concept.

If water droplets are really like neutron stars.

How much does it weigh, who can imagine?

In everyone's opinion, this thing is not that heavy.

"Who knows." Jia Weiguo just expressed his conjecture.

What it looks like, no one knows.

"Don't worry about it for now, I don't believe they can really be as densely arranged as neutron stars. Keep increasing the multiplier, and directly add it to a million times!"

Zhang Hongbo got on with this water drop today.

"Our microscope can only do 10,000 times at most."

Before coming up, no one thought that under the magnification effect of 10,000 times, the structure of the surface of the water droplet could not be seen.

They can't zoom in any more.

"Isn't there an electron tunneling million-level electron microscope at the Chinese Academy of Sciences? This is also the largest microscope that humans can do." Someone suggested.

"Go get it now."

Although it is now close to evening.

But these scientists on the plane had no intention of going down.

They even forgot about hunger.

All I can think about is that I must see the physical structure of the surface of the water droplet.

"You don't need to come down, we'll take it up."

Many scientists in the conference room did not give up on hitting the south wall.

Be sure to see his face today.

Many leaders of the Chinese Academy of Sciences are here.

The million-scale electron tunneling microscope was approved immediately.

one hour later.

There is a helicopter taking off.

There is only a huge microscope on it.

There are also two accompanying operators.

This microscope is not something that everyone can operate, even scientists, most of them don't know how to operate it.

To observe anything, you need to ask for professional help.

The helicopter quickly approached the droplets.

Since there is already one aircraft hovering next to the water drop, another aircraft is hovering relatively far away.

They have already studied this issue.

A safety frame more than ten meters long was placed between the two helicopters.

"Another helicopter came up."

"This is the one who sent the equipment?"

"It seems to be, not quite sure."

The viewers in the live broadcast room are not very clear about what experiments the scientists in the sky are doing now.

Just to watch the fun.


"Academician Zhang, our microscope is ready."

They can only use walkie-talkies to talk at a distance of more than ten meters.

The sound of the two helicopters was too loud.

"Did you take over the display screen of the microscope?" Zhang Hongbo asked.

"The signal over there has been received."

A million electron tunneling microscope is relatively large, and it is difficult to move the entire microscope here.

But fortunately, it can be transmitted by means of signals.

The optical signal detected by the plane over there is transmitted to the screen here.

Show it here.

In this way, more than a dozen scientists here can see it intuitively.

"Let's start." Zhang Hongbo signaled through the walkie-talkie.

A million-scale electron tunneling microscope can theoretically see some super-large molecules.

At this level, don't believe you can stay the same.

"Professor Zhang, now we test the microscope."

A voice came from the walkie-talkie.

A microscope of this class should be tested before use.

The operator puts the professional test lens in front of the microscope lens.

The picture of the microscope is presented in front of everyone, it is a microscopic world.

The whole world is grey and white.

Occasionally you can see a circle-like thing.

"The microscope is fine."

After the operator test is completed.

It is about a million-level magnification of the water droplet.

Everyone held their breath.

Eyes on the screen.

"Professor Zhang, it's currently a million-level amplification." The operator's voice came from the walkie-talkie.


"Can Professor Zhang hear me? Now it's the effect of a million-fold magnification of water droplets."

"Did you receive the image there?"

"Hey, is the walkie-talkie broken?"


In Zhang Hongbo's walkie-talkie, the operator's voice kept coming.

He was stunned.

Completely forgot to answer.

under a million electron tunneling microscope.

The surface of the water droplets is still as smooth as a mirror.

Not only Zhang Hongbo was stunned.

All the scientists in the conference room were stunned.

They couldn't believe that something was magnified a million times.

Still so smooth.

"professor Zhang?"

The operator shouted again.

He waved this way from the opposite plane.

Only then did Zhang Hongbo come back to his senses.

"I see, just wait a moment."

He swallowed, and it took a long time before he recovered.

Zhang Hongbo seemed to have thought of something.

He suddenly found a geological hammer from the plane and walked towards the water droplets.

"Professor Zhang, what are you doing?"

When others saw Zhang Hongbo's actions, they all jumped.

He looked especially like he was out of breath and was about to smash water droplets.

"Smooth surfaces are the easiest to scratch, and I don't believe water droplets can stay absolutely smooth."

Zhang Hongbo really wanted to smash water droplets.

But why did he do it.

Not out of desperation.

He meant to leave a mark on the drop, at least with a microscope you could see the difference.

He doesn't believe in miracles.

Isn't what the water droplets show at present a miracle?

"Professor Zhang, do you want to ask for instructions?"

Other scientists understood what Zhang Hongbo meant.

But smashing water droplets is a big deal, at least you need to ask General Zhang for instructions.

"No, I'll take care of it if something goes wrong."

Zhang Hongbo went his own way, and no one else stopped him.

In fact, everyone wants to see it.

In the end they can not leave traces on the water droplets.

Zhang Hongbo walked to the water drop and smashed the geological hammer onto the mirror surface.

Everyone heard a bang.

Crisp and melodious.

It was like hitting the ground made of jade.

More than a dozen scientists immediately gathered around.

Look where the water droplets were smashed.

With the naked eye, the place that was just smashed has not changed, it is still smooth and flat.

"Bring the microscope lens here."

Jia Weiguo shouted at the opposite microscope operator.

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