Three-Body Technology, Start Testing Water Drop Detector

Chapter 182 It Is A Very Big Challenge For Ecology

Basically all discarded garbage will be picked up by robots.

There is also a lot of garbage that is discarded, which can be degraded naturally.

That's the benefit on our new Blue Star right now.

But this kind of benefit only makes the human beings that can be carried on the new blue star to force the forehead blue star to be more.

But it is absolutely impossible to reach as many as seven billion.

If it is said that the humans on the new blue star have also become seven billion humans.

What will happen then?

I think there must be a lot of dark sides.

Not as easy to manage as it is now.

Since it is not easy to manage.

All kinds of pollution will occur.

There will also be various environmental damages.

For everyone, 12 is bad.

But this disadvantage is not seen by everyone.

Only we stand at the top and look down at people.

We've been through these people.

can be seen roughly.

It would be nice if we could control it all.

Join words we have no control over.

For New Blue Star, it was simply catastrophic.

It is equivalent to embarking on the old road of the previous Blue Star.

We don't want to go down this road.

Because once the road goes down.

Will be more difficult than the previous Blue Star.

The reason is very simple.

Humans on Bluestar were updated very quickly before.

Only a few short decades of life.

But now the new Blue Star, the human life on it has generally increased to two hundred years old.

That is to say, if a person does not have any major accident.

Basically, they can live to be about two hundred years old.

And the medical conditions on the new blue star are so developed.

Basically ninety-nine percent of people. They can live to be about two hundred years old.

That is, reaching the limit of the body to die.

As for the 1%, they are basically people who choose to commit suicide because of emotional or other reasons.

Because the medical treatment in this world has reached.

As long as your brain doesn't die, it can be rescued.

In fact, even if the person's brain is dead.

can also be rescued.

It just depends on whether Qingfeng Scientific Research Center is willing to save it.

It is impossible for ordinary people to think.

But very few people are brain dead.

In general, they are the first to die physically.

The brain can still last a long time.

During this time, people can be rescued.

Therefore, the world determines whether a person is dead or not, not by whether the person still has a heartbeat.

Rather, it depends on whether the person's brain is dead.

As long as the brain is alive, the person can come back. "

It is for these reasons.

As a result, the ecosystem on the new Bluestar 517 has suffered more severe challenges.

If you can't plan the ecosystem well.

The end result will go down the blue star's old path.

Even more terrifying than Blue Star.

Because the population will explode.

Just imagine a person who can live to be two hundred years old.

during this time.

He can give birth to at least dozens of children.

These dozens of children gave birth to dozens of children.

It is possible for ten generations to live together.

What a horrible time.

The speed at which the population is exploding is unimaginable.

With a population of 7 billion, it may still seem very slow on Blue Star. .

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