Three-Body Technology, Start Testing Water Drop Detector

Chapter 70 You Have No Choice But To Escape From The Solar System!

"It's so fast, you've been hibernating this month?" Zhang Hongbo asked.

Yun Tian nodded.

"Interstellar travel is the most boring. If I don't hibernate for a month, I will be bored to death."

"Then you are now a month younger than us." Jia Weiguo said jokingly.

"Hehe, everything is normal at the lunar base, right?"

"Normal, the battleship of the Dragon Kingdom has already taken off, and it is estimated that it will land on the moon in ten hours at most.

Zhang Hongbo believed that Yuntian hibernated for a month.

Probably didn't know about this.

Indeed, he was right.

Yuntian didn't know the information for more than a month.

"I'll take a look."

Yun Tianxian ended the call with the two academicians.

Then I followed the situation of Longguo through the Internet.

Although he is far away from Saturn, 1.5 billion kilometers away.

Watch the live stream on Blue Star.

No lag at all.

Very smooth.

That's the benefit of quantum communication.

Full real-time communication.

"How long will it take to land on the moon?"

"I don't know, an hour at most.

"The main reason is that the spacecraft is flying slowly, the speed cannot be added up at all, and the distance between the earth and the moon is too short, in order to reduce the use of fuel.

Can't add to that fast speed. "

Yun Tian saw that the barrage in the live broadcast room blocked almost all the pictures.

everybody knows.

The fastest speed of the New Era can reach one percent of the speed of light.

What is this concept?

If you fly at one percent of the speed of light.

From the blue star to the moon, it only takes more than 100 seconds.

Of course, with such a short distance, the New Era cannot fly so fast.

He will only choose the most economical way to fly.

"Have you heard that the Blue Star No. 1 of the Qingfeng Scientific Research Center seems to have flown to Saturn."

"Fly to Saturn? What are you doing there?"

"I don't know, it must be a mission, it may be a plan to create a bunker."

"Qingfeng Scientific Research Center has the Blue Star No. 1 battleship, so there is no need for a bunker plan at all?"

This news came from the Longguo Measurement and Control Center.

Qingfeng Scientific Research Center has never hidden its whereabouts.

So many times, the satellites of the Dragon Kingdom and other countries in the United Nations can capture the movements of the Blue Star One battleship.

Including the current base of Qingfeng scientific research center on the moon and the trend of smelting factories.

They knew that a month ago, the Blue Star One took off from the moon and flew in the direction of Ten Stars.

"Professors Zhang Hongbo and Jia Weiguo seem to be still on the moon, right?"

"Yeah, the two of them are at the lunar base, carrying out the mission issued by the owner of the Qingfeng Scientific Research Center.

"Oh, it's a pity, now the two professors no longer belong to us from the Dragon Kingdom."

Looking at the discussion in the live broadcast room, Yun Tian didn't say anything.

Watching the battleship of the Dragon Kingdom also flew towards the moon.

He was also very happy for the Dragon Kingdom in his heart.

Although even if Long Guo completed the bunker plan, he could not avoid the attack of the dark forest in the end.

But look now.

In the whole world, only the Dragon Kingdom still has fighting spirit.

This is the best result so far.

In the blink of an eye, the second day came.

in Saturn's orbit.

The robot that went to probe sent back all the data.

According to the analysis of artificial intelligence on the spacecraft.

Saturn's orbit is perfect for building a dock.

There are abundant resources here, and there is no problem in building a light-speed spacecraft.

He has already reported the news to Chen Feng.

Got an affirmative answer from Chen Feng.

Have him build a dock in Saturn's orbit.

And Chen Feng told him.

After this light-speed spacecraft is completed, it will become the root of their Qingfeng Scientific Research Center.

At that time, Chen Feng, and the entire scientific research center will move in.

The Dark Forest Strike will come at any time.

They moved the entire Qingfeng Scientific Research Center into the speed of light spacecraft.

In this way, whenever the Hessian strike comes, they are at least safe.

There was another thought Chen Feng didn't tell them.

That is the small universe.

Chen Feng was not sure that the research and development of the small universe would be completed before the arrival of the Hessians.

So he can't put all his hopes on the research and development of the small universe.

Lightspeed ships are effective under Hessian strikes.

"Start the dock building process."

Yuntian pressed a button.

Don't look at just this one button.

It represents the entire construction process.

This building program is proton through a lot of calculations.

Docks can be built step by step, and then the mining ships they need are built in the dock.

and various robots.

These mining spacecraft will collect ores from Saturn and its moons, process them, and put them into the use of the spacecraft.

This light-speed spacecraft uses a space curvature engine.

It is the strongest propulsion technology mastered by Chen Feng.

After the program starts.

The warehouse door of Blue Star One was slowly opened.

There are more than 100 small spaceship robots stored in it.

These are the equipment of the spaceship and the robot, the original construction equipment of the entire dock.

They will build more robots first.

Then build slowly.

It's like laying more than 100 eggs here.

These eggs will continue to hatch.

Eventually it will evolve into a light-speed spacecraft.

That's the benefit of the proton's super computing power.

All possible problems are accounted for in advance.

After doing this, Yuntian's mission is complete.

Of course, this is only a preliminary task.

What he has to do next is to go to the moon every once in a while.

Bring the ore refined on the moon and the fusion energy refined.

This is the shipyard that consumes the most resources at present.

Qingfeng Research Center.

Proton is reporting to Yuntian.

"Master, the construction of the dock located in Saturn's orbit has begun, and the whole process is within my monitoring and calculation, and I will make corrections in real time.

Proton reported to Chen Feng.

Chen Feng nodded and called up the picture on Saturn's side.

More than a hundred robots have entered the surface of the moon.

They will gather resources here and build shipyards.

"How long is the speed of light spacecraft expected to be completed?" Yun Tian asked.

"It is estimated that in two years, we need to build the dock first, and then we can build the spacecraft, and the two years are already very tight.

Protons also know that they don't have much time.

Her calculations, though very fast, are also very accurate.

But for the arrival of the dark forest strike.

She can't even figure it out.

Only one probability can be calculated.

Anyway, the further back in time, the greater the probability of this event happening.

If they make a light-speed ship.

Don't be afraid at all.

"We still have to hurry up, our time is running out, and Blue Star has become more and more unsafe.

Although Chen Feng does not have such powerful computing power.

But he had a hunch.

This time won't be long.

A hundred years should be impossible.

They can't bet.

Even if this probability only increases by one percent every year.

They also don't have the capital to gamble.

This is a gamble with everyone's life.

Betting with the entire human civilization.


Proton naturally knew what Chen Feng was thinking.

He turned and said, "Master, what about the Longteng Super Factory?"

The factory is now empty.

Most importantly, the factory is useless for them.

"Give it to the people of Longguo." Chen Feng said in a deep voice.


After a while, Chen Feng suddenly said again: "Tell the people of Long Kingdom euphemistically, let them escape from the solar system and never come back."

Anyway, Chen Feng is also a native of the Dragon Kingdom.

Now the Hessian strike is coming.

Without the speed of light spacecraft, it would be impossible to escape at that time.

If you use a star-class battleship now and start to flee.

By the time the Hessian strike came, they had already escaped into the starry sky.

Maybe you can dodge the Hessian blow.

As for the bunker plan.

That's useless stuff.

"To remind them? That would cause panic.

According to what protons know about humans.

When everyone knew that the Hessian attack could not be avoided.

It's sure to cause panic.

Escape plans certainly don't work in humans either.

The most important point is that escape can only be a part of the people.

There are billions of human beings, and even the people of the Dragon Kingdom have more than one billion.

Among the billions of people, E?

No matter who was let to escape, the others would certainly not be happy.

This will cause no one to escape in the end.

This is human nature!

"I understand what you said, but this is not something we need to consider. All we can do is to send them the unused factory, and the outsourcer will remind them.

As for how they choose in the end, it doesn't matter to us. "

Chen Feng feels that he has done his best to do these things.

At that time, if I really have the ability to make a small universe.

If he can save more people, he will also consider saving more people.

But now, he can only think about himself first.


Proton received a task from Chen Feng.

Then changed hands and handed over the task to Yuntian.

After Yun Tian received the master's task, he immediately contacted Zhang Heng who was far away in Blue Star.

Zhang Heng is in the control room.

Their spacecraft has reached the moon.

At present, it is parked less than 100 kilometers away from the base of Qingfeng Scientific Research Center.

Their base is built here.

Because they don't have a base.

The battleship can only be used as a base temporarily.

Build a smelting factory first.

Without intelligent mining robots, all mining work is collected by real people driving small mining trucks.

Stack the collected ores together.

There are also many engineers who are responsible for debugging the machine.

Their smelting machines are all debugged on Bluestar.

When we get to the moon, we need to re-adjust it.

They are still very smart, because there is no controlled nuclear fusion technology.

Fusion fuel was refined and put into use for warships.

Then let the battleship provide energy.

This is equivalent to using the fusion reaction of the battleship as an energy supply device in disguised form.

Just when Zhang Heng was watching the situation on the moon.

He received a video call from Yuntian.

Seeing the video call from Yuntian, Zhang Heng immediately took it seriously.

...for flowers...  

He hurried to his conference room.

Video is connected.

Yuntian rarely texts him


That means there must be something important.

"Hello, Mr. Yuntian." After the video was connected, Zhang Heng greeted with a smile.

He could see that Yun Tian should be inside the battleship.

In the background are battleships.

"Long time no see, General Zhang." Yun Tian also greeted.

"I heard that Mr. Yun Tian has now reached the orbit of Saturn. What is his mission?"

Zhang Heng's question is very level.

It seems casual, but in fact, I just want to know what Yuntian is doing there.

"There is a mission, but it is kept secret for the time being."

Yun Tian heard Zhang Heng's words.

If he could say it, he didn't need to hide it.

The speed of light spacecraft is now the most important plan of Qingfeng Scientific Research Center.

It has not yet been released to the public.

"Understood." Zhang Heng nodded, and then said, "Does Mr. Yuntian have any instructions?"

"Two things to tell you.

There is no ink in the sky.

Zhang Heng immediately went to get a pen and paper.

Need to write down what Yuntian said.

"Please say."

"The first thing, the Longteng Super Factory was originally built by the Dragon Kingdom, and now it is returned to the Dragon Kingdom, with the construction program for sending you a star-class warship, as long as you provide resources,

You can build a star-level warship like the Blue Star One. "

Hear what Yuntian said.

Zhang Heng didn't react at all, and his pen didn't even remember anything.

After a while.

He just came back to his senses.

"Even the manufacturing process of the star-class battleship was given to us?" Zhang Heng's heart was thumping.

He thought that the Qingfeng Research Center would give them the super factory.


But he really didn't dare to think about the star-class battleship.

After all, this thing is the most powerful warship of Qingfeng Scientific Research Center.

This is their absolute oppression.

It would be great to give them the manufacturing procedures for the New Era.

Unexpectedly, the Qingfeng Scientific Research Center will really give them the manufacturing process of the star-class battleship.

In Zhang Heng's view, it is very unbelievable.

It's like the Eagle Nation sold their BI2 bomber manufacturing line.

They sent all the manufacturing technology of their Ford-class aircraft carriers.

In Zhang Heng's view, the star-class battleship is the strongest technology of Qingfeng Scientific Research Center.

It is impossible to send out.

"That's right, from now on, you can build star-class warships at will, but according to our calculations, Blue Star's resources are only enough to build four warships.

If you want to build more star-class warships, you still need to find resources in the universe. "

Yun Tian reminded.

"Understood, we understand this!" Zhang Heng replied excitedly.

They originally wanted to find resources in the universe.

The moon was their first stop.

Same as Qingfeng Scientific Research Center.

The moon will provide them with a steady stream of fusion fuel.

With these fusion fuels, they can go further afield, such as Mars in search of resources.

Bring these resources back to Bluestar to create more warships.

The plan is now very perfect for them.

"By the way, Mr. Yun Tian, ​​you said two things just now, and one more thing?"

Zhang Heng took it for granted that another task must be theirs.

Qingfeng Scientific Research Center gave them such a great gift.

No matter what the task, they will do their best to complete it.

"Yes, there is another thing that is also very important.

The master asked me to remind you that after the creation of a star-class warship, it is best to select some people as soon as possible and escape from the solar system. "

"Escape from the solar system?" Zhang Heng was a little puzzled, and did not understand Yun Tian's words for the first time.

"That's right, I just escaped from Japan, and I'll never come back."

When he heard never come back, Zhang Heng felt terrible unconsciously.

He was silent for a while.

Then he said: "Your master is not optimistic about our bunker plan?"

In fact, Zhang Heng guessed that Yuntian's current mission in Saturn's orbit was a bunker plan.

He felt that Yuntian should be building a space city behind Saturn.

Did they guess wrong?

"You can understand it this way, I can't tell you much, I can only tell you that when you build a star-class warship, the best choice is to select some people to escape from the sky.

yang system. "

Yuntian didn't tell them about the dimensionality reduction attack.

Proton has clearly told him, and repeatedly mentioned it.

Avoid human panic.

"Mr. Yuntian, do you mean that we have no way to fight the Hessian attack except to escape?"

Zhang Heng was also a little flustered.

The Dragon Kingdom has a population of more than one billion.

Pick some people out.

How many can I choose?

A star-class warship can only carry 2,000 people.

Are they going to pick out thousands of people out of a billion people and run away?

It's simply not an option.

"General Zhang, I know this is a very painful thing, but you should do it for the sake of humanity, and I have told you the result. "How do you choose yourselves?"


Okay, I've said all two things

What's the matter, we'll contact you again

Bye bye!".

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