Three-Body Technology, Start Testing Water Drop Detector

Chapter 56 The Eagle Country's Agents Broke Into The Qingfeng Scientific Research Center At Nig

Hear Jones.

People from other countries below began to talk about it.

Everyone's minds began to become active.

Everyone's ideas are the same.

The first is the bunker plan they set up, and there will be no hope for a while.

A single rocket can limit them for dozens or hundreds of years.

And the scientific and technological achievements in the Qingfeng Scientific Research Center described by Fang Siming are simply too tempting.

Although the strength of water droplets is very strong.

It's just that the attack power is stronger.

If we want to make small movements, it should be easy to avoid the water droplets.

"What are your plans, Jones?" Yevgeny looked at the security chief of the Eagle Country.

He's notoriously fond of using agents.

Eagle NSA agents are located all over the world.

It can easily complete the task in all kinds of difficult conditions.

This is something the whole world must recognize.

"My thinking is this, this matter can't be rushed, we have to test the bottom line of Qingfeng Scientific Research Center step by step.

Everyone looked at him, not knowing what he meant by testing the bottom line.

Jones continued: "Aren't we currently carrying out the lunar mining plan and providing resources to the Qingfeng Scientific Research Center? We are gradually reducing the supply of resources.

Before Chen Feng gave them the task of collecting materials, each country later received its own share.

They need to deliver these resources to the Dragon Country every month.

That is to say, it will be delivered to the Longteng Super Factory that has just been built in Tianzhou City.

In addition, they also need to study how to go to the moon to collect helium-3 resources.

"By how much?" asked Bach.

"Half first." Jones has his own ideas.

Now that the threat of water droplets is still there, no one knows what kind of crazy actions they will make if they irritate the Qingfeng Scientific Research Center.

First reduce the resource supply by half.

If Qingfeng Scientific Research Center is really to blame for "240", it can find a reason to prevaricate.

If they accept it, they will continue to reduce it, and then halve it.

"But this is not good for us to obtain the technology of Qingfeng Research Center." Someone said.

"Who said there is no benefit, we can organize agents to steal technology while reducing the supply of resources, keeping both sides of the Qingfeng Research Center busy."

This method seems feasible to everyone.

"But now that the Dragon Kingdom has surrounded the Qingfeng Scientific Research Center, it is very difficult for our agents to enter without the support of the Dragon Kingdom." Ida Ichiro raised a difficult problem before everyone.


After all, the Qingfeng Scientific Research Center is within the scope of the Dragon Kingdom, and the Dragon Kingdom's current attitude is very firm, and it is absolutely impossible to stand on the opposite side of the Qingfeng Scientific Research Center.

It's hard to get around them.

"Haha." Jones smiled, and then said confidently: "I have dealt with Zhang Heng a lot, and I know him very well.

He is a person who knows how to look at the situation, and now Long Guo is not willing to stand on the opposite side of Qingfeng Scientific Research Center, do you think they are willing to stand on the opposite side of us?"

"Do you think that the Dragon Kingdom will not stop us from attacking the Qingfeng Scientific Research Center?" Yevgeny seemed to understand a little.

"According to my understanding, they will definitely not stop them, but they will definitely report to Yuntian. This kind of guilt-free approach is the usual way of doing things for the people of Longguo.

But even if he reports, we don't have to worry, as long as our people get close to the Qingfeng Scientific Research Center.

I have the confidence to take him down!"

Jones had confidence on his face.

"Are you confident to win the Qingfeng Scientific Research Center?" Everyone present thought that Jones had drunk too much whisky and was talking nonsense here.

The water droplets are suspended above the Qingfeng Scientific Research Center.

"Do you think if we infiltrated the scientific research center, the water droplets would hit the entire scientific research center?"

Jones' words made everyone's eyes widen, yeah.

As long as the agent can get close to the scientific research center and successfully sneak in, the water droplets will be useless even if they are discovered.

"There is one last question. After obtaining these technologies, how can we bear the revenge of Qingfeng Scientific Research Center?" Gut also expressed his support for Jones' idea.

But he was afraid of Qingfeng Scientific Research Center's retaliation.

"Humph, unless they blow up the entire Blue Star, it's impossible for them to know who stole the technology.

If Qingfeng Scientific Research Center really blows up Blue Star, then everyone will be buried with them, and the dark forest of the province will be hit.

The big deal is that the fish will die and the net will be broken.

Who is afraid of who!

Qingfeng Research Center.

"These beasts of the United Nations have one set in front of people and one set behind them!" Yun Tian cursed while watching the video.

He has to be very strong to show how these three countries swore at the conference before.

It had only been a long time before the pain of the destruction of more than 10,000 fighter planes was forgotten.

You must know that Master Chen Feng does all this for the sake of mankind, so that mankind can escape the blow of the dark forest.

"There's no need to be angry, it's human nature."

Chen Feng seemed to have guessed that there might be such a result, and was not angry at all.

"Master, I think I can use water droplets now to raze this conference venue to the ground!" Yun Tian really hated them, and the task that the master gave him was originally thought to be completed perfectly.

Now it looks like something is definitely going to go wrong.

"Not now!" Proton stopped Yun Tian's thoughts.

A holographic projection screen was called up in front of her.

"According to my calculations, the resources required for our first stellar warship are still quite a bit short, and only relying on the Dragon Kingdom to provide a lot of materials, the Dragon Kingdom does not have so many crown princes.

If other countries can provide resources twice, the remaining Dragon Kingdom can provide them independently. "

Proton considerations have always been considered from the degree of plan completion.

At the moment the stellar class battleship is their most important thing.

Only after completing this can they complete the first step of leaving the Blue Star.

"Then what should we do?" Yun Tian seemed to be really annoyed.

"Since they are coming, let them come." Chen Feng looked indifferent.

As long as it does not affect the manufacture of stellar battleships, he can play with these people at will.

Another month passed in a blink of an eye, and the entire Dragon Kingdom was under enormous pressure during this month.

Countries outside the Lianhe Kingdom outside the Dragon Kingdom have reduced the supply of resources for various reasons.

Originally, according to the plan, the materials required by Qingfeng Scientific Research Center, except for helium-3, should be fully supplied after half a year.

Other countries cut their supply in half.

When we arrive at Longguozi, we can only make up for the missing part with our best efforts.

Since I chose Qingfeng Scientific Research Center, I have to swallow it in my stomach even if I knocked out a tooth.

Zhang Heng knocked on the door of Yuntian Villa with some people from the Security Bureau today.

"Mr. Yuntian, I have something important to report to you." Zhang Heng said immediately when he saw Yuntian.

In fact, Yun Tian already knew what he was going to say.

But it didn't show.

"what's the situation?"

"The Eagle Nation has organized 32 agents to attack the Qingfeng Scientific Research Center tonight.

After Yun Tian heard his words, he didn't take it to heart.

"The Qingfeng Scientific Research Center Bureau is there, anyone can come and attack."

"You don't need to go back and prepare?" Zhang Heng asked in surprise.

"Nothing to prepare for."

Zhang Heng looked at Yun Tian with a careless look, and he knew that he was more of himself.

However, he did not regret coming over to report, because this just showed the attitude of Long Guo.

It is eleven o'clock in the evening, the time of the Dragon Empire.

In a wasteland 300 meters away from Qingfeng Scientific Research Center.

At this time, nearly forty people were hiding here, and a simple tent had been set up.

This is their temporary command post.

"Bernt, do you have any questions about the goal of this mission?" the commander asked.

Bernt is the leader of the thirty-two agents who infiltrated the Qingfeng Scientific Research Center this time.

They are fully armed, and they all wear a certain kind of clothing.

This kind of clothes does not reflect light in the moonlight, and it looks extremely dark.

They just want to use this kind of clothes to avoid the surveillance of water droplets.

As long as it breaks into the Qingfeng Scientific Research Center, even if it is discovered by the water droplets, it will not be able to do it.

"No doubt, everything is ready!"

Burnt is an old agent.

Not to mention a scientific research center, he once broke through the residence of a leader of a certain country alone.

There's no information he can't steal.

These 32 team members are also carefully selected by him, and everyone is fully armed, and even if they are discovered, they will be able to fight with them.

"Go!" Bernt led the team to sneak towards Qingfeng's scientific research.

In the cordon command post several kilometers away.

Zhang Heng paid close attention to these agents of Eagle Country.

It was he who ordered the encirclement to make way for the people of Eagle Country to enter.

These days, although Long Guo did not explicitly say that he would withdraw from the United Nations.

But its status in the United Nations has been getting lower and lower.

They also avoided the Dragon Kingdom when they held some important meetings, and the scientists of the Dragon Kingdom in the United Nations also withdrew.

Let the agents of the Eagle Country enter, so that other countries in the United Nations can suppress the Dragon Country a little less.

"Can they succeed?" a deputy director of the security bureau said anxiously.

For these agents of Eagle Country, he is very clear that they are elusive.

Even if they wanted to guard against them, it cost a lot.

Water droplets are strong, but this kind of place can't play well.

If the Eagle Country really succeeds, the one from the Qingfeng Scientific Research Center gets angry, and it is estimated that the entire human race will suffer.

"We just need to watch the play." Zhang Heng never thought they could succeed.

United Nations secret meeting room.

A temporary command room was also set up here, and a large screen played the pictures taken by the agents in real time.

In the picture, all the agents are moving forward with careful calculation.

The Qingfeng Scientific Research Center is in sight, and the water droplets are suspended in the sky like a mirror.

They have entered within a hundred meters of the Qingfeng Scientific Research Center.

The droplets didn't move at all.

"It seems that the clothes made of this special material really work. If the water droplets can find them, it is estimated that they would have found them long ago..."

These people are complacent.

Fang Siming had already told them the location of the warehouse where the technical achievements were placed.

They knew the entire structure of Qingfeng Scientific Research Center very well.

As long as you enter from the main entrance, walk through a production workshop, you can come to the warehouse.

However, what they thought more about was to find the data room and steal those technical data.

"Be careful, keep up, and meet at the corner." Bernt said softly.

All the players wear headphones, even if his voice is soft, he can still hear clearly.

Thirty-two soon

Arrived at the corner of Qingfeng Scientific Research Center smoothly.

Bernt didn't ask people to come on immediately, but first took out an instrument, which was a thermal imager.

Check to see if there is a heat source in the car.

After some exploration, no heat source was found.

The courtyard of Qingfeng Scientific Research Center should be safe.

After checking the heat source, he continuously checked infrared rays, electromagnetic waves and so on.

The final results showed that there was no warning in the yard, and it was absolutely safe.

It was quiet all around.

Bernt's instinct was not quite right, you must know that this is the Qingfeng Scientific Research Center.

How can there be no protection at all?

He passed the news to the temporary command post.

There are six more people there.

These six people will conduct special analysis based on the information that Bernt and the others have passed, formulate strategies for them, and then command.

A few of them were also a little puzzled.

It's like a very ordinary yard.

There isn't even a single monitor, just go in through the gate.

For safety reasons, the temporary command post asked Bernt and the others not to act for the time being.

Rong, they will recalculate and think about it.

"What's the hesitation? It's obvious that the Qingfeng Research Center underestimates the enemy, thinking that with the protection of water droplets, it is invincible."

In Lianhe Domestic, a person is very disdainful.

"Don't talk, you have to trust the professionalism of our agents." The agents sent by Jones all have rich experience.

There is also a certain sense of danger.

Not just anyone can point it out.

The six people at the temporary command post thought and calculated on both sides, but they didn't think of anything tricky.

Except for the drop of water on their head they couldn't take it into account.

This is a very ordinary yard.

They go in without anyone finding out.

"It has been confirmed that it is safe, you can enter!" The temporary command post issued an order.

Only then did Burnt let the players in through the communication device.

Thirty-two players in total.

Eight entered through the main entrance, eight entered through the left wall, and eight entered through the right wall.

There are still eight people left outside temporarily, waiting to be answered at any time.

In this way, they can be said to have grasped all positions from all directions.

Even if an enemy is detected, they can deal with it quickly.

It only took less than two minutes before and after.

The twenty-four team members have all entered the courtyard.

"I have entered the No. 1 courtyard, and no danger was found." The team members who entered began to report.

The temporary command post 300 meters away breathed a sigh of relief. Judging from the video that was sent over, it was indeed an ordinary yard at 0.3.

The other eight people caught the wind outside and still did not enter.

Four people were left in the yard, and the remaining twenty people continued to touch it.

"General, it seems that Ma Rang is really going in." The deputy director looked worried.

So far the water droplets have not responded at all.

The people of Eagle Country are even about to succeed.

Zhang Heng was not worried at all, "Ten drinking tea and watching the screen.

"It's very close, bypassing the first production workshop, and behind it is the warehouse!" Fang Siming was extremely excited.

Every day he sleeps and dreams about those technologies.

Now it looks like they are about to succeed.

"Bypass the production workshop and go directly to the warehouse." Bernt whispered.

One of the team members walked in the front.

He was very careful with this one idiosyncratic spectacle on his face.

This pair of glasses can see the opposite heat source through the wall, and can also observe various rays to ensure that they are not detected.

He walked forward cautiously, looking back at his teammates as he walked.

He was less than ten meters away from his closest teammate.

He has already touched the wall of the production workshop. As long as he goes around the wall, the warehouse is behind him.

He glanced back and motioned for his teammates to move forward.

Turning back this time, he suddenly saw that the black box on the wall suddenly moved.

"Not good!" He shuddered.

Although this black box has been checked repeatedly before, there is nothing strange about it.

Now suddenly it turns out to be turning.

There must be a problem!

Years as a secret agent have taught him absolute caution.

But it was too late when he reacted.

A blue light shot from the black box.

He didn't even have time to react, the light hit him, and the agent vanished in situ!

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