Three-Body Technology, Start Testing Water Drop Detector

Chapter 73 Immortality At The Cellular Level!

Everyone in the room held their breath.

Is this thing ten kilometers long?

What is the concept, if not because in space, the angle of the shot is relatively long.

They couldn't see the end at a glance.

Not just the dockmaster.

And there are all kinds of robots on it working non-stop.

There seems to be a whole new battleship to be built.

"Qingfeng Scientific Research Center is going to manufacture a brand new warship?" Someone asked.

From their point of view, the Blue Star No. 1 star-class battleship is already the most powerful battleship.

It is one kilometer in length and five million tons in weight.

And a fusion-free propulsion system is used.

Isn't this level of warships the best?

Zhang Heng stared at the dock in the video.

He also didn't know why Qingfeng Scientific Research Center built a dock near Saturn.

"Aren't they going to build a space city behind Saturn?" someone asked.

You know, most of the people present.

Especially scientists.

They always believe that the bunker plan is the best way to save mankind.

Qingfeng Scientific Research Center should easily understand this truth.

There's no reason why they wouldn't build a space city.

Now they're actually building spacecraft over there on Saturn?

There are not many people in their Qingfeng Scientific Research Center.

A star-class battleship is completely enough for them to use.

Even without building a space city.

You can also escape when the Hessian strike comes.

The scientists couldn't figure it out, but Zhang Heng knew something.

Yuntian had already reminded him that the bunker plan would not work.

Now they are near Saturn in person, and have seen the shipyard built by Qingfeng Scientific Research Center on Saturn.

This further verifies the information Yuntian told them.

should be accurate.

"If the bunker plan really can't avoid the Hessian attack, the Qingfeng Scientific Research Center can escape right now, why build a dock on Saturn's side?

Could it be that he's going to build bigger warships?"

Zhang Heng was full of doubts.

He did not know what form the Hessian strike would take.

Therefore, it is impossible to understand the meaning of Qingfeng Scientific Research Center.

But one thing should be clear now.

The bunker plan is definitely problematic.

It wasn't just Zhang Heng who were equally surprised.

Chu Yan and his group, who were far in the orbit of Saturn, were also taken aback.

They thought they were on the far side of Saturn.

You can definitely see the space city established by Qingfeng Scientific Research Center.

Even if it's not built, it's almost half finished.

Didn't expect to see it here.

It turned out to be a huge dock.

Is this to build a warship as long as ten kilometers?

A battleship ten kilometers in length?

What kind of concept this is, I can't imagine it.

"Captain, what should we do now?" asked several other deputy captains on the Blue Star II.

Chu Yan thought about it.

When he came, General Zhang Heng gave him the task of seeing what the Qingfeng Scientific Research Center was doing here.

His mission is complete.

"According to the original plan, explore the resources on Saturn and its moons, and then go to Mercury and Jupiter."

They still have to go according to the original plan.

Detect all the resources on the planet that these bunker plans need to use.

Prepare for the bunker plan behind.

Zhang Heng took the video and saw the big leader again.

"Leaders, I think our plan should be implemented." Zhang Heng had a sad look on his face.

Now he felt that Blue Star was really insecure day by day.

Fortunately, the Qingfeng Scientific Research Center is still at Bluestar.

One day, if the Qingfeng scientific research center has moved away.

That shows that the Hessian attack is really fast.

Leaders watch the video carefully.

"Qingfeng Scientific Research Center also seems to want to escape." The big leader murmured.

From the video, it can be seen that they want to build a larger warship.

Then run away.

"It should be like this, according to my speculation, they should be building faster ships."

It is said that the size of the Blue Star One is enough for the Qingfeng Scientific Research Center.

And now they are going to make warships again.

There is only one possibility, and that is that they are building faster ships.

"The faster one? The speed of light?" All the leaders could think of was the speed of light.

After all, the speed of the star-class battleship has reached fifteen percent of the speed of light.

"We don't know this, we don't have the ability to make a faster spacecraft, so we have to leave early.

Since Qingfeng Scientific Research Center gave us a hint, it means that it is still too late to escape.

Once we hesitate, it may be too late.

Zhang Heng had already brought over the top-secret information.

Just a few big leaders nodded.

They will start implementing.

Several people looked at each other.

This decision is still too difficult to make.

Let a few people call a star-class battleship to escape.

Once the people know, the whole world will boil.

They will surely become the common enemy of the entire human race.

The most important thing is that this matter cannot be made public yet.

Once published, the results are more enforced.

Human nature is selfish.

Everyone would rather everyone perish in a Hessian blow.

It is absolutely impossible to see some people running away.

"Leaders, we can't hesitate any longer." Zhang Heng urged again.

"How many people know about this plan now?" the leader asked.

"It's just a few of us, the plan is going on in secret, and no one knows our true purpose.

Zhang Heng has been keeping secrets.

when the previous plan was carried out.

It is also using other names to cover up.

"Neither the New Era nor the Blue Star 2 can do this, but the newly produced Blue Star 3 can be considered."

A leader gave his opinion.

The Longteng Super Factory is still in operation.

The latest Blue Star III can be completed in one year.

When the time comes, let the Blue Star 3 take 2,000 people away first.

Nothing at all.

"No way, leader, I'm afraid it's too late, we should let the Blue Star 2 come back directly, bring 2,000 people and enough spare parts and resources, and leave the solar system immediately

Zhang Heng still insisted on letting them go.

The six leaders did not speak.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this group of people is carefully selected by us across the country, and they are very suitable for the continuation of our human civilization.

Zhang Heng emphasized again.

"What we are more concerned about is whether this matter will be exposed, and I think it is very difficult not to expose it.

What really worries leaders is that this can't really be kept secret.

Once the information leaked out.

They will immediately become the target of public criticism.

"Leaders, we can't control so much anymore, all we have to do is to send these two thousand people away first, and then talk about it.

Facing Zhang Heng's persistence.

The six leaders finally made up their minds to wake up.


Then execute.

Chu Yan, who collected data far away from Saturn, received the information from Blue Star.

"I have an important task, hurry back!"

The message is as simple as that.

After Chu Yan received the task, without any hesitation, he controlled the battleship and began to return to Blue Star.

Several other deputy captains also saw the information.

Everyone has no opinion.

Moon base.

After two days of voyage, Yuntian finally came to the lunar orbit.

Driving a small boat, entered the moon base.

The current lunar base is fully constructed.

All parts inside are functioning normally.

It's just that now there are only two people, Zhang Hongbo and Jia Weiguo.

"Yuntian, you are finally here. Old Zhang has been saying these days that when you come, we will show you our scientific research achievements during this period."

Jia Weiguo was very happy when he saw Yuntian.

The two of them had been on the moon for so long, and it was somewhat boring.

"Haha, didn't I come to accompany you?"

Yun Tian followed them to the laboratory.

Would like to see their research and development results.

"Yuntian, come and see this, this is the transgenic sea bass that I developed, this fish is incredible, not only retains the deliciousness of the sea bass, but the most important thing is that raising this kind of fish does not require water, they can live in the air.

And this is a new type of fruit that I developed. These fruits have never appeared before. They are brand new varieties that I have genetically modified from other fruits.

The taste is absolutely invincible. "

As soon as he entered the laboratory, Zhang Hongbo hurriedly showed Yuntian his genetic products.

He has since mastered genetic technology.

A lot of genetically modified products have been made.

"It's amazing, I told you that these genetically modified products I made have been tested by protons and agreed to keep them.

They each make a product.

Protons are detected simultaneously.

If the product is safe and does have some value.

It will be retained and earned into the King of Science and Technology Knowledge House.

If they make a product that is a safety risk, or worthless, it will be destroyed.

Since then, Zhang Hongbo has developed a total of twelve products.

Although these things are not necessary, they really enrich the life of their base.

"Yuntian, don't listen to him. Most of the things he makes are for eating, and it doesn't make much sense. Look at what I made."

Jia Weiguo pulled Yun Tian aside.

Show him a device he invented.

"Have you seen this battle armor? Did you think of Iron Man? A fusion armor, I tell you that if this battleship is on the Blue Star, you can wear this battleship against a country by yourself!"

One of the most successful things Jia Weiguo has done during this period is to create a very small version of controlled nuclear fusion.

It is smaller than what Chen Feng has done before.

Small enough to fit in a suit of armor.

Paired with their non-working substance propulsion technology, an invincible battle armor was created.

Yun Tian looked at the red armor.

That's really what happened.

Just don't know how to wear it.

"Academician Jia, your armor is quite strong, but it doesn't seem to be very useful?"

Yuntian poured a basin of cold water on him.

If the Iron Man armor is on the Blue Star, the battle between human civilizations will definitely be invincible.

But for them now.

It doesn't make much sense.

"Why not?"

Jia Weiguo looked unconvinced.

"Protons say it makes a lot of sense," he explained.

"Oh?" These Yuntians also showed some interest.

Proton never commented casually.

Since she says it makes sense, she must mean it


"Of course, the significance of Proton is not the significance of the battle armor, but the significance of the small-scale nuclear fusion technology I made.

This technique has already been recorded.

In the future, any of our small devices can use this technology, and even mobile phones can use controlled nuclear fusion.

When a mobile phone is used for scrap, the energy will not be used up. "

Hearing what he said, Yun Tian probably understood.

The master himself does not have time to study small controlled nuclear fusion.

Academician Jia has researched it.

It is also a very meaningful thing.

Adding to their tech empire.

"You two are really good, you solved a lot of problems for the master that he didn't have time to solve.

Hear Yuntian's praise.

The two were also proud.

"Of course, the master also praised us and said he would give us more information.

"Don't worry, nuclear fusion is very genetic technology, you still have to study it well."

Zhang Hongbo walked up at this time, nodded and said, "Yuntian is right.

Although I have mastered a lot of genetic technology now, the more I master these, the more I feel that I am still a lot worse.

Recently, I have been thinking about how to study immortal biological cells.

But never had a clue. "

"Eternal life?" His words surprised Yun Tian.

Has Academician Zhang's strength increased so fast?

Immortal genetic cells?

"That's right, so I've been studying cancer cells for a while now, hoping to get some inspiration out of it.

The last time you had a video call with the owner.

I also asked the owner this question. "

"What did the master say?" Yun Tian was also curious.

What he is mainly curious about is whether the immortality technology actually exists.

"The master said that immortality is theoretically possible, but it is difficult to achieve immortality at the cellular level.

Because our brain cells can store limited information.

Unless the memory of a long time ago is deleted after a period of time.

This ensures that the brain doesn't grow all the time.

Otherwise, the price of our immortality is likely to be a bigger and bigger brain.

But on the other hand, if the memory is deleted.

In theory we are no longer ourselves.

It is equivalent to reincarnation.

This is not eternal life. "

Yun Tian nodded knowingly.

"What does the master mean, if we don't think about it at the cellular level, we still have a chance to live forever?"

Jia Weiguo also came to interject.

"It should be like this, when we study the brain to a certain extent, we can extract our memories.

And then implanted into the machine brain.

This machine brain can hold data for countless years.

Then we will be stronger.

After 10,000 years, when you recall what happened 10,000 years ago, it is still very clear.

This (getting money Zhao) can achieve immortality. "

Hear the method of immortality described by Jia Weiguo.

Yun Tian couldn't help taking a breath of cold air.

So, are people still people?

"Look at you scared.

Zhang Hongbo looked at Yun Tian's face, smiled and patted his shoulder.

"Even this technology [is] a long way to go. [012111512023431051]

After speaking, the three of them came to the lounge.

The robot brought them a cup of tea.

Zhang Hongbo pointed to the tea in front of them, and said proudly: "I see this tea, I have genetically modified it based on the Dahongpao from Wuyi Mountain.

It is a hundred times better than the tea produced from the mother tree of Dahongpao. "

Yuntian has already smelled the fragrance of tea.

He is not a tea lover.

But when I smell this tea, I can't help but want to try it.

Carefully took a sip.

This taste is absolutely amazing!

"Academician Zhang, if you put this tea on Blue Star, it will definitely explode.

Zhang Hongbo is not modest at all.

"Everything I've developed on Bluestar has exploded.

The three chatted while drinking tea.

"By the way, Yuntian, how is the situation on Saturn?" They began to chat about Saturn's situation.

"The dock has been built, and in at most two years, our first light-speed spacecraft will be built.

"Can it be built in two years?" Jia Weiguo and the two were still surprised at this speed.

Yun Tian was not surprised at all.

"You may not know how many robots are working around the clock."

The coolest thing about Qingfeng Scientific Research Center is the fully automated manufacturing robot.

These robots work under the control of proton brains.

Working day and night.

That efficiency is impeccable!

"The master said that we will all move in when the light-speed spacecraft is completed?"

Jia Weiguo asked.

Yun Tian nodded.

"The Hessian strike could come at any time, and the further back in time, the greater the possibility.

We enter the light-speed spacecraft as soon as possible, and even if the Hessian strike comes, it will not affect our safety. ".

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