Three-Body Technology, Start Testing Water Drop Detector

Chapter 76 The United Nations Negotiates With The Dragon Kingdom, And The World Is In Chaos

"Bluestar II escaped!"

"Don't let them go, absolutely not!"

"Blue Star Two left us and escaped, we were left behind."

"Woooooo... the end of the world is coming!"

Whether it was the people on the scene or the people watching through the live broadcast room, they could clearly see that the Blue Star II ignored everyone's opposition.

has already flown to the sky.

They flew away this time, and it was definitely impossible for them to come back.

They will be the first humans to escape.

The entire Dragon Kingdom was boiling at this moment, and everyone was shouting this.

Some people are cursing.

Some people are crying.

In addition to anger, there is despair, deep despair in everyone's heart.

The people we left behind have no future.

There are more and more protesters on the streets.

The doors of the government are about to be broken.

Even many officials joined the parade.

No one is working, and no one is looking after life.

The whole world is in chaos.

Three hours after the Blue Star II flew away.

The leadership of Long Guo held a press conference for the whole world.

The press conference was broadcast live around the world.

At the beginning of the press conference, everyone saw the big leader sitting in the center.

The great leader of the Dragon Kingdom is the backbone of everyone.

I saw that he was still on the Blue Star, and he was still with everyone.

Everyone's anger has eased a little bit.

"Hello everyone." The leader greeted everyone.

Next to the big leader, there are also a row of other leaders.

These are the leaders that everyone sees on the news all the time.

They are all still there.

After saying hello.

The leader continued: "Comrades, I am very unfortunate to tell you that the entire human race is going through a catastrophe.

The blow of dimensionality reduction is something we cannot resist no matter what.

Escape is our helpless choice. "July 13" I know that everyone is very unhappy that some people have escaped.

Some people even felt that the one who escaped should be themselves, and that they made five warships.

But what I want to tell you is that since we knew about the attack of the dark forest, our General Zhang Heng has done more than anyone else.

He is still here, not only here, but also all of his family.

In addition to General Zhang Heng, I, as well as our leaders, are also here.

Their families are also there.

Then, the leader released the list of all personnel and information about the escape plan.

See this announcement.

Everyone was silent.

Among the 2,000 people, almost all came from ordinary families.

They don't have a few dignitaries.

Most are top students.

"The two thousand people we selected are absolutely fair and just, and the selection criteria are one thousand men and one thousand women.

The first is good health and fertility.

The second is our human elite, and then the moral character.

In the selection criteria, there is no background at all. "

Hear the words of the great leaders.

Many people were in tears.

The state is for the sake of mankind, and they only know how to block.

The leader continued: "In the face of disaster, we really have no choice, and escape is the only thing we can do.

The Blue Star II is not our only warship.

We will have Blue Star III and Blue Star IV later.

No matter what date we arrive at the Blue Star, our selection criteria will not change.

We are thinking from the perspective of the future of all human beings, not just one individual.

In the face of this kind of disaster, not only you, but all of us must have the spirit of abandoning ourselves. "

After the leader finished speaking, Zhang Heng picked up the microphone.

He said to everyone: "I, Zhang Heng, make a promise to everyone here, no matter what day, even if the end of the world really comes.

I will never run away.

I will always stand with you all.

But I also hope that you can understand our work.

The fire of human civilization cannot be extinguished.

Those who leave are our common children and grandchildren.

We are going to do our best for them. "

The meaning of Zhang Heng's words is obvious.

Just want to let everyone know that we will continue to work hard in the future.

Society cannot be chaotic.

Because our warships are still to be built.

"The leaders are right, they will always be with us!"

"We can't be bothering the leaders anymore."

"I believe that the selection of personnel for the escape plan is absolutely fair, because my son was selected, and my family has no power or power."

The people of the Dragon Kingdom are always kind.

Always believe what the leader says.

In fact, in the hearts of all people, it is not against escape.

What they really objected to was watching others go.

I can't do anything myself.

Especially powerful people.

Never let them go.

As long as this can be done, the anger of the people can still be quelled.

Because of the active handling of the leadership of Long Guoda, the public opinion on the Internet has temporarily calmed down.

All the people also became obedient and returned to their posts.

It's just that the current Dragon Kingdom has completely lost the cohesion of the past.

A large number of homeless people began to appear.

Prices also started to rise.

Xing Lezu even appeared on the Internet.

Most of these people are people without children.

They don't care about disasters or anything.

The more important thing is to have fun now.

Spend all your money.

When the Hessian attack really comes, everyone will be destroyed together.

It's all irrelevant anyway.

Zhang Heng looked at the reported information [for the society, this kind of result will appear.

He had already expected it.

This is much better than before.

"We can't manage so much for the time being, the most important thing for us is the supply of resources from other countries in the United Nations.

What Zhang Heng is really worried about is not the domestic unrest at all.

Now for the Dragon Kingdom, the most important thing is the manufacture of star-class warships.

This must not be delayed.

The provision of resources is provided by other countries in the United States.

After their escape plan was exposed.

These countries will certainly not provide resources anymore.

"You have to think of a way." Zhang Heng thought in his heart.

United Nations Conference Room.

The meeting room was already full of rage.

"They actually left, the people of Longguo are so fucking rubbish!"

What Jones is scolding is the common people of the Dragon Kingdom.

They paid a huge price to spread right and wrong on the Longguo network.

Get more people involved in the unrest.

Unexpectedly, just because the high-level officials of the Dragon Kingdom came out to express their position, the turmoil was immediately subsided?

The Blue Star No. 2 escaped normally.

This makes him unacceptable!

If this kind of thing happened in Eagle Country, their masses don't need to organize at all.

You can directly smash the windows of all the leaders' homes, and smash your heads!

"Director Jones, let's not say these are useless, let's talk about our response measures.

Yevgeny looked calm.

Their country is similar to the Dragon Kingdom, and the leaders have higher appeal.

So he can understand the behavior of the masses of the Dragon Kingdom.

That kind of feeling of not suffering from poverty and injustice.

Anger can be quelled simply by making them feel fair and without privilege.

Jones' anger was clearly not over.

"There is nothing to say, it is impossible for us to provide resources any more, and the escape quota for the next battleship will be given to us!"

His attitude is clear.

This attitude is also the attitude of the entire Eagle Country.

Blue Star No. 2 has now escaped, and there is nothing they can do.

But the Blue Star III is currently being manufactured.

It can be manufactured in less than a year.

They have to occupy the eagle country.

Otherwise, not only him, but even the people of their country would not agree.

"You think the same as me, we also have to get a place. Since the only way to keep the fire of mankind is to escape, how can we be short of people from our Grizzly Bear Country?"

Yevgeny and Jones had the same idea.

The video of the dimensionality reduction attack came out.

The people of the United Nations have also abandoned the bunker plan.

They also realized that they were too conceited before and proposed the so-called bunker plan.

Alien civilizations are much taller than them.

They can't let you dodge a Hessian attack successfully.

Therefore, the United Nations and these countries did not oppose the escape plan.

What they are now opposing is that since it is human beings who are fleeing, it is impossible for you to be the only one from the Dragon Kingdom fleeing.

Our countries have also contributed.

Since we have done our best, we also have the right to escape.

Gut looked at the crowd, and it was estimated that everyone present had this idea.

"Everyone's ideas are all right, and I personally think that the people of the Dragon Country should indeed give us a certain quota, after all, the people of the Dragon Country can't represent all human beings.

But the problem now is that all the right to speak is in the hands of the people of Longguo.

Even if we no longer provide resources, they are likely to grab it directly. "

Gut raised his concerns.

If the combat power is now, the strongest must be the Dragon Kingdom.

If the negotiation can't get them to grab it directly, what's wrong?

"Direct robbing? Are you kidding me? Unless they use nuclear weapons directly, or we are not afraid of them, the big deal will destroy us all!"

Jones is also not a vegetarian.

The overall military strength of the Dragon Kingdom is indeed the strongest.

But without the help of Qingfeng Scientific Research Center, they would at most have more nuclear weapons than other countries.

If you have the ability, just throw the nuke directly.

Killed us all, but also died under the Hessian blow.

"Jones is right. We will negotiate with the Dragon Kingdom. We must get more than half of the 2,000 places for the next battleship!"

Yevgeny also stiffened.

Two thousand people from the Dragon Kingdom have already escaped.

For the next battleship, it is not too much for them to get a thousand places.

"Since everyone agrees, let's go to the Dragon Country to negotiate!"

Dragon Country Negotiation Room.

Zhang Heng deliberately broadcast the negotiation live on the whole network.

The purpose is to get all the people involved and see if they agree.

"These countries also want places? We can only build one warship a year, and one warship can send 2,000 people away. If we don't have enough, we will give you the quota?"

"They really want to eat shit, and they can't even give them a place, which annoys us and let them taste the power of nuclear bombs directly..."

"I don't think it can be too arbitrary, after all, they have also contributed.

"Oh, you're telling the truth

Well, if this thing is dominated by the Eagles, will they give us a spot?"

For this negotiation, everyone knows that the United Nations has come to ask for a quota.

The absolute majority of people on the Internet agree that this quota cannot be given.

We can't get enough to eat ourselves, and still want to help others?

But there are also individual voices who feel that we should stand at the height of all mankind and should give them some quotas.

However, as soon as this kind of voice appeared, it was directly drowned in the sea of ​​abuse.

"General Zhang, this is a list of resources provided by all the countries of our United Nations over the past year. It can be said that the resources used in the manufacture of the Blue Star 2 are 1%

More than seventy are provided by us.

As a big country of benevolence and righteousness, does your country turn a blind eye to our contribution?"

Gut came prepared.

First stand on the moral high ground and strike a wave of blows.

The list he provided does indeed exist.

"So what? You have to understand that your attempt to use nuclear weapons against us is a defeated country, and you must recognize the punishment for the defeated country!"

"That's right, these people are really interesting, and we want to show them the Xinyi Chou Treaty."

The audience simply didn't recognize what they were saying.

It's not just the audience who don't recognize it.

The Dragon Country negotiators also disagreed.

"When we signed the Xinyi Chou Treaty, wasn't all that silver used for you to build your country? Your country has the current achievements, but we turned a blind eye to the contribution we made?"

Zhang Heng's words instantly blocked Gut's mouth.

It also drew applause from the crowd.

Humph, we are now going to avenge the past.

As a defeated country, we must have the consciousness of a defeated country.

Jones stood up directly at this time: "General Zhang, we are all old friends, so I won't hide it if it's reasonable here.

The masses in our Eagle Country are very angry now.

Let me tell you in one sentence right now, if there are no places, we will not be able to provide you with any more resources.

Yevgeny also stood up.

"I agree with Commissioner Jones, since it is a flight, it is the flight of all human beings, and we have the right to participate in it.

If we just pay blindly and get nothing in return, we would rather all perish in the Hessian attack. "

Bach also made some remarks.

In general, these people are tantamount to a direct showdown.

Since you don't provide us with places, don't blame us for not cooperating with you.

The words of these people silenced the domestic audience.

Because what they say makes sense.

Mines can be found on the moon and even on Mars.

However, there are still some mines that need to be produced by Blue Star, and these resources need to be provided by the United Nations.

Without their provision, it would not be easy to continue to manufacture warships.

"Since this is the case, then please come back." Zhang Heng was not frightened by their aura.

3.3 But it doesn't matter to let them go back.

Jones and the others also frowned in confusion.


Don't they need resources anymore?

"General Zhang, I hope you can understand what you're talking about?" Jones stared at Zhang Heng.

"Of course I know."

After speaking, Zhang Heng called up the big screen.

There are a bunch of numbers on it.

"According to our survey, the unemployment rate in your Eagle Country has reached more than 80%, and it is still increasing.

The shutdown rate of factories has been as high as 90%.

The whole society is in chaos.

There is also the Grizzly Bear Country, where the urban people's life is not as good as that of the common people.

The common people store up their food, and even do not want to continue the heavy land.

Only our Dragon Country can still have a complete production calendar.

Without our help, I reckon you wouldn't have to wait for the arrival of the Hessians, and you would have all perished. "

Look at the rows of data provided by Long Guo.

Jones took a few steps backwards.

Because the data is correct.

Their country is now in chaos beyond control.

The crime rate is dozens of times higher.

Lack of various materials.

If it weren't for the Dragon Kingdom exporting to them, their country would collapse completely.

The entire Eagle Country will become a huge refugee camp.

Of course the rich are fine.

However, most of the ordinary people in Eagle Country have no savings.

And in this chaotic world, the economic system once collapsed.

The whole country is over.

The same is true in Grizzly Country.

Many farmers in the Grizzly Country live in the countryside and don't even farm.

Store food.

For fear of others coming to rob.

Beigull is even more pitiful.

They have given up production and only consume.

There is only the Dragon Kingdom in the world now, and it is still insisting on maintaining social stability.

There are only some people, small-scale unrest. .

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