Three-Body Technology, Start Testing Water Drop Detector

Chapter 39 The Third Cosmic Speed Turns At An Acute Angle!

"Electromagnetic aperture pulse advance..."

Zhang Hongbo murmured in his mouth.

When they were discussing the aperture behind the water droplet, he was wondering how much thrust this propulsion technology could provide.

This kind of propulsion technology that only exists in theory, if you let humans do it.

It may be possible to provide a thrust of a few tenths of a Newton.

In a universe without gravity and without air resistance, it might play a role.

But inside the blue star's atmosphere, it has little effect.

Water droplets directly break this theoretical limit.

How exactly did they do it? ? ?

Even if he wants to break his head, Zhang Hongbo can't think of it at all.

Not only him, but the other five scientists present also shook their heads.

The gap between them and the aliens is too great!

"Run away, silly children!" Jia Weiguo was the first to come back to his senses.

As the earliest researcher of water droplets, he deduced the theory by himself after studying the water droplets.

The result is...

That is the surface strength of water droplets, which is invincible.

Invincible at least on Bluestar.

At the time, he also wondered why a detector had to make such a tough shell.

Someone later gave an explanation, saying that it was to collect information safely and not be destroyed by humans.

He didn't even care.

Today when he saw that the water droplets have such a powerful propulsion system.

Such a rapid advance, coupled with the hard shell of a neutron star, will become an invincible attack weapon!

They had imagined many times before what weapons the aliens would use if they did invade.

Some say it might be an ion cannon, some say it's a gamma ray.

Nobody knows until today.

The way the aliens attack is so primitive.

Just hit!

Hearing Jia Weiguo's cry, Zhang Heng came back to his senses.

He shouted into the microphone: "All the fighters spread out at the fastest speed, and spread out around at the fastest speed!"

When the planes flying to Robbo got this order, they didn't know what happened.

Their optical trackers had long since lost sight of the water droplets.

The aircraft on the edge of the entire battlefield immediately began to fly around with the fastest horsepower.

The planes in the sky are the most advanced in the world today.

It has multiple radar detection systems and an optical positioning system.

Plus the pilot's eye.

But now they still feel like a blind man.

You can only follow orders from the command room to fly.

As for the target in them, they have absolutely no idea.

in the control room.

It can be seen from the front screen that the aircraft formation, which was originally a cylindrical shape, immediately spread out and turned into an oval shape.

And this ellipse is slowly spreading.

I believe that soon they will become a circle, so it will not be so easy for water droplets to catch up with them.

As long as the formation can fly to Robbo, they have a chance!

It can be said that human beings are creating opportunities to eliminate water droplets at the cost of huge sacrifices!

Yevgeny's eyes were fixed on the screen, and it could be seen that the anger in his heart had reached its peak.

When the water droplets reach Robbo, he must eat a nuclear bomb.

Let him taste the taste of mankind's strongest weapon!


Wells was driving a fi22 fighter jet towards Robbo of the Dragon Country.

Originally, his plane flew in the outermost layer of the entire exercise area.

After getting the order, he immediately turned the plane and flew in the direction of Robbo.

The speed of the plane has reached the fastest.


This is already the fastest speed fi22 can achieve, full supersonic flight.

He believed that no matter how fast the water droplets were, they would not be able to catch up with him.

Up to now, he has not seen where the water droplets are, and even his optical positioning system only locates the water droplets at the beginning, and then never locates the water droplets again.

However, according to reports, seven or eight of their planes have been hit by water droplets and crashed.

Wells was very cautious, observing the directions around him as he flew.


Just when he was proud that he could reach Robbo soon.

Suddenly I felt the plane hit hard.

"Fall Alert, Fall Alert, Fall Alert!"

Sirens were blaring in the cockpit, and red lights were flashing on various devices.

Wells looked to the side.


One wing of the plane has disappeared, and the entire plane is falling uncontrollably.

He knew he had been hit by water droplets.

What he didn't understand was that he had already flown to the outermost layer, and the water droplets were in the middle, how could it have hit him?

It's too late to think about anything now.

Just press the eject button immediately.

Say it again!

in the control room.

"This... this is impossible!"

The six scientists saw the picture on the screen and all stood up.

If you look closely, you can see that Minako Koike's calf is shaking.

The other scientists were all pale and very ugly.

Just now, at the third cosmic speed, the water drop caught up with the plane flying at the front in the blink of an eye.

Before everyone could react, the fi22 was shot down.

Water droplets can reach a third cosmic velocity, and they all accept a little bit.

What made them unacceptable was after the droplets shot down that plane.

He actually flew towards the southeast at an angle of nearly forty degrees like a god.

During the turn, the speed didn't slow down a bit.

"It's impossible, how can it turn at an acute angle at such a fast speed, which violates the law of conservation of momentum and the law of conservation of angular momentum!"

Larissa looked at the flying water droplets in horror.

Another plane was shot down by this time.

This plane is again the one flying in the front.

"Boom boom boom..."

No one reacted, and there were four consecutive explosions.

Four more planes crashed down.

The water droplet is like a god of death, hunting down the weak lamb at a terrifying speed.

Those planes couldn't see where the droplets were at all, and the optical positioning systems on them were completely useless.

All the time before they could react, the plane had already been hit.

"Such a fast speed, turning at an acute angle..."

The six scientists looked stunned.

This time they were really scared, with panic in their expressions.

If we talk about the high-level scientific and technological civilization shown by water droplets in the past, although humans are unable to do it.

But more or less understandable.

If we work hard in this direction for 100 years or 200 years, maybe we can achieve it.

However, the third cosmic speed shown by the water droplet did not slow down and turned at an acute angle, breaking all their beliefs.

It's like telling them.

Those theories, those physical formulas, and mathematical models that you humans have established over the years are all wrong!

The so-called law of conservation of momentum, the law of conservation of angular momentum.

Totally a joke.

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I read the comments before, and many people said that I took care of the rhythm, but it was not. I just wanted to write this book well, and I wanted to explain many details clearly. Since everyone doesn't like to watch it, I will speed up the speed, and I will not write some unnecessary things, and the plot will move faster.

Once again, I am asking for a wave of flowers and evaluating the monthly ticket. Thank you for your support. I am very grateful.

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