"General Zhang, we need to do a close-up observation test in front of the water drop!"

Hongbo Zhang is a materials scientist at the Academy of Sciences.

His main research is stealth materials.

He participated in the research on the coating material on the National Tip 20.

It is because he is a materials scientist.

See the information that water droplets reflect 100% of electromagnetic waves.

He didn't believe it.

No one knows better than him.

How difficult is it to achieve 100% reflection of electromagnetic waves?

Unless the material can really do it at the molecular level, it won't be possible.

Zhang Hongbo asked to test the water droplets in person.

"That's right, General Zhang. I read that the temperature of the surface of the water droplet is -273 degrees Celsius, which is absolute zero. I can't imagine it if I don't see it with my own eyes."

Another scientist, Zhao Chunliang, doesn't seem to have recovered from the shock until now.

Humans have been studying cryogenic technology for so many years.

-273 degrees Celsius is nothing more than a theoretical minimum temperature.

There is simply no one who can actually achieve this temperature.

No one has seen it, let alone understand it.

However, the materials he got were very clear.

The surface temperature of the water droplet is -273 degrees Celsius.

As an expert in cryogenic technology, Zhao Chunliang also believes that seeing is believing.

"You have also seen the video material."

Zhang Heng looked at the scientists in the conference room.

He also knew that this was too bizarre.

But the video material was also shown to them.

It was taken by Luo Yun in a helicopter.

Among them, the temperature displayed on the temperature gun, and Luo Yun's hand that was frozen purple.

It's all clear.

And the low-altitude radar detection data of the capital has been taken over by him.

It is displayed in real time on the big screen behind.

There is no shadow of water droplets at all.

There can be no fake!

"General Zhang, we are all doing research work. Many times, if we don't see it with our own eyes and test it in person, it is difficult to get a clear result."

Another scientist spoke up.

At this time, a guard came in.

Put a document in front of Zhang Heng.

Look at the data.

Zhang Heng said with a smile, "I almost forgot, you are all scientists."

The content of the material is nothing else.

It is the application of scientists from other parts of the country.

So far, there are more than 100 experts and scholars in various fields across the country.

Apply for water droplet detection through various channels.

It is the nature of scientists to be curious and explore the unknown.

"Everyone on here wants to detect droplets."

Zhang Heng picked up the information and gave everyone a glance.

Can't see the exact name.

But it is densely packed, at least hundreds of people.

Those present also believed it.

Now is just the beginning.

There are certainly many more people who would like to specifically detect water droplets.

After all, the heat of the water droplets is now so high.

"General, Eagle Nation and Grizzly Bear Nation have sent information again, still requesting to participate in the detection of water droplets.

I have seen this information above, and the instructions given are to let you make up your mind. "

The guard placed an encrypted document in front of Zhang Heng again.

He spoke in a low voice.

But the conference room was closed, so others could hear it.

"General Zhang, absolutely not, if the water droplet is really the technology of alien civilization, the scientific and technological achievements contained in it are of great significance.

They want to get involved just to get a piece of the pie.

We are not incapable of detecting it! "

Zhang Heng has yet to comment.

The room full of scientists was not happy.

In these years of scientific research, they have not been less angry.

Especially the technical blockade of the Eagle Country.

Since the water droplets appeared in the sky above the Dragon Kingdom, they belonged to the Dragon Kingdom!

Other countries must not allow them to participate.

Zhang Heng was clear in his heart.

The above asked him to make up his mind, in fact, the meaning is very obvious.

That is to reject them.

As a soldier, Zhang Heng didn't care so much.

"Tell them that no one can come forward and probe until they can't be sure if the droplets are dangerous."

This time Zhang Heng changed his way of saying, not as tough as before.

Of course anyone he said was referring to any foreigner.

"Yes!" The guard left.

The meeting room was quiet again.

"I'll let you test it yourself, but... Now we need to discuss a question, whether to get the water droplets down for research, or send you up for research."

Zhang Heng is not only responsible for scientific research results.

More to consider is safety.

Although the water droplets look beautiful, there is no danger.

But what is the actual situation, no one knows.

"Isn't it impossible to get it down?" Someone said.

Luo Yun has already tried it.

The water droplets are like they are embedded in the air and cannot be removed.

Zhang Heng picked up the remote control on the table.

A picture is played.

In the picture, water droplets are suspended in the air.

A wire mesh is tied around its body.

Eight arm-thick steel cables are connected to the bottom of the wire mesh.

The wire rope is more than 300 meters long, and it has been connected to the huge dragging machine on the ground.

"Through this device, up to tens of thousands of tons of pulling force can be issued. Even if the water droplet is really welded to the sky, we can pull it down."

Zhang Heng had long ago asked people to design a plan to pull down the water droplets.

and made this picture.

"No!" Zhang Hongbo shouted immediately.

Other scientists also shook their heads.

"Such a violent drag is likely to injure the water droplets, and the urban area below is very dangerous!"

"Yes, General Zhang, I suggest sending us up by helicopter."

Scientists were horrified.

The water droplets look very fragile, how can they withstand such a big move.

In the event of a drop of water, the above technology may not be able to recover.

"Send you to study, this is our second plan, it seems that you all support the second plan?"

Zhang Heng turned off the rear projection.

For the first set of plans, he also knew that it was not advisable.

In order to realize this plan, all people at least 500 meters below must be evacuated.

The impact is too great.

"Since this is the case, then prepare to get off. There will be a helicopter to take you up tomorrow morning."



The roof of Jinke Building.

It was just six o'clock in the morning, and the sun had not yet fully come out.

There were already many people on the roof.

Most are presenters.

They set up telescopes on the roof and broadcast live via mobile phones.

You can clearly see the water droplets not far away.

This location is the best place to watch the water droplets.

"Yaoyao, you have been live streaming here since yesterday. I heard that your fans have grown a lot?"

The anchor Yaoyao is debugging her machine for today's live broadcast.

"Not a lot, more than three million."

"It has risen by more than three million in one day, isn't that much?"

A few more anchors surrounded him.

Everyone looked envious.

Many of them came only today.

Now Jinke Building can't come up if you want, you have to pay a fee.

There are also security guards above to maintain order and ensure the safety of these people.

Yaoyao looks very approachable.

"Tell you, today is a good time for fans to skyrocket."

Others seem to hear the password for the traffic.

They all want to get to know this big guy who has gained 3 million followers a day.

"You didn't watch the evening news last night?" Yaoyao looked at them in surprise.

"We haven't read the news, but we have seen reports on the Internet."

Yesterday's evening news.

The thirty-minute news broadcast actually took nearly five minutes to report the water droplets that appeared over the capital.

Official news does not acknowledge that the water droplets are the product of alien civilizations.

But also admitted that it is not yet known who put the water droplets in the air.

There is also no word on how it stands in the air.

"The report of the evening news has made the popularity of water droplets reach a new high, and I heard that the National Security Bureau has intervened.

If anything happens today.

How fast do you think it's growing? "

"Yaoyao is right, it seems that it's worth the money to come here."

Others also hurriedly started erecting equipment.

Yaoyao's live broadcast room has already started at this time.

Although it was morning, the number of people in her live broadcast room had already exceeded 50,000.

"It's been a night and the water droplets still don't seem to move."

"I heard that the National Security Bureau will take action today, but I don't know if it's true or not."

"I think it is possible, if the water droplets are really alien probes, then the aliens must want to get in touch with us humans through the water droplets.

Maybe we will leave at any time, we have to pick up the pace. "


"Are you ready?"

A huge helicopter is ready to take off.

This helicopter was several times larger than the one that Luo Yun rode in before.

This is a large gunship.

"Wait, let me check the equipment again."

Zhang Hongbo is making the final confirmation.

"Everyone, take a look to see if there is any missing equipment in their respective equipment."

There are more than a dozen scientists in the helicopter.

These scientists are industry leaders across the country.

After careful selection, they were finally identified.

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