After a brief moment of amazement, Xiao Zhe regained his composure and hurriedly asked:

"When will this book be issued?" Can it be written when Cao Cao will return to the army?"

Sun Ce listened, took the letter and handed it to Xiao Zhedao:

"This book was sent on June 17, Cao Cao returned to the army in early June, and he wanted to send the book directly to Shuzhong, but he happened to meet our army coming, so he submitted this book!"

He hurriedly handed the silk book in his hand to Xiao Zhe, and then said a little strangely:

"Sir, what is this Cao Cao for?"

"After Zhong Tai's letter, Cao Cao was fighting with Lu Bu in Yanzhou this time. "

As a result, after Jiyin defeated Lu Bu here, he directly reversed direction and returned to Chenliu all the way. "

"Since Lu Bu has been defeated, it is time to directly eliminate Lu Bu and stabilize the general trend of Yanzhou. "

"Now that the soldiers and horses are tired, why do you want to attack my Nanyang?"

And Xiao Zhe listened, his expression became more and more calm and composed, and he thought:

"If something goes wrong, there must be a demon!"

"Cao Jun is like this, he must have a plan. "

He picked up the letter sent by Zhong Xuan and looked at it carefully, and said strangely for a while:

"In addition to Lu Bu, there is also Zhang Chao's department that has not been broken?"

"Yes, sir, Zhang Chao's department is also trapped in Yongqiu!"

Sun Ce scratched his head and said puzzledly:

It stands to reason that Zhang Chao betrayed Cao Cao this time, and Lu Bu attacked Cao Cao's Yanzhou. "Twenty-Nine"

"Cao Cao should hate these two people very much. "

"But now why are they avoiding the two of them and turning back to fight with our army?"

"Now our army has a total of 40,000 people in Nanyang, as long as our army defends the city, when the autumn harvest comes, he will have to return to the army no matter what!"

"For more than a month, what is he anxious about?"

Xiao Zhe was thinking about it, but when he heard Sun Ce's words, his face suddenly changed:

"It's not good, Cao Cao wants to move our army's grain and grass!"

"Speed up the whole army and rush to Gangneung as soon as possible!"

"Immediately reply to Zhong Xuan, and ask him to mobilize the people to prepare to rob the grain in the west and south of Wanxian, as well as Wuyin, Biyang, Pingshi and other places!"

"Be sure to start harvesting grain when Cao Cao mobilizes his troops!"

When Sun Ce heard this, his heart was also shocked:

"Sir, are you saying that Cao Cao is not preparing to attack Nanyang this time, but is preparing to rob our army of Nanyang's grain and grass?"

Seeing this, Xiao Zhe frowned and said:

"Speed up the fleet shilling, and I'll explain it to you slowly!"

When Sun Ce heard this, he hurriedly ordered the fleet to speed up, and a large number of soldiers began to pad and row the boat in person, and the speed of the fleet suddenly increased with the sails.

After doing everything, Sun Ce returned again, only to see that Xiao Zhe had already entered the cabin and was looking at the map in front of the army.

Seeing this, he hurriedly stepped forward and asked:

"Sir, the fleet has accelerated, and it will be in Gangneung tomorrow at the latest!"

"Dare to ask sir, what is Cao Cao's movement this time?"

"Why do they want to rob our army of food and grass, aren't they afraid of our army's retaliation!"

Hearing this, Xiao Zhe turned around and said:

"So far, can't you see what Cao Jun is planning?"

"This is a desperate plan!

"You just see the current situation, and you naturally wonder. "

"Cao Cao is not afraid of our army's retaliation, of course he is afraid, what can he do if he is terrible?"

"Now that the two armies are bordering each other, either you destroy me, or I destroy you, I'm afraid what's the use?"

"Only by finding the right opportunity and biting the other party fiercely can we continue to gain advantages in the follow-up war!"

"And now, it is Cao Cao who sees the weakness of our army and is ready to bite our army fiercely!"

He pointed to the land of Nanyang on the map:

"Now it seems that our army has been monolithic, but the land of Nanyang is too rich, if this place is in the hinterland, it can be convenient with our army. "

"But this place is on the border, with a population of more than one million, connecting Jingzhou, Guanzhong, and Yuzhou, and it is a place where soldiers must fight. "

"From Cao Cao's point of view, now he is only left with a ruined Yanzhou, although the population is large, but after several wars, the people are scattered, and our army is sitting on Jingzhou and will take Yizhou. "

"Once our army succeeds, then Nanyang will become our army's base for marching!"

"Even if he takes a leave of absence now and goes back to recuperate, after two or three years, when he finishes his cultivation, our army will also finish his cultivation. "

And now that he is recuperating, he will not be able to capture Xuzhou in a short time. "

"When our army finishes cultivating, he is in the land of Yanzhou, how can he fight with our army!"

"So for Cao Cao, now is the best and only chance to fight with our army!"

"If he can't succeed this time, he will no longer be able to independently resist the power of our army in the future!"

"If that's what the gentleman says, then he'll understand!"

Sun Ce listened, and naturally brought into Cao Cao's perspective.

It may be that on the surface, now is not a good time to return to the army, but in fact, if Cao Cao doesn't do it now, he won't have a chance to do it in the future!

Because they enter Shu, there is only one chance to expose the weakness of their backs!

After capturing Yizhou, with the mountains and rivers of Yizhou, Yizhou can be turned into a powerful logistics base that does not require much defense!

With such logistical blessings, not to mention that Cao Cao only has one Yanzhou, even if there is another Xuzhou, it is not their opponent who can easily gather the strength of the two states to attack.

So Cao Cao didn't want to make a move now, but was forced by the future situation to have to do it now!

Thinking of this, Sun Ce said according to his own train of thought:

Therefore, Cao Cao had no choice but to march this time. "

"But because his soldiers are tired, he can't choose to attack the city, so he can only target our army's food!"

"As long as they rob our army of food and grass, then they will have a large amount of food and grass to replenish. "

"At the same time, our army has no harvest in Nanyang, so we must mobilize a large amount of grain and grass to receive Jinan Yang!"

"That's it!"

Seeing that Sun Ce reasoned out, Xiao Zhe nodded and said:

"I have to say, the person who offered this plan is really good!"

"Judging from the time, almost as soon as he defeated Lu Bu, Cao Cao chose to return to the army. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"At that time, our army was still in Shu and did not come back!"

"If our army hasn't obtained Shu yet, then this time it will most likely be won by Cao Cao!"

"If he takes Nanyang, he will have an additional logistics base to guard against our army, and he only needs to immigrate to the north and clear the wilderness, then it will be difficult for our army to go north in the future!"

"If he didn't take Nanyang, he could also collect grain and grass and calmly retreat from the army, clear the field with the strong walls of Yingchuan, and use the grain and grass of our army to guard against our army. "

"And after our army loses the food in Nanyang, it will have to feed millions of refugees. "[]

"Our army has run out of food, and even if our army can support these millions of refugees, it will make our army's advantage disappear!"

"This is a conspiracy, and our army has few soldiers in Nanyang, and in the face of Cao Cao's strong forces, it is impossible to crack it!"

"Hey! What a sinister strategy!"

When Sun Ce heard this, he immediately gasped.

At first, he was not very aware of the dangers of Cao Cao's advance.

Now as soon as he heard Xiao Zhe's explanation, he realized that Cao Cao didn't need to be afraid of retaliation at all.

Because if they succeed, they will have no power to retaliate!

If there was no consciousness of Xiao Zhe, as soon as Cao Cao sent troops to start cutting grain, it would be too late by the time Zhong Xuan reacted!

At least half of Nanyang counties will have no harvest, and I don't know how many refugees will be added!

Thinking of this, he suddenly became anxious, and hurriedly said:

"Sir, how is this good?"

"Now that the autumn harvest is approaching, even if our army rushes to Jiangling tomorrow, it will take at least half a month to go to Nanyang!"

"Without reinforcements from our army, Zhong Taishou can only stand still.0"

"As soon as Cao Cao arrives, he will start to grab food, and our army can only defend passively"

"These county towns are out of harvest, and even if our army can hold it, it will suffer heavy damage!"

But when Xiao Zhe saw Sun Ce like this, he smiled and said:

"Although this plan is powerful, our army is not out of the way to crack it!"

"The difficulty of this strategy is that it is a yang scheme, that is, the main force of our army is not there, and we dare not go out of the city to engage in the battle!"

"But the enemy strategists are not vicious enough, so that there is a mistake!"

"Our army can seize this weakness and send troops north to break it,"

Seeing that Xiao Zhe actually had a way to crack it, Sun Ce hurriedly said:

"What is wrong with the enemy? How can our army crack it!"

Seeing this, Xiao Zhe turned around and looked at Nanyang and said:

"Originally, this strategy could completely shake the foundation of our army!"

"If Cao Cao started to return to the army on the same day, he didn't stop all the way, took Nanyang directly, and destroyed our army's fields, then our army's Nanyang would really not be able to be saved!"

"But the enemy's adviser is clearly not a poisoner, and he is too greedy. "

"The reason why they didn't move was that they wanted to wait for the grain to be fully ripe before they could rush to harvest, which gave our army time to react. "

"He didn't expect that our army would capture Yizhou so quickly!"

"So I ordered Zhong Xuan to gather the people and prepare to grab the grain!"

"In this way, even if Cao Cao advances quickly, our army can recover most of its losses!"

"And the key to breaking the game is on a piece of food!"

"If Cao Cao is going to rob our army of rations, he will not carry baggage. "

"He wants to harvest grain on a large scale, and the soldiers and horses must be divided. "

Therefore, when they entered the hinterland of Nanyang, they passively formed a strong wall and cleared the wilderness. "

"As long as our army can go north as soon as possible, take the cavalry by surprise and burn the enemy's grain and grass, then Cao Cao's army will fall into a situation where the army is alone and has no supplies. "

"As long as we hold on for a long time, we can annihilate the Cao army as soon as our army reaches 3.4!"

Hearing this, Sun Ce was shocked, can the crisis be transformed into a fighter?

But after thinking for a while, he frowned again and said:

"Sir, although this method is possible, but our army has only more than 2,000 cavalry, and if this army wants to burn the enemy's grain and grass in the north, I'm afraid it will be a little difficult!"

"If Cao Cao reacts, what if he surrounds and annihilates our army?"

Hearing this, Xiao Zhe smiled leisurely:

"So this time, our army personally led the army to fight against Cao Cao!"

"You lead the army to the rear, and hurry to Nanyang with the soldiers and horses!"

"Our army still has 40,000 troops in Nanyang, although Cao Cao has many soldiers, it is easy to hold Cao Cao back!"

"Since Cao Cao dares to take the initiative, then let him pay the price!"

Saying this, he was already thinking about who the opponent was this time besides Cao Cao.

Guo Jia has already been put under their command, and in addition to Guo Jia, the people who offered the plan were Xi Zhicai, Cheng Yu, and Xun Yu.

Or, Cao Cao's new strategist Xun You?

And Sun Ce looked at Xiao Zhe like this, and secretly thought in his heart, this time Xiao Zhe personally took action, Cao Cao was afraid that he would suffer a big loss!

But as Xiao Zhe said, since Cao Cao dares to come, he will have to pay the price!

Their territory is easy to grab?

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