Three-Body Technology, Start Testing Water Drop Detector

Chapter 92 The Special Environment Of The New Blue Star, A Hundred Years Of Transformation

The two of them unbuckled their seat belts and prepared to go down.

[Atmospheric pressure is normal. 】

【Gas test results are safe. 】

【Radiation Safety. 】

【The temperature is suitable. 】

There is a comprehensive detection system on the speedboat. After a series of tests, the outside environment is completely in line with them going out.

The door of the speedboat was opened directly.

A different smell of air rushed towards him.

"Hoo, this is the smell of our new home!"

Yun Tian took a deep breath of the air outside.

Although this smell is different from what they usually breathe on Blue Star.

But the smell is very special and not bad.

It smells like some kind of grass.

The two walked back and forth from the airship.

Soon, he was standing on the ground.

There were blue-purple plants all around, and they felt soft on them.

"Yuntian, there are so many plants."

Jia Zhengxiang couldn't help sighing when he looked at the endless blue and purple.

"Before we came to this planet, this planet was ruled by this blue-purple plant."

Yuntian thought of the blue star.

In the beginning, it was also a world ruled by plants.

Only later with the development of Blue Star, it gradually evolved into an animal to rule.

The same is true for this planet.

Yuntian bent down and picked some plants.

Then sniffed it on the nose.

"There is a fishy smell." Yun Tian said.

The two walked towards the front.

They have to feel the gravity here first.

"Can you feel the difference between the gravity here and the blue star?" Yun Tian asked.

Jia Zhengxiang nodded.

They are on the reborn battleship, and the gravity system is set exactly the same as on the Blue Star.

He rarely experiences weightlessness.

After coming to this planet, although the feeling was quite weak, Jia Zhengxiang could still feel the slight change.

"Gravity is a bit less than on the Blue Star, and I can noticeably feel a little lighter when we walk."

Yuntian tried to beat vigorously again.

He also felt that some light changes could be felt on this.

Jumping with his feet together on the Blue Star, he can clearly feel the jump 12 higher when he jumps here.

"There seems to be water in front." Jia Zhengxiang suddenly pointed forward.

In front of a blue and purple area, there is a bright water surface.

"Go over there and have a look."

The two quickly walked towards the water.

Just looked at that distance seems very close.

When they came to the surface of the water, they realized that the distance was really far.

The two of them walked at least two kilometers to reach the side of the water.

"It's a big lake."

The lake is surrounded by green vegetation.

Under the action of the breeze, it appears sparkling.

The lake water is clear and free of any pollution.

This kind of environment is completely impossible to find on Blue Star.

"This water is really clear, I guess it's fine to drink it directly." Jia Zhengxiang bent down.

He took out an instrument and threw a section of the instrument into the water.

This instrument can detect components in water.

Soon, the composition of the water was detected.

"Look at Yuntian, in addition to some microorganisms on the surface, the water in the depths can meet drinking standards.

And it contains a lot of minerals, which are beneficial to the human body.

This is unpolluted natural water. "

The test results show very clearly.

Even the display of the water separation layer.

Microbes are only present in the upper three meters of the water.

Below three meters, basically no microorganisms can be detected.

This level of water is completely drinkable.

"This is another good news for us." Yuntian is too satisfied with this planet.

The water is so clear and the sky so clean.

They basically got a Blue Star No. 2 that has not yet developed and has no pollution.

"Yes, absolutely good news, we have found a very suitable habitat for human beings." Jia Zhengxiang looked around.

This planet is all a place to be developed.

Since there are no oceans on this planet, the land area is very large.

The place that can be utilized is much larger than that of Blue Star.

"I don't know what the master's plan is." Yun Tian took some water and looked at it in front of him.

"What else is there to plan for? It's definitely going to build a home here."

Yun Tian just smiled and didn't say much.

Homes must be built, but the question now is how to arrange the new humans.

Regarding this, it is not something that Yuntian should consider.

"Yuntian, do you see an animal over there?" Jia Zhengxiang suddenly pointed in one direction.

There seems to be an animal over there, two or three hundred meters away from them.

The animal is lying on the water's edge drinking water.

"There are animals, go and see."

Yuntian also saw it.

This animal was the first creature they saw on this planet.

Although Proton has said it before, reptiles have appeared on the new blue star.

Possibly a small number.

They haven't seen each other for so long.

Now finally see one.

The two ran over excitedly.

The reptile didn't notice the two people running, and was still drinking water on its own.

Even when they both came to the back, the reptile didn't find it.

"This is... a salamander?" Jia Zhengxiang stared at the animal that was drinking water.

With four legs, a thick head and a short tail, it looks like a salamander.

This reptile is about a meter in length.

Constantly drinking the lake water.

"It does look like a salamander, but I think it should be the first amphibian to leave the water.

For a planet that has just developed.

Water is the cradle of life.

All life evolved from microorganisms.

Life in the water first formed, and then slowly climbed to the shore.

become an amphibian.

In the end, some amphibians evolved slowly and became all kinds of birds and beasts.

According to the development of New Blue Star.

This animal should be an amphibian that has just developed.

"Would you like to capture it for research?" Jia Zhengxiang asked.

"Don't catch it, there's nothing to study.

As for what kind of animals are on the new blue star, Proton will definitely make a detailed database later.

As intruders, it would be better if they did less damage.

Jia Zhengxiang nodded.

"I think there are fewer creatures on land, and we should dive in and see."

The two of them had been on land for so long, and had seen several kilometers.

I saw this animal altogether.

This illustrates a problem, that is, there are indeed very few creatures on land on this planet.

The probability of encountering is very low.

"Yes, we should go under the water and see.

Yuntian controlled their spaceship speedboat through the holographic projection in front of him.

The speedboat started and came to them in an instant.

The two entered the speedboat and brought shallow water equipment.

This shallow water facility is very advanced.

No matter how high the water pressure is, it has no effect on them.

Because it can balance the air pressure inside and outside.

The other is its security, no creature can pose a threat to it.

After getting dressed.

They go straight into the water.

"The two of us don't wander away, let's go together.

After entering the water, Yun Tian said.

The conversation between the two is achieved through electromagnetic communication.


By this time they were already under the water.

The water here is very clear and the visibility underwater is very good.

"There are fish!"

Just dived a few meters deep.

They found a school of fish.

This is a fish that looks like a knife, looks very small, and the largest estimate is not ten centimeters high.

These fish come in groups.

Seeing them dive, he was not afraid, and he was cruising around them.

Even wrapped them all up.

"Fuck, there are so many fish, they won't eat us."

Looking closely at these fish, they found that this fish is very different from the and on the Blue Star.

The fish's mouth on the blue star is clearly open.

The mouth of this fish is like a sucker.

There is only a small mouth in the middle, which is very small.

If humans want to catch this kind of fish, it is estimated that the small hook will not be able to catch it.

They can't eat it at all.

"This fish is supposed to survive by eating microbes."

You can tell from its mouth.

They can't eat anything but microbes.

"There's a big fish!"

Suddenly, they saw a half-meter-long fish swimming up from the deep water.

This big fish's mouth is not like these small fish.

Their mouths even take up half the size of their bodies.

Open your mouth and you can clearly see the sharp teeth inside.

The whole thing is a scaled-down version of the big head shark.

"Be careful." Yun Tian reminded.

"Don't worry, our diving suit is made of high-carbon alloy wire, so even bullets can't penetrate it." Jia Zhengxiang was not afraid at all.

Don't talk about this little fish.

Even if a big fish came and ate them.

Nor will they be in any danger.

If they are a little more temperamental, they can get out of the fish's excretory system.

If you have a bad temper, just open your intestines and break your stomach.

It is not a collision of two levels of civilization at all, and the other side has no possibility of winning.

"Look below, there seems to be light."

The two saw that light appeared in the deep water.

They swam down.

When I got to the bottom, I found that it was actually a kind of fish that would glow.

The head of this fish has a huge bulge.

For some unknown reason, this drum bag emits a light blue light.

It is very conspicuous in clear water droplets.

"Don't get close to it, they glow for prey."

For this kind of planet that is still in the emerging stage of biology.

All the functions that the organism has evolved are for the species to be able to reproduce.

They can't be inexplicably glowing.

The two continued to dive, encountering various creatures during the dive.

In the middle depth, the density of organisms is the largest, and the individual organisms are also the largest.

As you go deeper, the answer to the light is so low that you can't even see the light.

There were few creatures they could find.

There are no microorganisms here, aquatic organisms are evolved from microorganisms.

So there are no creatures here.

until they hit the bottom.

"It seems that there are really no creatures here." Jia Zhengguo has been looking for water droplets through the life detector.

A circle.

No creatures were found.

Crustacean creatures have not found one either.

"How deep is it?" Yun Tian asked.

"A total of 1,200 meters deep."

"It's really not shallow." Before Yun Tian came down, he couldn't believe that this water was so deep.

Although this body of water looks huge, it is a lake with no end in sight.

But a lake is a lake, and it is incomparable with the sea.

The average lake water can be tens of meters to hundreds of meters, which is not shallow.

But here is 1,200 meters deep.

It has surpassed many shallow seas on Blue Star.

"It's quite deep, how can you imagine that it's so deep from the outside, it's like a deep pool.

The two of them explored underwater for a long time.

Got some rocks on the bottom and started to float.

After returning to the ground, Jia Zhengxiang said: "Yuntian, I don't think we need to continue exploring, many places on this planet are similar, compared with our Blue Star,

The abundance is not as high as that of Blue Star. "

"You feel it too?"

Yuntian and Jia Zhengxiang have the same feeling.

That is the planet, and everything on it is monotonous.

Monotonous plants, monotonous environment, monotonous aquatic life.

Of course, only the water droplets look relatively lively.

However, this liveliness is incomparable with Blue Star.

"Yeah, it's the same everywhere, can't I feel it?"

The two of them decided to go back.

There's no point in continuing to explore.

He 847 got on the airship and quickly went up to the Reborn.

After coming back.

The two did not go to see Chen Feng immediately.

Because Chen Feng had told them before that the meeting would not be held until seven days later.

They came to the laboratory and met Jia Weiguo, Zhang Hongbo and Zhang Yulong.

"Why did you two come back so soon?" Jia Weiguo asked.

"Dad, we've almost finished exploring this planet."

"The exploration is over?" Zhang Hongbo walked over, how could he believe their words.

Unless it was a proton, they couldn't have explored it so quickly.

"Really, the things on this planet are very monotonous, only the underwater life is a little richer."

Then, Jia Zhengxiang told everything they saw on the New Blue Star.

After listening, Zhang Hongbo smiled and said, "Isn't this normal? New Bluestar is in the primary stage of life development.

The current new Blue Star is only slightly richer in microbes in the water.

Animals are few. "

"From now on, you will need to be old-fashioned." Jia Weiguo interjected.

"That's natural."

Zhang Hongbo has been engaged in biotechnology, and now it is even more useful.

To enrich the new Blue Star, we must rely on biotechnology.

Otherwise, we can only wait until tens of millions of years, or even hundreds of millions of years later, after natural evolution.

This planet can be enriched.

"However, it all depends on the master's arrangement and how we will treat the new blue star."

For them, the situation with the new Blue Star is basically clear.

It is suitable for them to live here for a long time.

It's just that what they want to do with this planet is worthy of their discussion.

Now there are nothing but two options.

The first is that they try not to destroy the ecosystem of the new blue star, and only open up their own 'base' within it

For example, a range of 100 kilometers can be delineated.

Within this range, make changes.

They will live within this range from now on.

Another way is to use biotechnology to make a big transformation of the entire planet.

Forcibly change the ecological chain on the planet.

Build a new ecosystem.

So this new blue star was completely transformed into a blue star.

Because of the process of their transformation, the animals and plants they used were all brought from the Blue Star.

"I don't know how the master will choose." Yun Tian was also not sure.

Now the master has let Proton collect the data of the new blue star in all directions.

Only when these data are collected, can a more powerful computing database be established.

Through the calculation of protons, the advantages and disadvantages of the two methods can be obtained.

At this time, Jia Weiguo said: "Lao Zhang and I are more supportive of the complete transformation of the new Blue Star, since we have chosen this place as our base camp, then we

Definitely going to give the home a complete makeover.

He and Zhang Hongbo have already studied it, and through their technology, it is possible to completely transform this planet.

The time before and after will not exceed one hundred years.

It can make this planet's environment enter the primitive period of human beings. .

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