three days later.

"I heard that a total of 12,355 fighter jets were dispatched from the four countries this time. It's really exciting!"

"From eight o'clock, my telescope has been set up, and then I can see the magnificent scene of more than 10,000 fighter jets flying together."

"The binoculars can see a fart clearly, it's better to watch it in the official live broadcast room, then the shooting effect is called shocking."

"I heard that the planes of Eagle Country and Beigull have already been prepared, and they are parked at the surrounding airports now."

"There are also many on the aircraft carrier. Wait, it will start at eight o'clock."


Today is the most exciting day for people all over the world.

This is a lasting moment.

Never in human history has more than 10,000 aircraft participated in an exercise at the same time.

I don't know how spectacular the scene was!

On the periphery of Liangshan base, the exercise control room.

"Countries are requested to confirm the situation of the aircraft and make a final announcement."

Zhang Heng said into the microphone.

Right in front of him, there is a huge screen.

The screen is now divided into several areas.

It is the current aircraft parking area of ​​various countries.

To complete the exercise, they found an airport for each country.

"The Eagle Country planes are all ready, and all the pilots are ready to go!" The airport manager of Eagle Country shouted through the communication device in his hand.

"The Grizzly Country is all ready and ready to take off at any time!"

"Pilot Beigull is ready and ready to take off at any time!"

All three countries reported the status of their aircraft.

Long Guo's own plane was the closest, and it was already ready.

The time is now seven forty.

There are only the last twenty minutes left before the exercise begins.

"General Zhang, we still have to reconfirm the flight altitude of each aircraft."

In addition to Zhang Heng in the control room, there are Jones of Eagle Country, Yevgeny of Grizzly Country, and Bach of Beigull.

Everyone is old friends.

co-direct the exercise.

"No problem." Zhang Heng nodded.

The altitudes of the planes of all parties must be confirmed multiple times, and there can be no mistakes.

With more than 10,000 planes circling in such a small area, it might be dangerous.

Fortunately, aircraft now have multiple radars, and mid-air collisions should be less likely.

"Reconfirm the flight altitude of the planes of all parties." Zhang Heng took out the information that had already been set.

Begin reading the intended flight altitude for all aircraft.

During their flight, air traffic control will monitor the whole process.

If someone's plane goes wrong.

Air traffic control will also remind you in time.

There are still ten minutes left before the exercise begins.

Live studios all over the world have opened.

"It's finally started, fast forward to the live broadcast room."

Countless people poured into the live broadcast room at almost the same time.

On the Dragon Country side alone, more than 300 million people watched the live broadcast at the same time.

And that number keeps rising.

"Fuck, it's really fun, it's all the latest fighters."

"Look at the whole row over there, there are at least two hundred of them, all fi22 raptors, monsters in the sky!"

"I mainly come to see the Bi2 aerial ghost, and the Bi2 bomber is the god in my heart!"

"Jiang i20, is the row over there all jian 20? When did our country have so many jian 20?"

"What is the jian i20, I came to see the hon20 today, and our country has taken out all its hidden strengths this time.

hon20 did not expect to appear on this occasion. "


As soon as the live broadcast started, the barrage had already covered the sky.

If you open the barrage to the fully open mode, you will not be able to see the content behind it at all.

Now the planes of various countries are all ready to go.

Just wait for an order and all the planes take off.

The time soon came to eight o'clock in the Dragon Kingdom's capital time.

"The exercise has officially started. All airport planes are allowed to take off and fly in the scheduled airspace!" Zhang Heng shouted at Huadong.

All airports received orders and all began to act.

The roar of the plane taking off began to appear in the live broadcast room.

"Start, the plane takes off!"

Everyone is full of pride and confidence.

A plane taxied on the runway and flew into the sky.

More than 10,000 planes took off in just over half an hour.

People close to the Liangshan military training base can hear the roar of the plane.

The screen of the live broadcast room also changed at this time.

In the center of the live broadcast room, there are water droplets.

Those planes hovered just above the droplets.

"All the planes have flown to the predetermined altitude." A broadcast sounded in the control room.

"Okay, aim all the optical sights at the water droplets!"

Yevgeny can say that he has seen all kinds of big scenes.

When he saw tens of thousands of planes circling on the screen, he was also quite shocked.

"All optical sights have locked droplets!"

All of the more than 10,000 aircraft on this mission were equipped with optical sights.

Everyone knows that there is no way for electromagnetic waves to lock water droplets.

In order to form a strong deterrent to water droplets.

All countries are doing their best.

"Haha, I believe that more than 10,000 pairs of eyes are always staring at him, and the water droplets are also afraid."

Yevgeny was very satisfied with the picture in front of him.

In his opinion, the water droplets should not last long.

Regardless of whether he thinks that human fighters are strong or weak, he should answer.


In the live broadcast room, if you want to see the picture, you can only adjust the barrage to the quarter position.

Otherwise, it is so dense that it is impossible to see the picture at all.

"More than 10,000 fighter jets have locked on the water droplets, haha, the water droplets are the first in human history to receive such treatment."

"If I say that this is the strongest air strike force of our species, would it be an exaggeration?"

"That's certainly not an exaggeration."

Several fighter jet-producing countries have taken out almost all of their strength in the bottom of the box.

These more than 10,000 fighter jets are the strongest air strike force.

"What do you think the aliens are thinking now?"

"I guess they are holding an emergency meeting to discuss whether their dark forest strike plan should be changed."

"Hahaha... I do support aliens coming here. We can have a good talk. There are so many planets in the solar system. They can live on Mars, but if you want to live on Mars, you have to pass on high-tech technology to us."


See the steel fighter jets soaring in the sky.

Everyone is so confident.

Everyone believes that even if the aliens do come, we have the strength to fight them on Blue Star.

Even if we lose.

His aliens don't even think about asking for much money.

The big deal is to throw a nuclear bomb, and the fish will die and the net will be broken!

"The satellite has the optical telescope locked on the water drop!"

Another announcement came from the control room.

The locking of the satellite is a more powerful deterrent.

The satellites of various countries can lock water droplets, and they can directly launch rockets for nuclear strikes.

"Let all the satellites pay attention to the signal from the droplet, and he may speak back to us at any time."

Yevgeny told the microphone to go down.



Qingfeng Research Center.

Chen Feng looked at the roaring fighter plane in the picture, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Now that they have set up the stage, they must sing the play themselves.



Proton stood aside, already fully prepared.

"According to our previous plan, let's act." Chen Feng gave the order.



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