Three-Body Technology, Start Testing Water Drop Detector

Chapter 98 The Knowledge Of Four-Dimensional Space, The Two Returned Safely

As soon as the idea came out, they both felt quite scary.

At present, the world they live in is a three-dimensional space.

But we all know that there is a four-dimensional space above the three-dimensional space.

There must be a five-dimensional space above the four-dimensional space.

even higher dimensions.

Each dimension must have its own life problem.

Do these lives have gone through war?

reduces space.

Finally reduced to the current three-dimensional space?

Even many places have now become two-dimensional?

"What if our world became a one-dimensional space, or even a point?"

Jia Zhengxiang murmured in his mouth.

He knew that this question was not something Yun Tian could answer.

He was just curious and didn't expect anyone to answer the question.

Yuntian shook his head.

This kind of question is really not something he can know.

Unless it is the civilization of those great gods, it may be able to know the mystery.

They can only guess.

Perhaps when the universe collapsed into a single point, there would be a big bang.

In this way, the entire universe will return to ten-dimensional space.

Maybe so.

But what exactly is it, who knows.

At this time, Yuntian continued to ask the thinking object: "Did you notice us when we just came in?"


I have to say, Yuntian is very smart.

He continued: "Then do you know which entrance we just came in through?"

When Jia Zhengxiang saw him asking this question, he couldn't help giving him a thumbs up.

The problem they face now is getting lost.

Although it is said that it has encountered a civilization of thinking.

At present, it seems that this thinking civilization is not hostile to them.

It is even possible to accept his guidance and find the right way out.


The other party answered very simply, without even a little thought.

"Great, can you show us the way, we can't find our way back."

Yuntian immediately made a request.

For the object of this thinking civilization, they are not too afraid to approach.

But as long as they can communicate with each other.

Everything is negotiable.

Here's to hope.

This time, the other party did not answer directly.

After a long time, the other party said: "I have a case.

"What conditions?" Yun Tian asked.

Yun Tian was not nervous about the other party's words.

The reason is simple, although he said there are conditions.

But Yun Tian knew that, as an object in the thinking space, he should be very clear about his current situation.

The conditions put forward by the other party must also be fulfilled by oneself.

He will not make a condition that he cannot fulfill.

"Help me find someone."


Hearing the other party's words, Yun Tian frowned slightly.

"This person's name is Weiya, from the singer civilization, and I am her companion ship.

The other party's words made Yun Tian and Jia Zhengxiang completely confused.

Via should be a female name.

But the singer civilized he had never heard of it.

And the dark forest law of the universe, this spaceship must know.

How could he possibly contact another civilization.

"I want to help you, but you should be able to see that I don't have the ability.

And I don't know where the singer civilization is.

And the Weiya you mentioned, it's been so long, she's still alive?"

Yun Tian expressed his doubts.

The other party has passed for a long time.

Then he said: "Singer civilization has been a fifth-level civilization as early as three million years ago, and their lives can reach immortality.

Singer civilization has descended from four dimensions to three dimensions, and she must still be there.

As long as you tell her my location, she will definitely come looking for me.

Of course, I've shown you the direction now, it doesn't matter if you don't help me, I just want a promise from you. "


Yun Tian and Jia Zhengxiang were speechless for a moment.

The consciousness of the ship seemed to know them well.

Knowing that both of them are people who have promises that will definitely be fulfilled.

"Do you know the law of the dark forest in the universe?" Yun Tian asked again.


The other party answered.

After a while, the other party replied: "You don't have to worry, the law of the dark forest is only for civilization, not for spaceships, especially those that are far below their own civilization.

They may control you, but they will never destroy you outright"."

For the Hessian blow, all they know about Yuntian is just a fur.

They only know that the civilizations in the universe, as long as they know each other's location, what they can do is to destroy each other at all costs.

But they don't know that there are actually many details in it.

For example, two equally powerful civilizations know each other's location.

What would they do with this relationship?

Of course, most of them are wars.

The universe is so big, and there are also examples of peaceful development.

And what if an alien civilization discovers a spaceship?

The vast majority of alien civilizations will capture this spacecraft.

Get some info.

not directly destroyed.

"I can promise you to try my best to help you do this, but with the current situation of our civilization, it is definitely not possible.

Yun Tian wanted to make it clear first.

They really need the help of this ship now.

Otherwise they are likely to be trapped in it forever.

"You can do it soon, the explosion of knowledge will get faster and faster, and you have to make a space jump.

After this step, the speed of civilization will get faster and faster. "

"Do you know the purpose of our coming here?" Yun Tian was a little surprised.

Jia Zhengxiang looked at Yuntian.

"I feel like he knows everything about us."

As a soldier, Jia Zhengxiang is very sensitive to complex situations.

He could clearly feel it.

The other party seemed to know everything.

"Of course, there are a lot of puddles in the universe, and these puddles are part of the three-dimensional world.

If the connection between these puddles is mastered, the distance of space travel can be greatly shortened.

With your civilization, even if I send you out, it is not so easy for you to figure out the connection between these puddles. "

This spaceship speaks bluntly.

It's not that they don't believe in their civilizational development.

It's just that the puddles are difficult to penetrate for the three-dimensional life forms who have never had the knowledge of four-dimensional space.

One of the most important reasons is that they have no way to go deep into the four-dimensional space to conduct field research.

Just like Yun Tian and Jia Zhengxiang.

They took such a big risk into four-dimensional space.

If they don't come across this four-dimensional spaceship.

The final result, more than 99%, will be lost in the universe.

For the three-dimensional life, the four-dimensional space is like a black hole, there is entry and no exit.

Without entering the four-dimensional space, it is impossible to truly penetrate the mysteries of space.

"I want to promise you now, I'm afraid I don't have the ability." Yun Tian shouted again.

"I will help you."

"You? Help us?" Yun Tian and Jia Zhengxiang looked at each other with an incredible look on their faces.

Doesn't it mean that there is only war between civilizations?

"As long as you agree to my request, I will not only give you the principle of connection between puddles, but also tell you all the spatial knowledge of the entire singer civilization.

The two of them were speechless when they heard each other's words.

Singer civilization, millions of years ago, was the fifth-level civilization.

This shows that they must be at least a great god civilization now.

"We have to calm down a bit, the world will not fall pie."

Jia Zhengxiang forcibly suppressed his inner excitement, and reality told him that no pie would fall from the sky.

"Yes." Yun Tian also suppressed his inner excitement.

Then he asked, "Why are you doing this?"

"I don't have much time, this puddle will dry up in a thousand years, I just hope to see my master again.

And the technologies I gave you are all eliminated by our civilization and will not pose a threat to our civilization. "

He is honest and truthful.

After listening to his words, the two began to think again.

They think about whether there is any hole in it.

"I don't think we have a choice,"

Although Jia Zhengxiang couldn't see any traps in it.

But now the situation they face is here.

They had no choice but to trust him.

Yun Tian nodded.

Then he said: "I can promise you, but there is one thing I want to tell you in advance. I can only promise you to do this for you on the premise of ensuring our own civilization and safety."


The other party answered very happily.

That's how the deal was done.

Soon, Yun Tian felt that a piece of information was passed over.

"I have passed the technical information you need to you, and I have also marked the exits you entered, remember your promise."

After the other party finished saying these words, he stopped talking.

Yun Tian and Jia Zhengxiang looked at the large document.

"Let's go back quickly and hand over the materials to Che."

Neither of them are scientists.

This information can only be of the greatest value when it is handed over to the owner.

"Yes, go back quickly."

The two turned the direction of the spaceship and flew towards the entrance.

It only took ten minutes to go back.

They came to the row of entrances and saw the marked exits at once.

This exit could be a trap.

It's just that the two have no choice at this time, whether it is a trap or not, they have to jump into it.

Drive the spaceship and fly directly in.

When they came out of it, they saw Wang Xing for the first time.

"We're out!"

The two let out a long sigh of relief.

On the other side, Chen Feng and Proton looked at the two people who came out of it.

This time was less than five minutes.

Three-dimensional space is different from four-dimensional space.

The two of them spent two or three hours inside, and only a few minutes outside.

As soon as it came out, Proton immediately connected to the video channel with Chen Feng.

"How is it?" Chen Feng asked.

The two of them's mission this time is really very important to Chen Feng.

Without the situation of four-dimensional space, his research would be difficult to carry out.

The technology of the three-body civilization just pointed out a direction, and everything needs to be developed by him.

He must succeed in this direction, but it will take a lot of time.

If there is no data in the four-dimensional space, only by means of experiments, by means of guesswork.

It will take at least fifty years to make space jumping technology.

"Master, we are here

He met a spaceship of a four-dimensional civilization.

Yun Tian said excitedly.

"."The spaceship of a four-dimensional civilization? How can there be a spaceship of a four-dimensional civilization in a puddle?" Proton felt very strange to hear his words.

The puddles are all left over from the blow of dimensionality reduction, and under the blow of dimensionality reduction, all four-dimensional life will perish.

You can even encounter the spaceship of the four-dimensional civilization.

"Yes, this spaceship claims to be the spaceship of the Singer Civilization, and has made a deal with us.

Then, Yuntian told all the situations they encountered inside.

Even Chen Feng couldn't help but be surprised when he heard this.

"You mean, a spacecraft of Singer Civilization, entrusted you to find a person named Wei Ya? Is it a person from Singer Civilization?"

"Yes, he also passed us a space technical document, and I will pass it on to you now."

Yuntian immediately passed the information to Chen Feng.

Chen Feng glanced at the information roughly.

The whole person immediately became excited.

This information is all he needs.

The above technologies are very mature, and they can be used without racking their brains in research and development.

Most are related to four-dimensional space.

"Okay, Yuntian, you have done a very good job this time. With this information, we can truly achieve space jumping within a year at most."

Chen Feng looked at the information carefully.

The above technology about space is very rich and has become a system.

After studying this, he was able to make space jumps very quickly, even two-way foils.

As long as they make a two-way foil.

It also barely entered the ranks of advanced civilization.

"Master, we promised him to help him bring the news to Wei Ya of singer civilization." Yun Tian said.

He will work hard to do what he promised.

"Don't worry, when we have the conditions, the promised things will definitely be done for him.

Chen Feng is not the kind of person who is not trustworthy.

Even if it is something that his subordinates promised, as long as it is reasonable, he will help to complete it.

"I think so too, everything must be based on the safety of our civilization."

"Come back from Saturn-like, and we'll discuss it later."

After speaking, they hung up the video.

"Master, with this information, our research and development progress will be much faster." Proton said.

"Yes, scientific knowledge will explode (Qian Zhaozhao), but before it explodes, there needs to be a process of knowledge accumulation.

This process will be slow.

This information directly shortens the process of our knowledge accumulation by a large margin.

I need to study this technology wholeheartedly now, and when the two of them come back, you can just meet them. "

Chen Feng got this information, just like someone who has been hungry for a long time got food.

Very happy.

This information must be read through immediately.

"Don't worry, Master, I won't let anyone disturb you during this time."

After finishing speaking, Chen Feng went to retreat to study the materials.


Yun Tian and Jia Zhengxiang came back very fast this time, and it took only one day to return to New Blue Star.

The spaceship entered the battleship.

After returning to the reborn battleship, they went to see the master for the first time.

"The master has gone to retreat for the research materials. You two will tell me the videos shot in the four-dimensional space and the things you have seen, and then tell me carefully again. I will record them in detail.

Record it.

Decisions can be made for future research and development. "

Hearing that the master has retreated to study the materials, Yun Tian and Jia Zhengxiang both smiled and said: "It seems that the materials we obtained this time are very useful to the master.

The two of them were happy that they could help their master.

Especially cloudy sky.

Over the years, he has always felt that he could not repay his master's kindness.

Many of the tasks he did were not difficult.

Not even what Jia Weiguo and Zhang Hongbo have done is meaningful.

This time, Jia Zhengxiang is narrating.

They recounted what they saw in the four-dimensional space.

In this narration, Proton recorded all the process and video data.

"You two are really lucky this time." Proton said with a sigh at this time.

Ah, not coming. "Things are also lingering fears.

If they hadn't encountered the spaceships of alien civilizations, they really wouldn't have been able to get out.

The danger and uncertainty of this mission are too great. .

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