In Jiangzhou City, after a night, the city has been in the hands of Sun Jianjun.

Although before the city was broken, Wei Yan threatened the old and young in the city, and did not stay.

In fact, after entering the city, he obediently restrained the soldiers and set the list to settle the people, until the Mandate of Heaven came to Sun Ben and said:

"General, the people in the city have been pacified and are no longer alarmed. "

"The soldiers have also been settled, and last night our army captured more than 9,000 people and wounded hundreds. "

"Thanks to the strategy of the military division, this time to seize Jiangzhou, the loss is only this, it can be described as a great achievement!"

Saying this, Wei Yan smiled from ear to ear.

The reason why he himself took the initiative to recommend himself to stay in Jiangzhou was to be brilliant and let Sun Jian notice him!

And now, although the main general is not him, but this credit is shared between him and Sun Ben, I am afraid that after this battle, he will be promoted to captain!

When such a great achievement was completed, he was naturally happy in his heart.

Seeing this, Sun Ben also said happily:

"As long as we follow the military strategy of the military division, we have merit!"

"This work of the chief and me is enough to deter the generals!"

"But as the general said, now the military division is very well arranged, let's follow the merit!"

Wei Yan laughed again and hurriedly asked:

"By the way, general, didn't the military advisor give the general four tips before!"

"Now that I've opened one, and there are three, why don't you open it and take a look?"

When Sun Ben heard this, he reacted and said:

"Don't say it, I haven't thought about it yet!"

"It is clearly stated in the military advisor's bag that after capturing Yan Yan, you can open the black bag!"

"Now that Yan Yan has been captured, it's time to open this black bag to see!"

Wei Yan was even more surprised when he heard that Xiao Zhe could predict that they would capture Yan Yan.

It's really hard to imagine how Xiao Zhe accurately grasped every step of their plan when he made a plan!

It's like playing chess, where a good player can predict three moves.

But Xiao Zhe's hand is almost equivalent to grasping the whole situation!

How exactly is this done?

When he was surprised, Sun Ben had opened the bag and took out a note that said:

"After the plan is completed, the soldiers will be divided into two routes, all the way to capture Brazil and other places, all the way from Jiangzhou to the west to respond to the main force, and wait for the two roads to converge, to the outside of the city, you can open the blue bag!"

Wei Yan listened, came to the side to watch, and suddenly exclaimed:

"We have just entered Jiangzhou, there are still many cities and countless passes from Luocheng, how can we jump to Luocheng in 217?"

Seeing this, Sun Ben was also puzzled:

"Or does the military advisor think that the difficulty of entering Sichuan lies in Jiangzhou, and the rest of the cities can be attacked without attacking?"

"What if I see what about this strategy?"

Seeing this, Wei Yan looked carefully at the cloth.

After looking at it like this for a while, there was a tangle on their faces, and Sun Ben looked at Wei Yan with a cloth and said:

"Can this be done?"

Wei Yan thought for a while, gritted his teeth and said:

"Maybe it's going to happen, why don't you try!"

"Well, then try!"

Sun Ben immediately waved his hand and shouted:

"Come on, bring that Yan Yan up!"

In the middle of the words, after a while, he saw Yan Yan being escorted to the mansion.

After last night's fierce battle, Yan Yan was injured in the leg, and at this time, his hair was scattered, and he was limping, but he had a determined look on his face.

Seeing this, Wei Yan shouted:

"Bold fanatic, why did you not surrender when our army came today, but fought against each other several times?"

Seeing this, Yan Yan showed a sneer on his face:

"The food of the king, the worry of the king, you come to invade our state and county, how can you say it. "

"Now that the army is defeated, if you want to kill or chop, listen to it!"

Seeing this, Wei Yan became more and more annoyed and said:

"Puff has a hard mouth, come on, push me down and cut it down!"

Hearing this, Yan Yan sneered:

"It's just a severed head, why am I afraid, don't humiliate me, ask yourself to die!"

After that, without waiting for the soldiers to step forward and push, he turned around and calmly went to die.

Seeing Yan Yan like this, Sun Ben felt respect for a while, and hurriedly got up and said:


He stepped down to retreat left and right, walked straight towards Yan Yan, came behind him, and untied the hemp rope on his body.

Seeing this, Yan Yan frowned and said:

"What does that mean?"

Sun Ben untied the rope and said with emotion:

"When I first heard that the general was a hero in Shu, I didn't believe it. "

"Now I see it, and it is indeed so. "

As he spoke, he took off his robe and covered Yan Yan, and said with a sigh:

"The general said that our army invaded the state and county, don't you know that we are here with hatred?"

"Because our army didn't want to fight before, we released the general, and I wanted to make peace with your army, but this time there were people in Sichuan who took revenge and assassinated our army!"

"Our army has confirmed it several times, and the evidence is conclusive, so I came to ask for the guilt!"

"When I came, the military advisor was lying on the sickbed and told me not to kill innocents indiscriminately, nor to use this to punish the loyal and righteous. "

"Seeing the general like this now, I can't bear to kill him!"

He treated Yan Yan all the way to the outside of the hall and said:

"It's cold today, the general is wearing this clothes, and he will go by himself!"

Hearing Sun Ben's words, Yan Yan looked ashamed, and said with some disbelief:

"Is the general really going to let me go?"

Seeing this, Sun Ben nodded and said:

"The general will go by himself!"

He raised his head and shouted:

"Prepare horses for the general!"

"If you give the order, you are not allowed to stop it!"

Then he walked in the direction of the Lord's throne.

Seeing this, Yan Yan's resolute face showed a hint of emotion, and he tried to take a few steps outside, but saw that Sun Ben and Wei Yan did not stop him.

Seeing this, he gritted his teeth and strode away towards the outside of the mansion.

When Wei Yan saw this, he suddenly came to Sun Ben's side with some panic and said:

"General, really let Yan Yan leave!"

Sun Ben listened, so he had to grit his teeth and say:

"That's what the military advisor explains, what else can you do if you don't let it go?"

When Wei Yan heard this, he said with pity:

"This veteran is a famous general in Sichuan, if he really wants to go against our army, I am afraid it will be difficult to capture in the future!"

But as soon as his voice fell, he saw Yan Yan, who had just walked out, walked back to the courtyard slowly with his head down.

Sun Ben saw something different, and couldn't help but exclaim:

"Why did the general go and come back?"

But when Yan Yan heard this, he knelt on the ground and said in shame:

"The general of the defeated army, Homon Houen, your army has captured two times and two columns, and has not been killed several times. "

"The military advisor is still injured and takes care of the soldiers in Shuzhong, Yan Meng has been released twice, if he goes, what face does he have to live in the world?"

"In the next wish, I hope that the two generals will not hesitate to accept it!"

Hearing Yan Yan's words, Sun Ben and Wei Yan glanced at each other, both of them showing surprise.

hurriedly stepped forward to help Yan Yan and said:

"The general is really a loyal man!"

"Our army can get the help of the general, and this time it will be the first evil!" (read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

Yan Yan listened, and said with a sigh on his face:

"Counting up, Liu Yuanjun is also kind to the old man, if he attacks Chengdu in the future, can he spare Liu Yuanjun's life?"

When Sun Ben heard this, he waved his hand and smiled:

"Don't worry, general, my lord is lenient, Liu Biao died in the chaos at the beginning, and now his family is still taken in by our army, even if our army captures Chengdu this time, it will not harm Liu Yan's life!"

Hearing Sun Ben's promise, Yan Yan nodded and said: []

"Therefore, I know that General Sun is lenient and not jealous!"

"But I don't know how the two of you want to march after capturing Jiangzhou today?"

Seeing this, Sun Ben and Wei Yan hurriedly said:

"According to the original plan, our army wants to divide the army into two routes, one to take Brazil, and the other to the west to respond to the main force. "

After hearing this, Yan Yan said in a deep voice:

"I am a general, I do not want to be an enemy of the generals, if the general can trust me, I am willing to go to Brazil for the front!"

"With the old man's face, he will be able to persuade the cities to surrender, and he should be able to seize this place without spending a single soldier or a soldier!"

Seeing Yan Yan like this, Sun Ben and Wei Yan were pleasantly surprised.

I didn't expect the release of Yan Yan to have this effect!

If they can capture Brazil without a single soldier, it will be a great achievement for them!

Immediately, Sun Ben thanked him again, and asked Yan Yan to go to Haosheng for repair.

After Yan Yan left, Wei Yan smiled and said:

"The last general finally knows why the military division wants to say that the army is united, and the soldiers can only open the bag when they come to the city!"

"Now that General Yan is helping, it's easy for us to take the land of Brazil!"

Sun Ben also sighed when he heard it:

"It's true that everything can't be out of the control of the military advisor!"

By now, his heart was already full of reverence and gratitude for Xiao Zhe, and he couldn't help but look back at Wei Yandao for a while:

"Wen Chang, I will receive this favor from the military advisor and get credit all the way. "

"When I go back, how should I repay him?"

When Wei Yan heard this, he frowned and said:

"The military advisor really deserves to repay this kindness!"

"I just don't know what the military advisor likes?"

"If it's money, don't hide it from the general, and if you're shy in your pocket, you really can't afford anything!"

"Don't talk about money, the military advisor is much richer than us!"

Sun Ben shook his head and said:

"As for the treasures, we can't find them. "

"In my opinion, the Japanese military division was injured, and there are many celebrities in the courtyard, which shows that the military division likes beauties!"

"After we go back, let's take a closer look, or we can find more concubines for the military advisor!"

"That's fine!"

Wei Yan grinned, as long as he didn't let him pay.

As for the beauty, just grab it!

If you are not allowed to rob the people, can't you rob the enemy?

Immediately, after the two agreed, they secretly kept this matter in their hearts.

After making some repairs, in the afternoon the army divided into two routes, one along the river in a northeasterly direction, to the counties of Brazil, and the other to the west.

At the same time, on the west side of Jiangzhou, within the Yongchuan Mountain Road.

A big camp was built here.

In the big tent of the Chinese army, Wu Yi sat on the main seat and looked at everyone:

"Our army was ordered to come to reinforce Jiangzhou, and I thought that the enemy army would storm the land of Jiangzhou and seize the city before marching. "

"I don't want General Yan to send a message, saying that Sun Jian's army was divided into three routes from Jiangzhou, all the way to the north to take Dianjiang, and all the way to the south to take Fujie. "

"The enemy army is walking around the city like this, where should our army go now?"

In front of him, Gao Pei, Yang Huai, Leng Bao, Deng Xian and other generals listened, all with dignified expressions.

Obviously, Sun Jianjun's plan to divide the troops was something they didn't expect!

Yang Huai thought for a while, and said in a deep voice:

"At present, the enemy army is like this, most of them because they don't want to start a war with our army in Jiangzhou, so they divide their troops into three ways to lead our army to resist it!"

"If our army divides its forces without authorization, it will fall into the enemy's calculations!"

"But you can't do it without dividing the troops!"

Gao Pei shook his head, frowned, and said:

"The reason why the enemy dares to divide their troops is because they are advancing from the waterway, which means that they can carry a lot of food and march extremely fast!"

"Now divide the army into two ways, if you wait for it to conquer a few counties, you can gain a firm foothold in the land of Sichuan. "

At that time, they took this as the foundation, and the follow-up soldiers and horses could continue to march into Yizhou. "

"If our army does not divide its forces to resist it, when the enemy army really stands on its feet, it will turn around and surround us, and then it will be over!"

Gao Pei and Yang Huai are both generals under Liu Yan and are good at military strategy.

At this time, listening to the words of the two, the faces of the generals sank again!

It can be said that Sun Jianjun's three-way strategy is extremely difficult to crack.

Because they have few troops, while Sun Jian has many troops, once they divide their troops, they are at risk of being broken by each one.

But if the troops are not divided, then Sun Jian can use superior forces to gain a foothold in Shuzhong.

Although Shuzhong is easy to defend and difficult to attack, it is a situation where the enemy is outside.

Now that Sun Jian has entered the house, as long as there are no soldiers and horses to guard, he will soon kill all the way to Chengdu!

Thinking like this, Leng Bud looked at Wu Yi and said:

"So there are only two ways for our army at the moment!"

"First, continue to reinforce Jiangzhou, see if you can concentrate your forces to break Sun Jian's back road, once you can do it, you can cut off Sun Jian's back road. "

"If you can't do it, you risk being surrounded by enemy troops!"

"Second, return to the army immediately, let General Yan Yan hold Jiangzhou tightly, and our army will be divided into two routes and defend the city according to the enemy's march route!"

"But after such a division of troops, the enemy army may also stop and return to Jiangzhou!"

"As soon as Jiangzhou falls, the enemy army will be able to mobilize reinforcements from Jingzhou to reinforce it!"

"Only these two methods, the general should make a quick decision!"

The generals also looked at Wu Yi and arched their hands:

"Please make a quick decision!"

Faced with the generals, Wu Yi was in a dilemma for a while.

Is it to divide the troops, or not to divide the troops?

Whether it is divided or not, it is possible to fall into passivity.

Thinking of this, he suddenly regretted serving as the main general, if he had known that this was the case, how could he not be the main general!

While thinking about it, a bad news suddenly came to the camp:

"General, it's not good, our army Jiangzhou has fallen into the hands of the enemy!"

Hearing the news, Wu Yi immediately stood up, and the main general was also shocked.

They just delayed for a day or two, and Jiangzhou was gone! .

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