Three-Body Technology, Start Testing Water Drop Detector

Chapter 179 The Importance Of Immortality

Zhang Heng may not know what will happen to others.

But for Zhang Heng.

He certainly couldn't have done that.

In his opinion, a small universe is definitely needed.

Because only a small universe can make them more beneficial.

In line with the development of the entire civilization.

If there is no small universe.

Only rely on the development of the new blue star.

Maybe one day it will be hit by Hesse again.

Although this is unlikely.

But even the smallest probability exists.

Maybe in the next second.

The new blue star will be hit.

This is undoubtedly unsafe for them.

Since there is such a good thing as a small universe.

When you have the ability to study it, you must exert your greatest effort.

Give him 330 out.

But when your own safety is guaranteed.

When other substances are not lacking.

Everyone must be thinking about researching their own theories.

They must all want to make themselves stronger.

after growing.

That's the day to enjoy.

Human development is like this.

Development is not really an end.

The real purpose is to enjoy.

Why develop?

Not a better treat for the taste buds.

The same is true for the current Qingfeng Research Center.

Why does Chen Feng want to develop so consistently.

Even with many difficulties.

He is also constantly overcoming.

Make your staff more effective.

more prominent.

This is because he thinks about enjoying life more after he develops well.

"I think the master can rest after researching the microcosm.

Now there are thousands of scientists in our Qingfeng Scientific Research Center.

These people are doing all kinds of research.

Our technology is constantly improving.

As long as the technology of the small universe is researched.

Our safety is thoroughly guaranteed.

It's definitely something to enjoy.

Over the years, we have all seen the efforts of people.

In many cases, the pressure faced by the owner is also great.

His whole person's nerves must be tense.

All we can do is keep sharing our eyes (bcbb) with him.

But our abilities are limited.

There is also a limit to the amount of stress we can share.

In such a case.

What can we do?

It can only be said to create a better environment.

Let the owner enjoy it better in the future.

Except before space technology.

Other technologies, the owner actually pays little attention to.

But now there is one more technology to develop.

That is immortality technology.

They don't actually know that immortality technology is very important to us.

Do you two know about immortality technology?

In fact, I think that if the development of civilization does not have immortality technology, many things will be stagnant.

Although not very stagnant.

But just the transmission still needs more education.

brought about by these educations.

Just more time.

If we have the technology of immortality.

All this seems very simple. "

For immortal technology.

They are actually clear in their hearts.

Who doesn't know that immortality is important.

The length of lifespan determines the ability of a civilization to learn knowledge.

For example, humans in the past were only about eighty years old.

What does this represent.

Only a few decades can be used for human beings to learn knowledge.

Other times are not possible. .

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