Three-Body Technology, Start Testing Water Drop Detector

Chapter 88 Cleaner Of Singer Civilization, Destroying The Solar System During Singing

This moment is finally here.

Actually a week ago.

Yuntian has seen protons before.

Proton told him that the probability of a Hessian strike was close to 100%.

will come anytime.

Sure enough, less than seven days have passed, and it is really coming.

"Do you want to notify the humans on the blue star?" Yun Tian looked at the proton.

This is the last time for humans on the blue star, and the entire solar system.

Humans probably don't know yet.

"They should know." Chen Feng said at this time.

"Tell them."

Proton looked at Chen Feng.

"Master, we are not sure about the strength of the spaceship that is invading now..."

Their early warning system is currently only tested to have a spacecraft entered the confines of the solar system.

The specific situation is not known.

The ship wouldn't necessarily be a Hessian strike either.

"This is a light-speed warship, there is no doubt, we are not opponents." Chen Feng looked certain.

The spacecraft that came to the solar system were huge.

Similar to their Reborn.

When flying from a distance, there is a trail of fog behind.

This is only given by the curvature of space.

A light-speed ship.

Since they dare to come to the solar system rashly, it means that their civilization level is very high.

Have no fear.

At least for humans in the solar system, they are absolutely safe.

"Well, I said broadcast to all humans."

Proton immediately began to control, and Blue Star's network was controlled by him in an instant.

Not only Bluestar's network.

There are also several warships that have fled.

At present, only the Blue Star 6 controlled by Zhang Heng and the Lunar spacecraft controlled by Zhang Beihai were the only ones that Proton could contact.

The other ships were too far away.

Even protons, flying at the speed of light, would take a long time to catch up.

"Alien spaceship invasion, Hessian strike is coming!"

Almost at the same time, all the networks on Blue Star were broadcasting this live video.

Everyone's heart trembled.

Is it finally coming?

"Half a year, we have only passed half a year, is this coming?"

"Who put this video, how can it be seen anywhere?"

"It should be the Qingfeng Scientific Research Center, our Bluestar technology can't do it.

It can be said that as long as it is a video device connected to the network.

What's happening in the solar system is being played at this very moment.

Zhang Heng, who had already flown out of the solar system, and Zhang Beihai, as well as those who did not hibernate in their battleships.

They have also seen the picture in the solar system.

"The end is still here." Zhang Heng's heart didn't have much turbulence now.

In the past half a year.

He has gradually adapted to his current identity.

That is a brand new human, a human living in a battleship.

They are no longer the same as the humans on Blue Star.

The civilization and the social relations in it have undergone earth-shaking changes.

On Bluestar is a relatively democratic society.

Today's warships are very dictatorial.

What he said was an absolute command.

And Zhang Heng also believed it.

The situation on other battleships is definitely worse than his side!

At first, he thought that it couldn't be like this, and he wanted to engage in democracy.

But later found out that it didn't work at all.

All ideas need him to do.

Because he is the captain.

"After the Hessian strike is over, I will go into hibernation." Zhang Heng said to the deputy captain next to him.

"Captain, you really need to hibernate, and now the battleship has been sailing at the fastest speed, not hibernating is also a waste of time.

A lot of people are hibernating, we only need two or three people to keep the battleship running.

This is very beneficial for our long interstellar voyages.

We have to preserve our strength.

The deputy captain agreed with Zhang Heng's statement.

In fact, he suggested Zhang Heng to hibernate a long time ago.

All rejected by him.

Originally it was very simple, he wanted to wait until Blue Star's Hessian strike arrived.

He wanted to see the Hessian blow for himself.

There are only five people on the battleship who have not entered hibernation now.

These five people are watching the live broadcast.

On the Blue Star, the leaders of Long Guo stood on the National Square for the last flag-raising ceremony.

On a huge screen in the back, a live broadcast in the universe is playing.

Countless people watched the rising picture in the square.

Tears wet everyone's faces.

Human civilization has developed for so many years, and no one would have thought that the human beings on the Blue Star would go to extinction in this way.

The end of the entire Blue Star is at this moment.

Many people are reminded of the doomsday movies they have seen before.

The plot of the movie is vivid.

Now, because of the family has to experience.

"Comrades, this is our last time to raise the flag. Although our Blue Star is about to perish, the fire of our humanity has not been extinguished.

Comrade Zhang Heng, and more than 10,000 other comrades of us.

Take me to our human civilization.

Towards a brighter future.||!"

The leader shouted loudly.

There was cheers from below.

At this moment, no matter what profession one is engaged in.

No matter what country you are from.

As long as the people standing in the square didn't feel any fear.

Although everyone is shouting.

A bright red flag slowly rose into the air.

A melodious singing sounded.

Everyone looked at the flag with tears in their eyes.

Even in the last moments of our lives, we are the most united in the world.

It can be seen on the big screen at the back.

A battleship orbits the outer periphery of the solar system.

It didn't enter rashly.

far away from the screen.

It doesn't look like this battleship is very big.

In fact, in space, a warship appears quite abnormal.

This is a super battleship similar to the Reborn.

The length is as long as ten kilometers.

"This is the battleship of an alien civilization? Why do I feel like a fish tank?"

"I think it's a bit like, shouldn't aliens be fish?"

"Hehe, we are all dying anyway, it would be great if we could see what aliens look like before we die.

"Did you think aliens would show you what they looked like? Wake up, how far apart we are.

To aliens, we might just be ants.

Not even ants.

Maybe people killed us, or they killed us while singing. "

In fact, many people on Blue Star guess are correct.

On this battleship, an alien with tentacles on its head is driving the spaceship.

While driving, he sang songs in his mouth.

It's just that no one can understand the song he sings.

Even the people on the Blue Star couldn't hear it.

He is a cleanser from the Singer Civilization.

In the Singer Civilization, the status of the Cleaners is very low, and they travel in the universe all their lives.

What it does is to clean up those low-level civilizations.

The Cleaner of the Singer Civilization had discovered the broadcasted solar system a long time ago.

He was quite interested in this galaxy.

Through his observations, this galaxy is only at the first level of civilization.

But inside the galaxy, the curvature fog was found.

This is what the speed of light spacecraft can only stay.

You must know that it is impossible for a first-level civilization to create a light-speed spacecraft.

"Could it be that cleaners from other civilizations have come and this place has been cleaned up?"

The Cleaner of Singer Civilization is a little puzzled.

There is no cosmic magnifying glass on his battleship, so he can't see what's going on inside the solar system light-years away.

He guessed that it may be that other great god civilizations have already developed the solar system.

A light-speed spacecraft passed through here, leaving behind a fog of curvature.

For him a cleaner.

It's all just guesswork.

The cosmic magnifying glass is not something that one of his lowest-level cleaners can mobilize at will.

No way, he can only personally drive the spacecraft to the outer reaches of the solar system.

After a circle around the periphery, he was very surprised to find that this solar system was really unusual.

Among them is a blue planet.

High-intelligence creatures have been produced above, and the current civilization has developed to the first level.

But what puzzled him was that a stellar-class warship that could only be produced by a second-level civilization was produced on this planet.

Not only that, there is also a light-speed warship with curvature technology just like his warship running in the orbit of Blue Star.

"This civilization was helped by other civilizations?"

The Cleaner of Singer Civilization guessed in his heart.

Blue Star's situation is indeed very much like a great god civilization, which has provided them with technical assistance.

Otherwise this cannot happen.

There is only one level of civilization on the entire planet.

On the battleship, there are products of more Gao Wenming level.

The speed of light battleship boasted more than one civilization level.

But as soon as the idea came into being, he quickly dispelled it.

"Impossible, no one in the universe will easily break the law of the dark forest."

The law of the dark forest is a law that all civilizations in the universe must abide by in order to survive.

For hundreds of millions of years, no one has ever broken it.

Their singer civilization is also regarded as a great god civilization in the entire universe.

There are not many civilizations that can carry out a dark forest strike against their civilization.

But even so, they dare not expose themselves easily.

It will not have any communication with other civilizations.

As long as it encounters a civilization weaker than itself, it will be wiped out immediately.

The Law of the Dark Forest is absolutely unbreakable.

The cleaner of the singer civilization wants to know more about this civilization and check what's going on.

Especially when Hua wanted to say hello to the Reborn.

But he was suddenly startled by a person who appeared in front of him.

"What are you doing?" An elder appeared in front of him.

Of course, this elder is just a holographic projection.


The bottom cleaners of the singer civilization were startled when they saw the elder.

His status is very different from that of an elder.

"I just think this civilization is a bit strange, so I want to go check it out."

Bottom Cleaner explained.

He recounted the strange phenomenon on the Blue Star.

"Okay, needless to say, just clean it up."

The elders did not pay any attention to this strange phenomenon in civilization.

In his opinion, whether it is a stellar-class warship or a warship with curvature of light speed appeared in this civilization.

To them, it means nothing.

All they have to do is clean up.

What else do the bottom cleaners want to say?

But the majesty of the elder is not something that a low-level person can question.

"Understand the elder."

The Cleaner mobilized a particle of light.

Light particles are their usual means of cleaning up small civilizations.

The biggest advantage of this method is the economy.

A tiny particle of light can detonate a galaxy's stars.

With the help of the star's own energy, the entire galaxy civilization will be completely destroyed.

No need for them to provide more energy.

When he was about to send light particles, he suddenly realized something was wrong.

'. "The light particles have not been cleaned up very well."

Cleaners can easily see the structure of the solar system, and the explosion of light particles is not enough to destroy the entire galaxy.

There are several planets of principle stars that can still be preserved when they explode.

They don't allow unclean conditions.

"Elder, I want to apply for a two-way foil for cleaning."

The Cleaner and the Elders apply for a two-way foil.

The elder's holographic projection was threaded again.

"Okay, take it."

A gold and white card appeared in front of the Cleaner.

There was a hint of surprise on the cleanser's face.

"Elder, why did you give it to me so casually this time?"

To the cleaners, two-way foils can collapse three-dimensional space into two-dimensional space.

This is very deadly to the entire universe.

Although the civilization was cleaned up, it didn't do them any good.

"Those great god civilizations are all in use, and the universe is already full of holes, and it is useless for us to save this piece or two.

Corresponding to the civilization of singers, there are also many civilizations of great gods.

The war between them lasted for a long time.

Although there is a gap between these great god civilizations.

But the gap is not to the extent that raising a hand can destroy the opponent.

After the two discover each other, a civilizational war in the universe will break out.

The weapon they used the most in this kind of warfare was the two-way foil.

Both sides throw two-way foils at each other.

As a result, the entire universe has now become riddled with holes.

Just like the elder said.

They save a piece here, and it doesn't make much sense at all.

"The mother department is going to be two-way?" The cleaner asked again.

The elder nodded and said, "Yes."

After saying this, the elder's figure disappeared.

For the bottom cleaner of the singer's civilization, his job remains the same.

It is to clean up weak civilizations in the universe.

As for the two-way thing, in fact, there is still a long time.

In the war of these great god civilizations, the entire universe is gradually evolving towards two-dimensionality.

When the entire universe completely becomes a two-dimensional universe.

I want to survive in the universe. (Well, Zhao) There is only one way, and that is to make oneself two-dimensional.

Only the life that can survive in the two-dimensional world has the qualification to continue in the universe.

Pick up that two-way foil.

The Cleaner sang again.

His mood seemed relaxed.

For the specific situation in the solar system, he no longer has any extra interest.

He has more work to do.

The spacecraft quickly passed by in the solar system.

Then a card was thrown out by him.

Proton clearly captured this silver-white card.

It's the size of a bank card.

It is like a speck of dust in the universe, and it is completely invisible if it is a little farther away.

"It's a two-way foil!"

The humans on the Blue Star can see clearly through the video.

A two-way foil was casually dropped near the sun by the battleship of the alien civilization.

This dichroic foil constantly reflects a silvery white light.

Like a very bright gift.

But the humans on the Blue Star have all seen the video of the two-way foil and black three forest strikes.

They all know that this is not a gift.

But a weapon to destroy the world.

Countless people hug each other.

In these last moments of life, everyone wants to be with their loved ones.

even out of this world.

They also do not want to be separated from their loved ones.

The end of the world is finally here!

On the Blue Star 6, Zhang Heng also saw the flying card.

Bright, like a piece of silver.

"High-level civilization..."

At this time, there was not much sadness in his heart.

The fate of Blue Star was doomed many years ago.

He is feeling angry now.

These great civilizations in the universe.

They can be destroyed by raising their hands, and the entire universe is a world of the weak.

In front of the great god civilization, they are not even ants.

But the fire of mankind is not extinguished.

Knowledge explodes, they must double it back in the future!

Also feeling angry are Yuntian, Zhang Hongbo and Jia Weiguo. .

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