Three-Body Technology, Start Testing Water Drop Detector

Chapter 184 The Population Must Be Restricted

After all, New Blue Star was their home for a while.

If he really joined the Qingfeng Research Center in the future.

really became one of them.

During this period of time, the Qingfeng Scientific Research Center has developed the miraculous technology of the small universe.

Then this new blue star has another meaning to them.

He didn't know what that meant.

But at least.

should be very important.

"I agree with both of you.

Jia Zhengxiang actually agreed with the two of them at this time.

But there is a reason for this approval.

That's because he now has a family on it.

If Jia Zhengxiang has no family on it.

He must be indifferent to this kind of thing.

the reason is simple.

That is, the owner of 017 doesn't care, he doesn't care.

What he has so-called is what the master has so-called.

This is crucial.

If anyone wants to judge this kind of thing by this, it's actually pretty good.

"I think the immortality we discussed before will actually have a great impact on our (bcda) future development.

According to what we just said.

Even on the new blue star, people's lives are only two hundred years old.

The impact on the environment is large enough.

Not to mention that the human life in the future is immortal.

If it is truly immortal.

Then I think it would be very scary.

As long as it is eternal life.

Just like what General Zhang said before.

We ensure the stability of the ecological environment at the same time.

to take into account the expansion of the race.

Or if our race is absolutely safe.

There is absolutely no need to consider the so-called racial expansion.

Because it means nothing to us.

Suppose we have been thinking about the expansion of races.

without considering anything else.

The situation that will arise is very painful.

That is our universe will become very unstable.

At least the ecological environment will become extremely unstable.

This is a very dangerous thing for everyone.

Just imagine.

If we keep expanding.

The population grew to ten billion.

All are immortal.

What will happen.

Then the population of 10 billion may fill all the universes in a short time.

What a horrible thing this is.

We have already welcomed the development in reverse.

In fact, our biological development does not allow the emergence of immortal races.

Because this immortal race is impossible for the environment.

It is also the process of the race eventually leading to self-destruction.

In fact, human life is for the reproduction of the race.

This happens.

If not for the normal reproduction of the race.

Humans have long been immortal.

Then there is a terrible situation to sleep.

The entire Blue Star has long been crowded. "

Yuntian now also agrees with this matter.

That is if they reach the state of immortality.

population must be limited.

If they want one more person in their world.

What has to be done is one less person.

Only one person can be added to one person.

This is the most basic law of their world. .

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