Three-Body Technology, Start Testing Water Drop Detector

Chapter 95 Seventy Years Of Warships Drifting, A Special Society In Warships

"There is still a long way to go, at least three hundred years before we reach Sirius.

Zhang Heng now has 10,000 question marks in his heart.

It's just that the child is here, and he doesn't ask much.

At this moment, Cheng Xin came over from the kitchen.

She also saw Zhang Heng in the video.

"General Zhang?" When Cheng Xin used to work in the Blue Star Security Bureau, Zhang Heng was his leader.

"Cheng Xin, long time no see." Zhang Heng greeted him.

"Wow, Mom, you know this historical Zhang Uncle too?"

When Yun Duo saw that her mother even knew Zhang Heng~, she instantly felt so cool.

Cheng Xin said with a smile: "I used to work in the Blue Star Dragon Country Security Bureau, and General Zhang Heng was my leader."

"So this is ah."

Yun Duo actually knows his special identity.

In the entire Shenlong Town, only she, Jia Dongdong and Zhang Zi were born from maternal embryos.

Only the three of them knew who their parents were.

Everyone else's parents are robots.

I didn't expect my mother's previous job to be so cool.

In the eyes of today's human beings, everything on the former Blue Star was so mysterious.

When they learned the myth, they even felt that the humans of Blue Star used to be able to walk over the eaves.


"Okay, you two go to dinner first, I have business to talk to General Zhang."

Yun Tian has something to say to Zhang Heng.

Send them both away.

"Dad, I still have a lot of questions to ask General Zhang Heng." Yun Duo pouted,

She also thought about going to school later and showing off to her classmates.

I have seen General Zhang Heng in the textbook.

"Yun Duo, go have dinner with your mother."

Zhang Heng drove her away.

Cheng Xin took Yun Duo to dinner.

At this time, Zhang Heng asked his own question.

"Yuntian, what's going on?"

He didn't understand how Yuntian's child would know him.

He also said that everyone knows himself.

"General Zhang, the 100,000 newborn children we nurtured twenty years ago are all grown up now, and they are all nineteen years old.

Some of these people are married and have children.

Our human civilization has continued on the new blue star. "

"Nineteen years old?" Zhang Heng felt that the amount of information was a bit large.

The main thing is that he has been hibernating for the past 20 years.

this time for him.

It didn't exist at all, so he was so surprised when he heard that the newborn was nineteen years old.

"That's right, my current home is Shenlong Town on New Blue Star."

Having said that, Yun Tian took pictures everywhere.

The interior of this home looks luxurious, just like the one on the Blue Star.

"Can you go out and take a look?" Zhang Heng couldn't wait to see the situation outside.

"Of course."

Yun Tian walked out of the house.

The show came to a yard.

As soon as he came into the yard, Zhang Heng's eyes lit up with a wide field of vision.

In the distance is a sun, and white clouds float above the sky.

The air looks extremely clean.

Even on the Blue Star, Zhang Heng had not seen such a clean and pure sky for many years.

"It's so beautiful, really beautiful."

Zhang Heng couldn't even restrain his emotions.

He wished he could go to this planet immediately.

"It's beautiful, I'll show you again."

With that said, Yun Tian walked out of the house.

The outside scene was captured.

A road goes straight to the distance.

There are flowers and plants everywhere, and birds and flowers are fragrant.

There are houses on the road.

Occasionally, a car can be seen driving by, but this kind of car is not a gasoline car like the Blue Star.

The cars here are all anti-gravity cars.

No pollution at all.

A huge lake can also be seen in the distance.

From here, the lake is sparkling.

Trees are behind the lake.

There are still pine trees in the trees.

"Yuntian, is this the original environment on New Blue Star?" Zhang Heng asked.

Yun Tian immediately shook his head.

"Of course not, this is what we have transformed over the past 20 years."

After he finished speaking, he called for his anti-gravity flying car.

After getting on the flying car, the car slowly lifted into the air.

Not a little bump, not a little sound.

As their positions became higher, Zhang Heng gradually saw the whole picture of Shenlong Town clearly.

This piece of Shenlong Town looks green from above.

Three huge lakes seem to be covered with white cloth.

A patch of woods.

There are various buildings in the middle.

There are also houses all over the place.

The environment doesn't say anything at all.

Incredibly beautiful.

"Our town is very large, a hundred kilometers from east to west.

When we were transforming this ecological environment before, we only transformed 100 kilometers.

But now our influence has spread rapidly.

Look over there, green has also appeared, and it has spread for 500 kilometers. "

Zhang Heng pointed to the distance.

There is where blue-violet meets green.

The vitality of green is obviously more exuberant.

It's nibbling away at those blue-purples.

"If it goes on like this, it is estimated that it will not be long before the new Blue Star will be completely transformed." Zhang Heng said very excitedly.

He had been worried all the time before, whether the new blue star would be an unsuitable planet for survival.

See what the planet looks like.

He is full of longing now.

No worries at all.

"According to our calculations, the entire process of ecological integration will last for thousands of years."

They have calculated, although they say that the green plants they grow will only take between one hundred and two hundred years to fill the world.

But the ecosystem on the new Blue Star is also tenacious.

The plants they grow can only affect this ecosystem.

Then the two merge with each other.

The whole process of fusion will probably last for thousands of years.

"Within a hundred years, there will be many new biological species on the new blue star, and the place will become full of life."

Yun Tian happily told him.

Think back to when they came to this planet twenty years ago.

In addition to the many creatures in the water.

There are very few living creatures on land.

There are only a few reptiles.

Without their intervention, this planet wants to develop to the coexistence of all kinds of life, and the field is lively.

At least it will take tens of thousands of years, or even hundreds of thousands, millions of years.

Only in continuous evolution can so many lives emerge.

"Yuntian, why did your daughter know me just now?" Zhang Heng finally asked this question.

Regarding this question, Yun Tian said with a smile: "They all learned it from history class."

"History class?" Zhang Heng was speechless, has he become history?

"That's right, we are using the human education model for 100,000 newborns.

We have nothing to hide from their education.

The history of human beings on the blue star, and how human beings have experienced the blow of the dark forest, to how we escaped to the new blue star, and how to establish Shenlong Town.

How to nurture them is all taught to them through history lessons.

As an important figure in the period of the Hessian Strike, you are of course the most important in modern history.

Zhang Heng finally understood after listening to Yun Tian's words.

It turned out to be like this, in the new human beings, he has become a celebrity.

"Yuntian, I think what you are doing is very right. Only in this way can our human civilization be considered unbroken."

Zhang Heng very much agrees with their approach.

This practice is very good to maintain the inheritance of human civilization.

As for whether you are a celebrity or not.

Zhang Heng didn't care at all.

He has been Su Xing from hibernation for several days.

In the past few days, in addition to paying attention to the situation of other warships.

What he wanted to know most in his heart was the situation of Sirius Star Force.

See this state now.

Everyone is relieved.

They made the right choice for this trip.

"I am relieved to see the development of New Bluestar." Zhang Heng breathed a sigh of relief at the other end of the video.

"What, what happened?" Yun Tian asked.

Zhang Heng was usually busy, so he didn't pay much attention to the Blue Star Six.

"Blue Star 4 has lost contact," Zhang Heng said.

"Lost contact?" Yun Tian was a little surprised.

A star-class battleship with two thousand people on them.

Even in the past seventy years, some people have passed away.

Don't lose contact.

"I suspect that the ecosystem on Blue Star 4 may have collapsed." Zhang Heng expressed his concerns.

When they contacted before, the captain of the Blue Star 4 had been telling him.

Their ecosystem is close to collapse.

The captain's ability to control the battleship is a bit weak.

Caused the discord on the battleship.

For Zhang Heng's past orders, there is no way to implement them well.

In the previous contact, there were more than 1,800 people on this battleship.

At that time, the system was already unstable.

In particular, water resources and oxygen resources, as well as things, all have problems in various aspects.

The order Zhang Heng gave them at that time was to forcibly reduce the number to less than a thousand.

to ensure the balance of the ecosystem.

The ecosystems in their battleships are all developed by humans, and there is no hibernation chamber.

It can only reproduce on its own with the humans inside.

According to Zhang Heng's order, these people need to clean up the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled.

Reduce pressure on ecosystems.

The other ships did the same.

This is unethical though.

But it is impossible.

They have to do it.

This is the only way to keep the ecosystem within the ship in balance.

They can always sail forward.

Due to various reasons, the captain of the Blue Star IV was about to lose control of the battleship.

The whole battleship becomes a kind of democratic society.

This is a very scary thing.

Democracy can only be talked about when it is very safe.

In the universe, only one person has the final say.

Others have to sacrifice.

The entire human race has sacrificed a lot.

Everyone else can sacrifice, and they have to sacrifice too.

"What about the other battleships?" Yun Tian asked again.

Zhang Heng shook his head.

"The situation of other warships is not good, and the ecosystem is also crumbling. I have given them all orders to automatically reduce personnel according to calculations, but you also know that each warship has sailed in the universe for more than seventy years. year.

…for flowers…………

For nearly a century, the situation inside the battleship has already become very complicated.

In many cases, it is no longer the captain who speaks alone

useful too. "

Zhang Heng expressed his concern.

Among the six battleships that have escaped from the Blue Star.

Only the Blue Star 6 has nothing to do, and has been sailing normally for more than 70 years.

In the past 70 years, not even a single person has died. Except for the time on duty, everyone is hibernating.

Yun Tian nodded.

"More than seventy years... Indeed, whether they can successfully reach their destination depends on their luck."

For this matter, Yuntian also has no good way.

"Yuntian, do you have any good way to take a look at the situation of other warships, the communication between us can only use a few words.

I am very concerned about their condition. "

Zhang Heng wanted Yuntian to help him see the situation of other battleships.

After all, he is still the commander-in-chief of these six warships in name.

He was tasked with delivering six battleships to their destination.

"I can try, but I can only see their situation, I can't change anything." Yun Tian explained the situation.

He really couldn't change anything.

The role of protons is only one, and that is communication.

He can't do anything else.

"I don't need to change anything, I just want to see the situation, especially the Blue Star 4. I'm worried about not knowing their situation."

Zhang Heng can only ask Yuntian for this matter.

"Okay, I'll find a way to help you take a look."

After speaking.

Zhang Heng suddenly said again: "Yuntian, I think if you don't have a particularly important task over there, you can go into hibernation."

He didn't say it outright.

In fact, Yun Tian knew what he meant.

When he said this, he considered himself a friend.

Hope to see you again in my lifetime.

Another reason was that when their warships arrived at New Blue Star, there were clouds and sky, so they could take care of them.

After all, after three hundred years, no one knows what the new Blue Star will develop into.

If they arrive at that time, New Blue Star will not accept them.

Then they really have no way out.

"Don't worry, I can live until you come here." Yun Tian had a smile on his face.

He has already used the latest medicine researched by Zhang Hongbo.

Even if he doesn't hibernate at all.

The lifespan can reach four hundred years.

The current Yuntian is only fifty years old, according to the life expectancy of four hundred years, he is still a child.

Most importantly, Professor Zhang Hongbo is still researching biopharmaceuticals.

And his goal is to achieve the immortality of living organisms.

If this drug is really researched.

Then they will never grow old.

"Haha, it's a deal, we've never had a drink together, but when I get there, I'll be looking for you for a drink." Zhang Shen said jokingly.

"No problem." Yun Tian also responded.

After finishing the call with Zhang Heng.

Yuntian controlled the proton of the Blue Star 6, and let him go forward at the speed of light to find other warships.

In fact, several of their warships, due to the change of orbit, saw that they were not too far apart.

Protons traveled at the speed of light and found the closest Luna in just one day.

As for the other battleships, it only takes a month to catch up one by one.

After finding the Moon.

Yuntian began to use proton recording to observe the above situation.

The captain of this battleship is Zhang Beihai.

At this time, Zhang Beihai was already in his old age.

Fortunately, there were only two hundred people on this battleship.

There are old people and young people on the battleship now.

There are less than one hundred people left.

The ecosystem is fairly stable.

Zhang Beihai took a sip of wine in his room.

He had already handed over the command of the battleship to another young man.

If they want to reach their destination, they need such a great handover.

He decided to end his life.

There are only 89 people left on the battleship, and many of the previous 200 people died abnormally.

when they lose their value.

will be forced to execute the death procedure.

As a former captain, no one dared to enforce the death procedure on him.

But Zhang Beihai knew.

He must die to leave enough air and enough food for future generations.

Inside the battleship, their population is not expanding, but shrinking.

At present, the number of people has been reduced from 200 to 89.

Fortunately, the further down the road, the smaller the rate of this shrinkage.

There are still about three hundred years.

Zhang Beihai hoped that their warship could complete the final voyage.

arrived at the destination smoothly.

Too bad I can't see it.

He took his last sip of wine and then pressed his own death procedure.

Yuntian respects Zhang Beihai.

I observed the successor he chose again, and there is no problem at present.

I just don't know if this kind of inheritance can last well for another three hundred years. .

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