Three-Foot Deity

Chapter 25 The Demonic Sound of the Blood Bat

Li Zhi also listened to their conversation.

He was hiding in another abandoned factory in the distance. He even controlled his breathing and heartbeat as much as possible. He didn't dare to move except raising his ears to listen to what was going on outside.

He also made a plan in his mind. If he was really discovered, he would have no choice but to take out Wan Yuyan and tell the other party that he was from the Major Case Team of the Inspection Bureau and that he had come to check out something happening here.

Fortunately, the direction Song Tiegang left was not on his side.

As for their conversation, he heard everything, but he didn't dare to have any unnecessary actions or thoughts.

But the horror in my heart is still hard to express. The guy with the golden light who severely injured the blood bat is the deputy director of the Renzong Jianghai branch. The young monk and the beautiful girl are obviously the ones monitoring the unfinished building.

He had truly come into contact with people from the special department, and I have to say, it was quite shocking.

At this time, Gao Feifei and Chen Wu had already entered the area where Song Tiegang and the Blood Bats had just fought. The distance was far, and the place seemed very special, so Li Zhi couldn't hear any sound.

But Li Zhi did not dare to move. Although Gao Feifei and Chen Wu were not as perverted as Song Tiegang, Li Zhi did not dare to be careless at all.

After waiting for more than an hour, Gao Feifei and Chen Wu came out. They heard the sound of Gao Feifei's big motorcycle, and then sped off. It was not until the sound gradually faded away that Li Zhi came out cautiously.

Arriving at the place where Song Tiegang had just fought with the Blood Bat, it was obvious that he was pursuing the wrong direction, but Song Tiegang finally caught up with the Blood Bat here.

At this point, Li Zhi could smell a strong smell of blood.

The entire factory seemed to have been bombarded by missiles, which shows how terrifying this battle was.

"Is that human being?"

Looking at this place, Li Zhi felt that, let alone ordinary thermal weapons, even one or two tanks and artillery blasting for several minutes would not be able to achieve this effect.

Is such a guy still considered a human being?

After the rain, the clouds in the sky gradually dispersed, the moon was bright and the stars were sparse. Li Zhi couldn't see much here, only shock.

But he did not leave like Song Tiegang, Gao Feifei, Chen Wu and others.

The blood bat was not killed, and Song Tiegang was not found in the end. He was obviously hidden. Moreover, Li Zhi heard a few words of analysis from Gao Feifei and Chen Wu when they left, saying that although Tie Liao Da did not kill the blood bat, he was probably almost dead.

They mentioned that Blood Bat finally escaped by exploding his special bat-winged hand with a special move. Chen Wu also lamented that if they could find it, maybe they could get a bargain.

Chen Wu and Gao Feifei suggested searching to see if they could pick up the body, but Gao Feifei rejected it. After all, Song Tiegang had not been tracked before, so they had little chance of searching. The situation in the city was unclear, and they had a mission.

They couldn't find it, but Li Zhi thought he had a chance.

There was definitely danger, but such an opportunity was rare. Li Zhi continued to chase in the direction that Song Tiegang had just followed.

"Zheng Yong, you bastard, if I die, it will be you who killed me." While chasing, Li Zhi cursed Zheng Yong in his heart.

He and Zheng Yong have similar personalities and temperaments. They both like traveling, exploring, and adventure. They play extreme sports together, travel together, explore together, and even fight against wolves together.

But Zheng Yong was a bigger gambler than him. Without this change, before Zheng Yong disappeared, Li Zhi would not have taken the risk even if he encountered such a thing.

But at this moment, he still chose to look for the blood bat.

He saw opportunities, saw opportunities, and now he must seize every opportunity to become stronger.

In such an open area, Li Zhi can search much faster than the deputy minister named Song Tiegang. He only needs to stand on some high ground and there is no red light in his sight to quickly pass by.

The blood bat was severely injured by the opponent, so he probably didn't escape directly. Otherwise, Song Tiegang wouldn't have been able to let him go easily. The most likely way was to escape and hide somewhere in an instant.

Li Zhi carefully recalled the last conversation he heard between Gao Feifei and Chen Wu, in which words such as self-destructing winged hands and blood-burning secret techniques led him to this conclusion.

Li Zhi walked directly in a zigzag shape, quickly found points in some areas and looked around. He couldn't see the red line or red light, and he didn't even stop.

After searching like this, Li Zhi searched forward for nearly twenty miles. He had left the old industrial area and even passed through several suburban villages and towns, and began to see some surrounding mountain villages.

Looking at the mountains and forests in the distance, Li Zhi had already made up his mind to search as far as the foot of the mountain.

If the other party really escaped into the mountains and forests, then Li Zhi would not be able to search for them in the mountains and forests, and he knew better than to go into the mountains and forests to search.

I went all the way to the foot of the mountain and found nothing.

Just when Li Zhiyue climbed up to the shelf of a nearby high-voltage transmission tower, looked at the foot of the mountain from a distance and was about to leave, his eyes suddenly lit up.

Because just a few miles away, next to a fish pond at the foot of the mountain, where there should be a house prepared to guard the fish pond, Li Zhi saw a faint red light.

Now it is no longer like the first time. Li Zhi is now gradually exploring, his body is getting stronger and his five senses have become stronger. After taking more fruits condensed with sinful energy, Li Zhi can already distinguish the light of sinful energy from the ordinary one. The difference in lighting.

Looking carefully, the light was very weak. Li Zhi quickly jumped down and rushed over.

When he got nearby, Li Zhi became more cautious and touched it cautiously.

Only when I got closer did I realize that the red light actually appeared in a doghouse next to a small room in the fish pond.

The reason why it can be seen is that there is still some red light exposed from above the cabin of the kennel, but not much is exposed, so it is not obvious.

At this moment, Li Zhi was sure that the blood bat was hiding in this kennel.

Li Zhi could even determine which direction his head was.

When he was ten meters away, he could even clearly hear that there were two big dogs and a small dog inside.

But he could hear the breathing and heartbeat of the two big dogs and the puppy, but it was difficult to feel the breathing and heartbeat of the blood bat. If it weren't for the sinful aura, Li Zhi wouldn't have noticed anything unusual even if he got close.

At this moment, Li Zhi controlled his breathing and heartbeat while thinking about what to do.

Although Chen Wu mentioned in the conversation with Gao Feifei that the blood bat was severely injured and its combat power was not as good as that of ordinary awakened people after using the secret method, Li Zhi was still worried.

After all, so far, he had only faced off against the killer of Pagoda.

The best way is to wait and observe some of the blood lines of sinful energy that are exposed. Once the blood lines begin to dissipate, step forward immediately.

He had calculated that the last time Wu Haiyang's blood line disappeared, he was too far away and not fast enough. This time, if he was prepared, he still had a chance to turn most of the blood line into fruit.

But there is also a problem with this. If the blood bat is in a dying state at this moment and is healing...will he miss the best opportunity...

"come over."

Just when Li Zhi was still considering whether to take action immediately or wait quietly, a voice suddenly sounded in his mind.

"Blood bat..."

Li Zhi was shocked. He had heard this voice before.

At this time, when he suddenly heard this voice ringing in his mind, his first reaction was to jump up and escape immediately.

But something strange happened. At this moment, his body was like a puppet on strings, walking towards the kennel without his control.


Although Li Zhi hadn't figured out what was going on, he had already noticed that something was wrong. He felt as if his consciousness was bound by some force. In a word, his ability to control his body was cut off.

It was like turning him into a vegetative state. Although he was conscious and aware of everything, he could not control his body.

This is true horror.

"Yes, come here, come here..."

At this moment, the blood bat's voice sounded in his ears again.

While feeling the terror, Li Zhi was also desperately trying to regain control of his body. He wanted to control his hands and feet and resist the voice.

When he was concentrating, ignoring other things, and just wanted to control his body, he found that his forward steps were slightly paused by his own control after taking them.

And his fingers also felt it during the struggle, trying hard to clench his fist, as if he wanted to punch it out.


At this moment, Li Zhi felt an opportunity. The control exerted by the other party's voice on him was obviously not absolute.

While he was desperately concentrating on fighting, he still had some control over his body.

Whether this is because the other party is injured or he is not an ordinary person now, this is also an opportunity.

In the past, Li Zhi himself could not feel the existence of his own mental power. Now that the other party was controlling his body, he felt as if his mental power had shrunk into a ball, in a mysterious void.

And the sound sounded like some power wanted to penetrate.

But when it reaches a certain level, there will be some power influence that makes it impossible to completely control it.

The other party's voice carried some kind of power, taking over his mental power to issue some commands to his body, and while he was concentrating his mental power, he had no chance to compete with it.

In a life-and-death crisis, Li Zhi had never been so focused. While moving step by step towards the kennel, his hand also touched the bag on his waist, grabbed two red fruits and stuffed them into his mouth.

He found it difficult to control his feet, but much easier to control his hands.

Obviously, this has something to do with what the other party said 'come here'.

When two red fruits pour into the body, powerful energy instantly fills the body. Eating two fruits at a time is extremely powerful. The pure spiritual energy exploded, impacting Li Zhi's body, allowing him to physically improve and feel again.

Especially at this moment, his spirit was penetrated and influenced by some kind of force. After concentrating his strength, some spiritual energy was actually integrated into his mental power.

In the past, when the body improved, the five senses and mental power would also be enhanced, but that kind of enhancement was difficult for Li Zhi to clearly feel at this stage. But at this moment, because of this special state, it was rare for Li Zhi to feel the fusion of mental power and red alone. The power in the fruit is getting stronger.

As his spiritual light group strengthened, the power that had previously penetrated and affected him and cut him off from his body quickly disintegrated. Li Zhi could even feel that if he wanted to forcefully stop and explode, he could even regain control of his body.

But Li Zhi didn't do that because he found that the other party didn't respond to his action of grabbing the red fruit in the bag.

Even if the other party can't see the red fruit, could this guy notice something wrong with this strange and uncontrolled movement?

If he doesn't notice it, there might be a chance...

Li Zhi stopped in front of the kennel before the sound sounded again.

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