Three-Body Technology, Start Testing Water Drop Detector

Chapter 61 The Smelting Factory Was Completed, And Yuntian Returned To Blue Star

Yuntian first made a circle in the lunar base.

He originally thought that the base was only four or five hundred square meters, but when he walked inside, there were even separate spaces.

It is like a huge hall with various small halls connected behind it.

He looked inside, and on the four sides of the hall, there were five or six small halls, each of which was about 200 square meters.

He didn't quite understand what these small halls were used for.

Such a large base is not enough to use.

If you add the surrounding small hall.

The area of ​​the entire base reached more than 1,500 square meters.

He quickly found the commander-in-chief robot for the construction of the lunar base.

Viewed the construction drawings of the entire lunar base.

This drawing was designed by Proton, which is not included in the Yuntian mission.

All he needs to do is drive the rover around the moon and play around.

but now.

He became a little curious about the moon base.

"This base..."

When he saw the drawings, Yun Tian was a little stunned.

He now finally knew what those ear chambers were for.

"Base farm, base ranch, base staff living and rest area, base video processing factory..."

Each ear chamber has its own independent function.

So it seems, if the establishment of this lunar base is completed.

Yanran will become a lunar community.

It has everything and is self-sufficient.

This is too exaggerated.

It is more complete than the facilities on the battleship.

Although the space area of ​​the battleship is much larger than the base.

But there is not much room for life on the battleship.

Although there is also a complete life cycle system inside.

But compared with the base, it is still a little worse.

"Master wants to use the moon as an important base?" Yun Tian didn't quite understand why the master would go so hard to build such a large moon base.

According to their previous plan, the moon is just an energy base "660".

And there are only three of them, and Proton is just a robot.

There is no need for such a large base at all.

In fact, what he didn't know was that such a large base was already a miniature version of protons compressed in size.

If this is the long-term living base they really want to build, its area is at least the size of a human city.

This is just a little bigger.

No wonder Yun Tian has never seen the world.

The official live broadcast of Longguo has never stopped.

The next morning, many people poured into the live broadcast room again.

When they saw the factories that had appeared on the moon, everyone was not calm.

"Fuck, is the construction speed so fast? It's only been a day and a night of work, so many factories have been built?"

"These mining robots are too awesome, and the ore is piled up into mountains."

"Six, six, six, at this rate, I estimate that helium-3 fuel can be produced in three days at most."

These viewers don't get to see the sprawling base underground.

They can only see factories on the lunar surface.

The factory covers an area of ​​less than 200 square meters.

Since there is no need for people to operate it, almost all the machines are displayed within the range of 200 square meters.

Fully automatic throwing the mine collected by the robot into the processing machine.

The machine will automatically smash and then smelt and extract.

The final H-3 fuel is collected automatically.

However, the factory has not yet been built, and a large number of robots are still busy.

It is estimated that it will take two days for the actual work to start.

This speed really shocked everyone.

How long would it take for humans to build this factory on the moon?

It may not be built in ten years.

How many rockets have to be fired to be able to build.

The people in the United Nations were even more eager to see the moon factory being built.

"This plant can already be compared to a small chemical plant on our Blue Star."

Jones spoke with a tone of self-deprecation.

Their rockets stopped halfway through.

Now the Qingfeng Scientific Research Center has established a smelting factory on the moon.

It hit them hard.

"Why, I'm still not convinced by what you're saying?"

If others dare not take his words, Yevgeny is not afraid of him.

For the Eagle Country, Yevgeny has never been afraid.

"I'm not convinced, it's not just our Eagle Country, there are so many countries, billions of people are with us."

Jones said angrily.

At this time, everyone did not blame Fang Siming for the problem.

Before Fang Siming joined the United Nations.

The United Nations' lunar mining program is still in full swing.

If this year is still research and development at all costs.

Not to mention anything else now, it is appropriate to send astronauts to the moon again.

The most important thing is that there will be no trouble with Qingfeng Scientific Research Center.

If their astronauts are sent to the moon, they can join the Qingfeng Research Center's mining program Chinese medicine.

That's how they complete the task.

But it's too late to say anything.

A Fang Siming disrupted all their plans.

On the other hand, Long Guo gave Fang Siming to them with great foresight.

He was holding Qingfeng Scientific Research Center's thigh tightly.

Everyone knows that.

Although the Qingfeng Scientific Research Center does not intend to help humans now.

But once they want to help humanity.

The people of Longguo must be the first object of their help.

After all, the Dragon Kingdom's support for the manufacture of warships is obvious to all.

Whether it is the super factory or the supply of warship material resources, it is all provided by the Dragon Kingdom.

These people only hope that Qingfeng Scientific Research Center will not help anyone.

Everyone perishes together, with a little balance in your heart.

Gut looked at the video, shook his head, and said, "I've decided to restart the lunar mining program again!"

He was really pushed.

Every day is a torment.

It feels like there is no progress at all.

Everyone looked at him, wondering if he was stupid.

The Qingfeng scientific research center has successfully reached the moon, and the mining factory will be built.

What other mining plans are we working on?

"We are not for the Qingfeng Scientific Research Center this time, but for ourselves. We can't give up because we have not obtained their technology, since we guessed that the one in the Qingfeng Scientific Research Center is a human.

We are also human, and we can't just sit back and wait for us to concentrate all our resources to develop the space industry!"

Gut seemed to regain his confidence.

It's just that the people present were not inspired by his words.

Jones said: "Our scientists never stop, you can organize if you are interested.

The team of scientists they formed before has always been there.

It's just that people are now scattered, and the project has hardly moved forward.

"You are really helpless!"

Gut really does not want to continue to be with them here.

After leaving a sentence, he left.

He is going to reorganize the team, and he must promote the human spaceflight career.

If anyone in the entire United Nations really cares about human beings, it must be Gut.

He never does things regardless of which side of the camp, and sometimes even regardless of good or evil.

He just hopes that human beings can develop better, and it is estimated that this is the reason why he can sit on the position of Secretary-General of the United Nations.

on the moon.

After Yuntian came out of the underground base, he drove on the lunar rover and first inspected a circle of smelting factories.

Everything is proceeding in an orderly manner, make sure there is nothing wrong.

He continued to move forward.

The direction of this journey is the direction that Eagle Nation landed on the moon.

After driving for about a kilometer or two, Yuntian saw a flag and an abandoned lunar rover in the distance.

"I found it, here it is!"

He drove up quickly.

It was the flag of the Eagle Nation, which had been here for decades.

It's still there.

The lunar rover next to it was covered in lunar dust, but it looked like new.

There is no oxygen on the moon, and the two lunar rovers will not rust no matter how long they stay here.

"Wori, is this something left over from the Eagle Nation's moon landing?"

The audience also saw the cloudy sky on the moon at this time.

The pictures in the entire live room are all about these ruins.

In fact, the country has long been able to photograph the evidence of the Eagle Country landing on the moon through the moon's synchronous orbit satellite.

It's just that the country has not released a clear picture.

This has also led many people to be skeptical about the Eagle Country.

The idea that Eagle Nation landed on the moon is actually false.

Now all the evidence is really in front of everyone.

Everyone saw the flag of the Eagle Country, especially the lunar rover left on the moon.

No one will doubt it anymore.

"It seems that the Eagle Country was real back then."

"Nonsense, the state has photographed the evidence long ago, and some people think it is fake."

Yuntian got off his lunar rover and walked to the lunar rover of Eagle Country.

This thing looks like an iron frame, except for the necessary parts, other parts can be said to be omitted.

As you can imagine, it is to reduce weight.

It is nothing compared to the lunar rover driven by Yuntian.

He looked around.

Also very emotional.

Humans have been able to land on the moon in the last century.

Decades have passed.

Human spaceflight technology has not only not progressed, but has even regressed.

This can't help but make people sigh.

If in the past few decades, human beings develop the aerospace industry at all costs, maybe the moon is already full of vitality, and there are bases everywhere.

Humans may be able to log on to Mars.

In addition to the lunar rover, not far from this place, there is also the base of a lunar landing module.

This is what their lunar module left behind when they returned to lunar orbit.

All of this proves the highest level of human spaceflight in the last century.

The audience was silent when they saw it.

Everyone has the same idea as Yun Tian.

Decades have passed, what have we done?

Why has the main direction of development turned to the Internet and to entertainment?

instead of spaceflight!

Now when the crisis of mankind is really coming, can the Internet and entertainment save mankind?

That obviously doesn't work...

Only spaceflight is the last savior of mankind.

It's too late now.

Yun Tian watched here for a long time before returning to the battleship.

A week passed in a blink of an eye.

This is Yuntian's seventh day on the moon, receiving orders from Chen Feng.

He is returning to Blue Star today.

Moon Refinery

It has been working normally and has been working continuously for four days.

During these four days, the fuel of the Blue Star 1 spacecraft was filled to 1%.

Ten times more than the previous one thousandth.

This smelting factory is still a little smaller. According to calculations, if you want to fill up the fuel of a star-class warship, it will take the factory to refine it day and night for three months.

Fortunately, one percent of the fuel is enough to handle all the fuel supply between the Blue Star and the moon.

And the factory is still producing day and night.

As for the lunar base, since there are many things that need to be built in it, including the fusion energy supply system, the base is still under construction until now.

However, all the resources needed for base construction have been unloaded.

Next, as long as the construction continues day and night, it will be completed soon.

Knowing that the super battleship is going to return today, all forces on Blue Star are thinking about it.

If the super battleship has been on the moon, it will not have any effect on the situation on the blue star.

But now that it's back, that means something will definitely change.

Yuntian took off from the moon with a battleship.

The same is to use the anti-gravity system first, but the gravity of the moon is very small, and the spacecraft can only turn on the power system after it has risen less than 300 meters.

Driven by the power system, the spacecraft flew towards the Blue Star.

Yuntian was in the cab, looking at the blue star that was getting closer and closer to him.

He was very emotional.

Although the trip to the moon this time is only a week.

But they are 400,000 kilometers apart.

Now it's finally time to go back.

Not to mention how happy he was.

In just over an hour, the spacecraft entered the orbit of the Blue Star.

On the orbit of the Blue Star, Yuntian saw the International Space Station, as well as Longguo's own space station.

Compared with their own warships, these two spaces are like mice and elephants.

The difference is not that big.

This is already the largest space station that humans can make in space.

Even so, it was built slowly in multiple launches.

"The battleship has stopped in the Blue Star Synchronous Orbit."

Blue Star Command Center, measurement and control personnel report.

Zhang Heng looked at the screen.

Now this kilometer-class battleship hovers in the orbit of the Blue Star.

No one knows what the next plan of Qingfeng Scientific Research Center is.

Even if Zhang Heng is the security chief of the Long Kingdom, he can control a country's resources.

All you can do at this point is wait.

There's really nothing else he can do.

Naturally, this news was also obtained by the United Nations.

Zhang Heng just didn't know what to do.

The people there were somewhat frightened.

You must know that this star-class warship must be equipped with weapons of mass destruction.

It is now running in the Blue Star synchronous orbit, and it is a 2.2 fatal threat to all countries on the entire Blue Star.

"Are you sure that our sneak attack on the Qingfeng Scientific Research Center has not been exposed?" Yevgeny asked with a frown.

For such a long time, Qingfeng Scientific Research Center did not retaliate.

It seems to everyone that they do not know.

But now facing the oppression of the star-class battleship.

Everyone is not so sure.

"If Long Guo doesn't disclose it, I think it should not be exposed." Jones said while looking at the screen.

Everyone knows, how is this possible?

Long Guo and Qingfeng Scientific Research Center now look like they are wearing a pair of pants.

It must have been reported long ago.

In the tense mood of the people in the United Nations.

A spaceship that seemed to be only more than 20 meters long flew down from the star-class battleship.

Compared to the entire battleship, this spaceship is like a plane flying out of an aircraft carrier.

Yuntian drove a small spacecraft into the atmosphere of the blue star.

Seeing this, everyone understood.

Qingfeng Scientific Research Center has no plans to let the battleship land on Blue Star again.

At the same time, he was surprised by the power of the battleship, and there are special aircrafts to log in to the planet.

With this battleship, it is completely possible to gallop the entire solar system.

Yun Tian drove the spacecraft to the Qingfeng Scientific Research Center soon. This spacecraft is also an anti-gravity system spacecraft.

It hovered less than a meter above the scientific research center and did not touch the ground.

"Master, I'm back." Yun Tian shouted happily.

First, the proton came out to greet him.

"Congratulations on successfully completing the mission Yuntian."

"Hey, what congratulations are there, I just went to the moon to play, not to mention any missions.

What Yun Tian said was true.

He really didn't do anything serious. He drove the rover to the moon every day, and then came back to eat, sleep, and the beauty of the moon in his heart. Other than that, he did nothing. .

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