Three-Body Technology, Start Testing Water Drop Detector

Chapter 36 Fireworks Released In The Air

control center.

Everyone was short of breath watching the falling B2 bomber on the screen.

Especially Jones, as chief of security.

He knew how much the Bi2 bomber meant to them.

The price of each one is in the tens of billions of dollars.

The fall of this plane is comparable to all the investment in this exercise.

"Lock the water droplets, attack! Attack!"

Yevgeny shouted into the microphone.

It's all this time, and nothing else, they have to hit the droplets.

Zhang Heng did not stop him.

In fact, they really had no way out at this time, and they had to shoot down the water droplets.

Otherwise, there is no way to explain to everyone.

All the fighters in the sky were ordered.

Let them do whatever it takes to lock down the droplets and shoot them down.

Smith, who was also the pilot of the Bi2 bomber, had learned of the downing of Jack's plane.

At this moment, his eyes were fixed on the front.

Suddenly, he saw a huge circle of light flying towards him.

Around him, at least hundreds of planes were all locked with water droplets.

He immediately adjusted the direction of the optical positioner and successfully locked the position of the water drop.

"go to hell!"

Just when he was about to launch a missile.

I saw on the radar that there were hundreds of AIM-9 missiles flying towards the water droplets.

Too many planes are firing at water droplets.

Everyone wanted to shoot it down.

But at this time, the water droplets flew towards Smith's plane.

He immediately began to accelerate, and the speed had reached 1500m/s.

But the speed of the water droplets was even faster, and they appeared in front of him almost in an instant.

"Oh no!!!"

Smith shouted desperately, and the water droplet was about to collide with him.

He didn't even have time to launch the missile, so he could only madly use the machine gun to fire.

This doesn't do anything at all.

The bullet hit the water droplet, like a grain of sand, and was directly bounced off.

Fortunately, the water droplets did not hit the plane head-on.

Instead, it hit the wing of his plane.

There was a huge impact.

when he looked to the side.

The whole person was startled.

Half of the plane disappeared.

exposed the sky outside.

"Fall Warning! Fall Warning!"

Two warnings sounded in the cabin, and there was no sound.

Smith was shocked.

With the impact just now, he felt like he had walked through the gate of hell.

The plane was about to fall.

He pressed the eject button immediately.

Fortunately, the ejection of the plane can still be used, and he successfully ejected a second before the crash.

"Boom!" Another loud noise spread in the control room.

Jones' heart was bleeding.

This is already the second Bi2 bomber.

"It can't go on like this, it can't go on like this!" Jones shouted loudly like Shi Lezhi.

Every Bi2 bomber is the heart and soul of their Eagle Country.

This battlefield weapon, crashed one less one.

"Our war with aliens has begun, and we have no way out!"

Yevgeny seemed calmer.

He understood that the invasion of aliens and the attack of the dark forest may have already begun when the water droplets came to Blue Star.

"Fortunately, the speed of the water droplets is not very fast." Jia Weiguo said.

At present, the speed of the water droplets is maintained at around 2400m/s, and there is no sign of continuing to increase.

The Fi22 Raptor, as well as the Jian i20, can also reach such fast speeds under full acceleration.

The reason why Jia Weiguo pays attention to the speed of water droplets.

It was because he felt that with the current strength of human beings, there was no way to cause damage to the water droplets.

If he has absolute speed, he is invincible.

Think of a fast-moving neutron star, what a concept.

When its speed reaches a certain height, it can even crash through the earth.

More than a hundred air-to-air missiles locked on the water droplets, and the fastest one was already close.

Everyone stared at the screen nervously.

Hopefully this missile can shoot down the droplets.


The missile successfully hit the water droplet in flight.

There was a huge explosion in the air.

"The missile hit the water drop!"

"Pretty, I don't think you are scrapped!"

"There are still a lot of missiles flying towards the water droplets!"


Countless spectators watched with excitement.

After the two bombers crashed, everyone came to their senses.

It turns out that the alien invasion has already begun.

Everyone expected that the missile could shoot down the droplets.

Missile hits water drop.

It was like a huge fireworks were set off in the air.

Shine brilliantly.

"This... this is impossible!"

Everyone shouted.

After the explosion just now ended, water droplets quickly flew out of the explosion area.

His surface still looked as smooth as a mirror.

No damage at all.

Even the explosion just now had no effect on the flying speed of the water droplets.

The water droplets are still flying forward at such a fast speed.

Soon, he found another plane.

This is a Grizzly Country Su i75.

The pilot of the Su i75 was facing an air-to-air missile.

Faced with oncoming missiles.

Without any stagnation, the water droplets hit it directly.


Another explosion.

Another firework exploded.

The pilot of the Su i75 thought that the water droplets had hit a missile and would definitely be shot down.

But it was only when he looked forward.

The water droplets had rushed out of the blast zone and were heading towards his plane.

The pilot yelled.

At this time, the speed of his plane has reached 1500m/s, and the relative speed of the water droplets has reached a terrifying more than 3,000 meters per second.

In such a short time, it is impossible to react at all.

As a pilot, he went through all kinds of life and death trials.

Possess high flying skills.

Facing this circumstances.

His only option is to press the eject button.

before the droplets hit.

He decisively pressed the eject button.


An explosion sounded behind him.

"Fuck, another Su i75 exploded!"

"Water droplets are not afraid of missiles at all!"

"How can I shoot it down?"


Everyone was nervous at this moment.

The confidence from the beginning is gone.

The two missiles just hit the water droplets, just like two bunches of fireworks were released in the air.

Didn't even let the water drop stop for a second.

"All the molecules on the surface of the water droplet are firmly nailed, and its hardness is thousands of times more than the hardest object in nature. We can't shoot it down!"

Jia Weiguo shouted in the control room.

Although he is not the commander of this battle.

But as a human, he certainly hopes that humans can win.

I don't want human beings to make unnecessary sacrifices.

Just as Jia Weiguo shouted, the other hundreds of air-to-air missiles all caught up with the water droplets.

"Boom...boom...boom boom..."

At this time, the sky is really like fireworks.

Within a few seconds, hundreds of missiles all hit the water droplets.

The explosion made the ears of the surrounding crowd buzzing.

There was smoke in the sky.

You can't see where the water droplets are at all.


When everyone saw the huge halo behind the water droplets again.

Another Su i75 was shot down.

The plane, like the previous Bi2 bomber, had its wings broken.

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