After listening to Xiao Zhe's words, Huang Quan savored it for a while and asked:

"What the military advisor said is that he is preparing to assimilate the southern barbarians?"

"What Gongheng said is true!"

When Xiao Zhe heard this, he looked at Sun Jian and said:

"This strategy is not only for the Yizhou Nanban, but also for the Wuxi barbarians!"

"Barbarians are barbarians because they are not civilized. "

"In fact, they drink blood, gather in the mountains and forests, and also need to cultivate the land, which is closer to our Han subjects in customs than the nomadic tribes in the north. "

"This is also the basis for my Han people to assimilate the barbarians!"

"Therefore, our army can set up trading points and righteous houses in the southern counties, imitate Zhang Lu's method in Hanzhong, and educate the southern barbarian tribes with the way of Huang Lao!"

"This is assimilation as a courtesy!"

"However, the barbarians are murderous and upright, and they are prone to conflict with our Han people, and once they are instigated, they may rebel on a large scale!"

"Therefore, our army should set up a Southern Barbarian Governor to lead the elite soldiers and horses to be stationed!"

"If the barbarians rebel, they will go to suppress it with a large army!"

"This is to teach the army! Although it is assimilated, it must be dominated by our Han people!"

"In addition, there are many internal clans of the barbarians, and all the rebel tribes will be destroyed, and all those who are pro-Han will be supported. "

"Our army can appoint those who know Chinese within the barbarian tribe as officials, who are responsible for connecting barbarian exchanges and regulating barbarian contradictions. "

"Founded the Southern Barbarian Mengxue, let the children of the barbarians come to study outside, and after completing their studies, join the ranks of officials. "

"Let these barbarian officials decide how to deal with the barbarian affairs. "

"In addition, the barbarian warriors and horses are recruited for the use of our army, and let them participate in the defense of the southern barbarians. "

"This is to rule the raze!"

"After these three strategies, our army can set up mixed cities, invite those barbarians in the poor mountains and bad waters to go out to live, give them acres of land, and assimilate them into folk customs. "

"In addition, invite the princes and heirs of the barbarian tribe to visit the north, and let them bathe in the prosperity, customs, and edification of our Han Dynasty. "

"Let the barbarian customs gradually converge with my Han people!"

"This is the vulgar for the vulgar!"

"As long as they are slowly integrated like this, after two or three generations, these barbarians will be no different from my Han people!"

"Not only can we eliminate the harm of the barbarians, but we can also accept millions of barbarians in the south for the use of our Han!"

As soon as Xiao Zhe's voice fell, Sun Jian stroked his palms and laughed:

"What a strategy to cure barbarians, what a century-old plan!"

"Virtuous thinking, the merit is in the present, and the benefit is in the future!"

You must know that the barbarians in the south, the Wuxi barbarians in Jingzhou, and the Shanyue in Jiangdong are the big ones that balance the forces in the south!

Within a territory stretching for thousands of miles, there were millions of barbarians.

The reason why Liu Yan had difficulty controlling the southern part of Yizhou was because the southern barbarians and powerful people were difficult to govern.

And Xiao Zhe's strategy can not only target the Nanban, but also the Wuxi barbarians.

As long as they operate well, not only will they not need to garrison too many troops in the future, but they will also be able to use brute troops to fight north.

He could already imagine the future of the barbarians merging, and they would have no more trouble!

When the ministers heard this, they were amazed.

The Han Dynasty has always been dominated by enslavement and indoctrination of the barbarians, and has never thought of direct assimilation.

This also leads to the relative independence of the barbarians, and there is a danger of rebellion at any time.

And Xiao Zhe's governance system can effectively deal with the harm of the barbarians, although it takes a long time, but it is indeed beneficial for a thousand years!

After thinking for a while, Huang Quan got up and sighed:

"These strategies of the military division, envy and power, if we divide it into three years, after three years, Yizhou will definitely be governed~!"

Hearing this, Xiao Zhe smiled:

"I'm just agreeing on a general direction, and as for how to implement it, we need your cooperation!"

"Now our army has just taken two large states, and in a short period of time, we are not able to move troops in a big way. "

"This is the time for you to show it!"

Kuai Yue and the others listened, and smiled at each other, although the general direction was Xiao Zheding, but the actual thing was done by them.

Now that the general direction is certain, they also have a goal to strive for.

Only Guo Jia heard this, got up and smiled:

"Listening to the military division's intentions, our army is not ready to make a big move, but the military division clearly said that there are two main problems, one is to recuperate, and the other is the overall strategy!"

"Now that the matter of governing the country is over, it's time to talk about military strategy!"

Seeing Guo Jia mention the military strategy, Sun Jian came to his senses, looked at him and said with a smile:

"What Feng Xiao said is good, our army needs to recuperate now, but what do you think about the military division above the strategy?"

"Could it be that our army has only to hold on for the past three years?"

When Xiao Zhe heard this, he put the feather fan on the case, and said:

"Naturally, it is not only stubborn, if the princes rise up together today, the situation is changing rapidly, what our army has to do is to deal with it flexibly!"

"However, everything is foreseen, and if it is not prepared, it will be wasted, therefore, our army must think about the strategic direction in this rapidly changing war situation!"

As he spoke, he stood up and waved his hand to the soldiers to come over with the complete map of the Eastern Han Dynasty.

This picture is three zhang long and two zhang high, and it was painted by Xiao Zheling.

He strolled to the map, and said to the crowd:

"After the capture of Yizhou, our army now spans two states, although it spans thousands of miles, but it has become more and more difficult to defend. "

"In addition to this, our army is also facing a problem, that is, the direction of our army's advance. "

"Going north, or going east, the choice is different, which also means that our army will face different results!"

"This direction can be said to determine the general trend of the world in the future!"

"And the strategic deployment of our army also needs to be determined in accordance with this direction!"

Looking at the map of the territory of the Han Dynasty that Xiao Zhe put up, all the vassals fell into contemplation.

As Xiao Zhe said, their northward and eastward expansion will affect the situation of the world in the future!

It also determines how they will face the enemy army in the future.

After thinking for a while, Guo Jia looked at the map and said:

"If according to the words of the military division, then the strategic issue of our army must consider Yuan Shao!"

"Because now among the heroes in the world, the only person who is far away from our army and cannot be reached is Yuan Shao. "

"Now after several battles in Hebei, Gongsun Chan is no longer able to compete with Yuan Shao. "

"Within a few years, the winner will inevitably be decided!"

"After dividing the winners and losers, Yuan Shao will sit in Jizhou and Youzhou, and then take the state in the west, enter Qingzhou in the east, and directly occupy the land of Hebei!"

"And no matter how our army goes north or east, it will be against Yuan Shao!"

"That's right! Feng Xiao's words are good!"

Xiao Zhe nodded and looked at everyone:

"The strategy of our army is not to be entangled in the gains and losses of one city and one place, but to focus on the general trend of the world!"

"Take Yuan Shao as a potential opponent and choose the strategy of our army's march!"

"Therefore, our army needs to achieve three strategic goals in order to ensure that our army will have an advantage in the future!"

Seeing Xiao Zhe's strategy of directly laying out the world, Sun Jian was pleasantly surprised:

"The military advisor said, what goal does our army have to achieve in order to be like this?" (read the violent novel, go to the Feilu novel network!)

When Xiao Zhe heard this, he stretched out a finger and said:

"First, our army must welcome the Son of Heaven, obtain a correct name, and serve the Son of Heaven to order not to be subordinate!"

"Obey the Son of Heaven to order not to obey?"

Everyone was slightly stunned when they listened, and Guo Jia said with a gleam in his eyes:

"The meaning of the military advisor is that our army wants to seek the Son of Heaven to move the capital south?"

"That's right, when the princes of the day are all strong and strong, they all focus on the strength of the soldiers and horses, ignoring the name of righteousness!"

Xiao Zhe turned his back to the map and looked at everyone:

"However, the name of righteousness is precisely what people in the world are important to!"

"If today's son is in trouble, he is trapped in the land of Chang'an. "

"Like Li Dao, Guo Yan and others, they are all chaotic parties, if our army can welcome the Son of Heaven to the south, it can grasp the righteousness!"

"At that time, where you want to fight, you can play the Son of Heaven, send troops openly, sweep away the chaos, and order the princes of the world. "

"There is a Son of Heaven, like Yuan Shao, even if he occupies the four states of Hebei, in front of our army, he is also a chaotic minister and thief!"

"The military advisor said this is wonderful, our army should be the son of heaven!"

Sun Jian nodded again and again, since the jade seal, he has also tasted the benefits of having the right name of the Son of Heaven.

Rather than leaving the Son of Heaven in chaos, it is better to control it in his hands!

Yan Pu's eyes were calm, and he stroked his beard and said in a deep voice:

"But the Son of Heaven is still in the hands of Li Dao, Guo Yan and others. "

"There are 100,000 rebellious soldiers in the pass, since our army can't move troops in a big way, how can we welcome the Son of Heaven to the south?"

As soon as his voice fell, Xiao Zhe shook his head and said:

"Li Dao, Guo Yan and others are a rabble, and there are still contradictions between Jia Xu and the mediators. "

"'Now that Jia Xu has dismissed the official, the two of them only need to provoke easily, and they will meet each other. "

"Moreover, there is Xiliang Ma Teng in the north, and there are Fan Chou, Zhang Ji and other departments in other departments, so our army can profit from chaos!"

Seeing this, Guo Jia also agreed:

"The military advisor's words are good, it seems that Li Dao, Guo Yan and others are making chaos in the pass, as long as our army provokes it, or it can be done without spending a single soldier to welcome the Son of Heaven!"

Seeing the two of them like this, Sun Jian stroked his beard and smiled:

"Li Dao Guo Yan is not worried, it must not be difficult for our army to welcome the Son of Heaven. "

"What is the second goal that the military advisor is talking about?"

"The second goal of our army is to send troops to the east, seize the land east of the Yangtze River, and build a defense line on the Yangtze River!"

Xiao Zhe turned his head and pointed to the map:

"At present, our army has controlled the middle and upper reaches of the Yangtze River. "

"Only downstream Jiangdong has not yet started. "

"Therefore, our army can take advantage of this time to enter Jiangdong and bring the entire Yangtze River into the command of our army!"

As soon as he heard this, Kuai Yue frowned and said:

"What does the military advisor mean by this? Didn't you just say that you can't make a big move?"

"Why do our troops still want to send troops to capture Jiangdong?"

"Strategist, what Kuai Gong said is reasonable!"

Chen Zhen got up and wondered:

"Our army wants to recuperate, how to seize Jiangdong?"

Faced with the doubts of the two, Xiao Zhe shook his head and said:

"It's not a contradiction!"

"The general strategy of seizing Jiangdong and the recuperation of our army is not in conflict. "

"Because there is no unified force in Jiangdong, the only great enemy, Yuan Shu, and there is no naval army under his command. "

"Our army only needs a partial division, 20,000 or 30,000 elites, to capture Jiangdong!"

"As I said just now, our army's strategy is for the layout of the future. "

"Because Jingzhou and Yizhou are too far away, they are extremely vulnerable to attacks from Jiangdong (Wang Mo Zhao). "

"If our army does not take it now, and it will be taken by others in the future, then the flank of our army will be easily controlled by others in the future!"

"Even if you take the Guanzhong Land and go north to attack Yuan Shao, you will be at risk of being cut off!"

"Only by seizing Jiangdong and fortifying the Yangtze River as a whole can we ensure the stability of our army's foundation!"

"And our army also needs to return to the army as soon as possible now to ensure the overall stability of Jingzhou. "

Seeing that Xiao Zheyan said that only one partial division was needed, everyone suddenly had no opinion.

Only Sun Jian heard the deep meaning, squinted his eyes and asked:

"What the military advisor said about returning to the army is not because he is worried that Cao Cao and Yuan Shu may move troops to attack Jingzhou?"

"Not a possibility, but a certainty!"

Xiao Zhe said with an affirmative face:

"Cao Cao and Yuan Shu will definitely wait for an opportunity to attack Jingzhou!"

"Because our army has taken the land of two states at present, neither Cao Cao nor Yuan Shu will sit still!"

"Now that the overall situation in Yizhou has been decided, our army will now return to the army to guard against two surprise attacks. "

Guan Yu lost Jingzhou, and he never forgot it.

It can be said that the reason why Jingzhou was lost was because Liu Bei had been transferring troops from Jingzhou.

After capturing Yizhou, he took the elite to the north.

I never thought of returning to Jingzhou.

This also led to the lack of troops under Guan Yu, resulting in the defeat of the army and no help.

Now that they have initially stabilized the situation in Yizhou, the elite under Sun Jian will naturally return to Jingzhou.

When Sun Jian heard this, his eyes narrowed, revealing murderous intent.

As the saying goes, the tree wants to be quiet and the wind does not stop.

If the two families really want to come, there will be a fierce battle in the direction of Jingzhou, and it seems that they will have to kill again! .

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