When executing the command, it can be more comprehensive.

And Jia Zhengxiang, can make their orders be handled more completely.

Yun Tian usually knows a lot about a lot of technologies.

So when it comes to things related to technology.

It is more suitable for cloudy sky.

After all, Jia Zhengxiang really doesn't know that much.

"General Zhang, in fact, this small universe technology is like this.

It's like being in our universe.

Build a universe that belongs to 12 of us.

This universe is different from the present universe.

but completely independent.

We can get objects of a certain mass from the current universe and move them into the small universe.

Let the small universe be our home.

This small universe is a manifestation of the extreme use of space technology.

With this little universe.

Not only can we better ensure safety.

No matter what happens in the universe.

Even the Big Bang.

The entire universe is reset to zero.

things like that happen.

It doesn't have any effect on us.

We are completely safe in the microcosm.

However, according to the master's intention, the space in this small universe seems to be limited.

We can make small universes.

But it can't be made too big.

Otherwise, it will affect the operation of the present universe. "

Yun Tian's words completely shocked Zhang Heng next to him.

He couldn't think of anything.

You can even create your own universe.

This completely overturned his previous thinking.

In his view, they are all creatures living in the universe.

No matter what dimension the universe is.

After all, it is the universe.

But now Yuntian suddenly said a small universe.

This is still a man-made universe.

Could it be that they can master the laws of the universe?

"But how can this small universe be created?"

Zhang Heng took a deep breath in his heart.

He couldn't imagine.

How can we study this so-called small universe?

The technology used here is really amazing.

To know.

when they are researching.

All are within the acceptable range.

Which scientists are included.

Once beyond their cognition.

It's not technology anymore.

It is a kind of magic, this kind of magic may only be used by gods.

This so-called small universe.

In Zhang Heng's view, isn't that the kind of space that only exists in novels?

Make a space yourself.

Completely isolated from the outside space.

In this space, everything is safe. 830

No one can disturb them.

It's also kind of amazing.

"Yuntian, how long will it take for this little universe you said to be created?"

Zhang Heng couldn't wait to see the little universe.

This thing is really attractive.

Not just him.

It is estimated that ren in the entire universe only refers to the small universe.

I'm afraid everyone wants it.

"I'm not too sure about this, but according to the master's intention, it should be soon.

Our master isn't the kind of person who doesn't come out of the lab all the time.

The reason why he kept doing research all these years.

Especially research related to space technology. .

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