Outside the city of Xiangyang, in the military tent.

Sun Jianzheng sat on the main seat with an iron face.

Lu Bu and Zhang Song sat on the left and right, their faces pale and full of uneasiness.

Xiao Zhe was really ambushed.

When it was carried out, although there were many soldiers surrounding it, it was not difficult to see the horrific blood stains on the body.

What's more, the killer is not known yet.

And they can only wait for the results here.

After thinking for a while, Lu Bu got up and said:

"Wu Hou, this matter really has nothing to do with the little girl!"

"Although the little girl is stubborn, she will never be bold enough to assassinate the military advisor!"

He's really scared right now.

Because the place where Xiao Zhe was ambushed was coincidental, there was his unconscious daughter.

And according to his understanding of Lu Qiling, this little girl is really likely to go to Xiao Zhe for trouble.

If he really has something to do with his daughter.

Not to mention the alliance, even he may fold in this Xiangyang City.

Facing Lu Bu's explanation, Sun Jian shook his head and said:

"Feng Xian doesn't need to say much, I believe Feng Xian will not do such a thing!"

"But before the matter is clarified, please wait here for the result with Mr. Fengxian and Mr. Zhang!"

He naturally knew that Lu Bu was not an assassin.

Because the assassin had someone else, as for why Lu Bu's daughter appeared in the forest, then he didn't know!

What he is most concerned about now is whether Xiao Zhe is really injured!

When Lu Bu heard this, he was grateful to Dai De and said:

"Thank you Wu Hou for your trust!"

Seeing this, Zhang Song said with a solemn expression:

"Wu Hou rest assured, the military master Ji people have their own natural appearance, and before they find out, we will wait here with peace of mind. "

Although he said this, his heart was flustered.

Because whether Xiao Zhe's assassination was related to them or not, he really didn't know.

But he knew one thing, Liu Yan had the intention to assassinate Xiao Zhe before!

If Sun Jian hadn't defeated Liu Biao and Yuan Shu in one fell swoop, Liu Yan wouldn't have let him show his goodwill.

But the key is that he doesn't know if Liu Yan also sent assassins!

If it's really his 467s, then what should I do?

The three of them had different thoughts, and they saw that the generals were heading towards the tent, seeing such a situation, Lu Bu hurriedly got up and said:

"Can you find out who you are an assassin?"

It seems that the generals under his command all shook their heads and said nothing.

And Zhang Ren and Liu Bi came to Zhang Song's side with a dignified face.

Only Huang Zhong led a group of sergeants to carry a few corpses into the camp tent, and said to Sun Jianyi:

"Lord, I'll find all the assassins this time. "

"There are nine people in total, all wearing our military uniforms!"

"Xu took advantage of today's hunting, and the soldiers mixed in after entering the forest. "

"Among the nine people, none of them are alive, except for one who is not poisonous in his mouth, and the remaining eight are all dead. "

Hearing this, the others in the tent were secretly startled again.

Sun Jian frowned and said:

"Can you find out who you are an assassin?"

"No identity has been revealed!"

Huang Zhong shook his head, and then said:

"But the weapons in the hands of these people are regulated, and none of them are owned by our army!"

"It looks like it's a thing from Shudi!"

So saying, he had the weapons of the people come into the tent and lay them on the ground.

Looking at the weapons on the ground, Zhang Song's eyes widened, and he looked at Zhang Ren and Liu Bidao:

"Is this really a search in the woods?"

When Zhang Ren and Liu Bi heard this, they all nodded gloomily.

They were also there when they were looking for weapons, and they could clearly see that the weapons had not been dropped, which was a common saber in their army!

When Sun Jian heard this, his eyes were already narrowed, and he looked at Zhang Song and the others in a cold voice:

"These weapons are Shuzhong weapons?"

When Zhang Song heard this, he hurriedly walked out, knelt on the ground and shouted:

"General, you have been wronged!"

"This is definitely a blame-setting!"

"If these people are people from my Shu and specially assassinated, why do you need to use the weapons of Shu!"

Lu Bu had already thrown off the trouble, and immediately said in a deep voice:

"Who knows if you and the others are deliberately using this as a cover to get rid of suspicion?"

Seeing Lu Bu's sudden words, Zhang Song hurriedly said:

"What does General Lu mean by this, does even the general think that our army assassinated the military division?"

Seeing this, Lu Bu turned his head and said:

"I don't know, this matter has nothing to do with me!"

"Then why did the general fall into the well?"

Zhang Song was already a little hurried and said:

"In today's situation, if our army wants to assassinate, why do it now, since we can return to Shuzhong, we can do it!"

Speaking of this, he bowed to Sun Jian and said:

"Dare to love Wu Hou Mingjian, these assassins are definitely not sent by our army!"

But when Sun Jian heard this, he was already indifferent:

"Yes or no, there will be a correct opinion after it is found out!"

"Someone, take Mr. Zhang and the two generals back to the city to entertain them!"

"Those soldiers, horses, money, and food should be seized, and before the matter is clarified, the city will be blocked, and no outsiders will be allowed to enter or leave!"

With that, he flicked his cloak and walked briskly towards the outside of the tent.

When Zhang Song, Zhang Ren, Liu Bi and others heard this, they glanced at each other, and they all showed a look of despair.

Zhang Song is okay, Zhang Ren and Liu Bi, these two buddies have been locked up for a few months, and when they saw that they were about to be freed, they pounced and fell into another wave.

Seeing this, Lu Bu gloated and glanced at Zhang Song and the others a few times, and hurriedly followed Sun Jian's footsteps.

After Sun Jian's order, Xiangyang City suddenly fell into turmoil.

The gates of the city, which had been wide open, closed abruptly, and groups of soldiers marched into the streets and began to patrol.

The people didn't know why Sun Jian was like this, but they knew that something big had happened in Xiangyang City!

At the same time, the news of Xiao Zhe's assassination also spread throughout the city as the city gate was closed.

For a while, Sun Jianjun had no Minister of Martial Arts, and they were all terrified!

Hurriedly walked out of the mansion and walked towards Xiao Zhe's mansion.

"Who are you? Where is this?"

At this time, in Xiao Zhe's mansion, in the inner courtyard, the unconscious Lu Qiling woke up from the bed. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Seeing her coming, a maid hurriedly said:

"Miss, this is the military master's mansion. "

"Miss Fang Cai is in a coma, General Sun sent Miss over and ordered the slaves and maids to take care of them!"

"Military Master's Mansion? Xiao Zhe!"

Lu Qiling suddenly remembered what happened in the forest, and hurriedly grabbed the handmaid's hand and said: []

"Then what's wrong with Xiao Zhe?"

"Is he hurt?"

She only remembered that Xiao Zhe was under siege, and she was knocked unconscious by the strong man, and she didn't know anything else.

Thinking of Xiao Zhe's previous actions, she felt some irrepressible worries in her heart.

The maid was caught by her and cried out in pain, and hurriedly said:

"It hurts, it hurts!

"The lord is in the palace for the doctor to diagnose and treat, and the slaves and maids don't know the situation!"

As soon as Lu Qiling heard this, she hurriedly turned over and walked towards the ACBD layman.

With intuition, I went on a rampage all the way, and finally came to a compound, only to see that the courtyard was already densely packed with people at this time.

A good-looking girl sat at the door and wept, but a basin of blood came out of the house.

Seeing this, she dragged her injured leg and limped forward, shouting:

"Xiao Zhe, Xiao Zhe, where are you, come out to Miss Ben!"

But as soon as she stepped forward, Sun Ce stepped forward to stop her way:

"Since Miss is injured, why don't you rest in the house?"

"Now the military advisor is seriously injured, and the doctor is treating it, please don't come forward to make trouble!"

Lu Qiling looked at Sun Ce, and when she heard that Xiao Zhe was seriously injured, she felt a tingling pain in her heart.

She had already reacted, and Xiao Zhe should have found the assassin's traces and was running away.

And her appearance delayed Xiao Zhe's time.

But Rao is like this, Xiao Zhe still saved her life.

For a moment, the resentment in her heart turned into worry:

"Is he badly injured?"

Hearing this, Sun Ce hesitated for a moment, nodded and said:

"The military advisor is seriously injured, and I ask the young lady to leave to make trouble!"

Seeing that Sun Ce avoided answering, Lu Qiling thought that Xiao Zhe was in danger, so she was stunned on the spot for a while, and muttered:

"I hurt him, I hurt him!"

Originally, with Xiao Zhe's performance at that time, he could have escaped, but she caused Xiao Zhe to fall into a heavy encirclement!

The guilt invaded for a while, making her unconsciously take a few steps back, not knowing what to do.

Just as he was feeling guilty, he saw the girl who was crying at the door stood up, stepped forward to hold her up, and said:

"Miss, isn't that Miss of the Lu family?"

Lu Qiling listened, and asked rhetorically:

"You are?"

"Slave Juan'er is the personal maid of the son!"

Fan Juan replied and continued to wipe away her tears.

Lu Qiling looked at Fan Juan's pear blossom with rain, and for a while she felt a little ashamed of herself.

It's a shame that she still has to try Xiao Zhe to marry her, but who knows that a maid around Xiao Zhe is such a delicate beauty.

With such a beauty in front of her, she is a person who only knows how to dance knives and guns, can she really make Xiao Zhe value?

As she thought about it, she suddenly saw a woman dressed in splendid purple and a little girl hurrying into the courtyard, shouting:

"Brother, brother, is Sir really assassinated?"

The people who came were Sun Jian's daughters, Sun Ying and Sun Shangxiang.

Since they met that day, under Sun Jian's instructions, Sun Yuan and Xiao Zhe have been arranged to meet.

At this time, as soon as she heard that Xiao Zhe wanted to stab, she pulled her little sister Sun Shangxiang and came.

Sun Ce looked at his anxious sister, and had to shake his head and say:

"Sister go back first, the doctor is healing the military division, don't come to make trouble!"

Hearing this, Sun Ying's eyes turned red for a while and said:

"Sir, is it seriously injured, brother, tell me!"

She is a girl with a very traditional concept, and since Sun Jian's promise that day, she has already regarded herself as Xiao Zhe's person.

Seeing Xiao Zhe like this at this time, his heart was naturally sad.

Sun Shangxiang also shook Sun Ce's hand and hurriedly said:

"Big brother, brother-in-law is going to die!"

"You talk a lot!"

Sun Ce listened, touched Sun Shangxiang's head and smiled bitterly:

"Where is it so easy to die as a military advisor!"

"Take my sister to the side!"

But as soon as he finished speaking, he heard an exclamation in the distance, and saw a young woman with a lovely girl fixed at the door.

The woman looked at Sun Ce in disbelief and said:

"Did something happen to you, sir?"

Sun Ce looked at another woman, and suddenly had a headache.

He also knows this woman, it is Cai Yong's eldest daughter Cai Yan and her second daughter Cai Yao.

Seeing that Cai Yan was also here, he felt a little bitter in his heart for a while.

I really don't know where the military advisor provoked so many girls!

Now when a person asks again, even he almost believes it!

In his thoughts, Cai Yan had already stepped forward quickly, and said with a concerned expression:

"General, what's wrong with the sir!"

Sun Ce had no choice but to say:

"Sir is seriously injured and is being treated, please come forward and disturb me!"

"If you're really worried, just wait on the sidelines. "

When the girls heard this, they had to take a few steps back one by one and stand in the courtyard and wait.

But when they got here, the women looked at each other, and the atmosphere became quite subtle again.

It seems that Cai Yan and Sun Yuan seem to have felt something, and they nodded to each other, which can be regarded as acquaintance.

And Cai Yao and Sun Shangxiang are not a few years apart, so they don't like each other.

Fan Juan was helping Lu Qiling to tremble in the midst of the ladies.

Only Lu Qiling looked at Sun Yuan, then at Cai Yan, and then at Fan Juan, and her heart was sour.

Each of these women was more feminine and lovely than her.

Could they all be Xiao Zhe's confidantes?

This bad guy, how can he have such a great charm to make these women fall in love.

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