Three-Body Technology, Start Testing Water Drop Detector

Chapter 42 The Control Center Is Completely Quiet

"Who will save us?"

All the pilots in the air who were smelted into steel panicked.

They had no rules and began to flee.

There was even a scene where his own plane collided.

You know, the planes they fly are all products of modern technology.

Various radars above, high-tech assisted driving.

Collision accidents can occur in such situations.

It is conceivable that the sky at this time is a terrifying scene.


"Humanity is completely over, destroy it."

"Wow, don't, I haven't lived enough."

"Is there a god to save us?"

The audience in the live broadcast room also completely collapsed.

Everyone's will was shattered.

The aliens haven't made a big attack yet.

Just one detector has forced human beings to be like this.

If they do come with warships, what can we do to resist.

Human beings are destroyed, perhaps only in minutes.


It can be seen from the screen of the measurement and control center.

There are currently 5,432 human aircraft left.

It has only been more than half an hour, and more than half of the planes have already crashed.

The remaining planes are also being destroyed at a very fast speed.

Most importantly, they have nowhere to hide!

"I can only give up the plane!" Zhang Heng's eyes also began to turn red.

He seemed to squeeze the words out of his teeth.

Jones glanced at him.

Of course I understood what he meant by that.

According to the current situation, their planes are all lambs to be slaughtered.

The plane is impossible to keep.

Let all pilots abandon the plane and save the pilot's life.

is the last struggle they can do.

"We don't have a choice?" Yevgeny no longer had the high spirits he had at first.

What made him desperate was not the crash of more than 10,000 planes.

It is the invincible gesture of water droplets.

He thought of various ways.

There seems to be no one that will allow humans to conquer water droplets.

All shook their heads.

Human civilization has developed for so many years.

Claiming to be the overlord of Blue Star, even the solar system will soon be conquered by humans.

Even various countries are still trying all kinds of ways to get in touch with alien civilizations.

Let the alien civilization see the achievements of our human civilization.

When the alien civilization really arrives.

All talents find that they are the frog in the well.

The scientific and technological achievements of mankind are like a pile of waste paper in front of others.

Humans are like bugs too!

"The aliens have no intention of befriending us at all, they just want to destroy us."

Bach looked desperate.

If only water droplets could fly at such a fast speed all the time.

Without waiting for the arrival of the alien civilization fleet, all civilizations on Blue Star will be destroyed.

Even human beings will become slaves of aliens.

"Give me an order," said Bach at last.

In the control room, no one spoke anymore.

Everyone is waiting for Zhang Heng's final order.

He nodded.

Then pick up the microphone.

"Attention all pilots, from now on, your mission is to save your life and give up the plane!"

He still gave this heavy order.

The pilots in the sky were not surprised when they heard this order.

In fact, many of them were waiting for this order to come.

If the order is not issued, they may have to disobey.

After all, not all pilots are determined to die.

When all you can see is a dead end.

Many people still believe in survival.

The pilots of more than 5,000 planes chose to eject at almost the same time when they received the order.

Just abandoned the plane.

No one knows when the water droplets will appear.

All they can do is give up the plane as soon as possible.

After the pilot was ejected.

More than 5,000 planes are still in the air.

The first time did not fall.

Fortunately, the droplets didn't care about the pilots who ejected.

He only had fighter jets in his eyes.

"The speed of the water droplets has accelerated again!"

In the measurement and control center, the personnel monitoring the speed of the water droplets were about to cry.

At this time, the speed of the water droplets reached a terrifying 10,000 kilometers per second!

What is the concept of 10,000 kilometers per second?

One-thirtieth of the speed of light!

"This is the price we pay for our arrogance!"

Seeing the terrifying speed of the water droplets now, Jia Weiguo took a long breath.

They should have thought of it long ago.

The vast universe is boundless.

Water droplets can fly from other galaxies to the solar system to Lexing.

His speed can never be slow.

Jia Weiguo even felt that the current speed of water droplets, one-thirtieth of the speed of light, was still not his limit.

As for his maximum speed.

It doesn't matter anymore.

It really doesn't matter, what is the difference between 100 kilometers and 10,000 kilometers for humans.

It's just about to be destroyed soon.

The water droplets at this time are like a ray of light.

Interspersed back and forth in the sky, only a global satellite can capture a trace of him.

"Boom boom boom..."

This time, the planes in the sky exploded more thoroughly.

Before the water droplets attacked them.

Most attack its wings or tail.

The plane doesn't explode immediately, but only after it hits the ground.

But now it's completely different.

The water droplets seemed to let go.

From the sky, it looks like a ray, interspersed quickly.

The plane exploded into balls of fire in the air.

This should have hit the fuel tank, causing a full-blown explosion.

within a range of about five hundred kilometers.

The droplets form a laser.

A straight shot is the explosion of hundreds of planes.

When he flew to the edge of the fleet, the meeting turned at an incredible angle and turned in an instant.

Once again inserted into the cluster.

"Boom boom boom..."

Everyone in the measurement and control center has mixed tastes.

The video is playing the most spectacular sight in human history.

It's just that the price of this landscape is too great...

This time, the attack of the water droplets was extremely fast. It only took three minutes for the sky to return to calm.

There was no more explosion.

The various alarm sounds from the measurement and control center also stopped.

Surrounded by surprisingly quiet.

Zhang Heng swallowed. As a general, he had never participated in a real battle.

But in the usual confrontation exercises, he has never been defeated as badly as today.

This feeling cannot be described.

He felt as if he was about to lose his footing.

One hand grabbed the chair next to him.

"Plop...plop..." Zhang Hongbo could hear his heartbeat.

He thought that it might be because the control center was completely quiet.

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