Just when Yuan Shu was furious in Huainan, Xiao Zhe had already forgotten about this matter.

As a feudal official, his itinerary is far more intensive than that of ordinary people.

Since the union with Gu Yong and Zhang Xian, the bureaucratic system of the entire Jingzhou has been mobilized.

First, a large number of craftsmen were summoned by Xiao Zhe, made tens of thousands of Quyuan ploughs, and a large number of ploughing cattle and homeless people moved towards Wuling.

At the same time, the direction of the four southern counties was not idle, led by Huanjie and Pan Jun, and a large number of idle people were summoned to go to the wasteland in the mountains outside Wuling City to open up wasteland.

A large-scale reclamation operation was carried out in the direction of Wuling.

Hundreds of thousands of displaced people were moved into Wuling County, giving life to the originally sparsely populated Wuling County.

At the same time, after reporting to Sun Jian, Xiao Zhe decided to take Fancheng as the center and reopen the Jiangdong and Shudi trade routes.

Shu brocade and Wu Juan were taken as the main products, and Fancheng was used as a centralized trading place to start a business movement.

In order to support commerce, Xiao Zhe abolished most of the tariffs and turned the collection of taxes into direct collection of value-added tax, consumption tax, business tax, etc., on the transaction amount of merchants.

After the promulgation of this policy, businessmen in Jingzhou, Yizhou, and Yangzhou all applauded.

Because of the Han Dynasty's national policy of emphasizing agriculture and suppressing commerce, merchants not only had a low status, but also faced a large amount of taxes, even if they were self-employed, they had to pay taxes.

Every large merchant had to report his property to the imperial court and pay the money at the rate of one thousand yuan and one hundred and twenty yuan.

For small merchants, the tax rate is 4,000 yuan and 120 yuan.

In addition, they also have to deal with all kinds of harsh taxes and miscellaneous taxes, especially when crossing the border, they can often peel off a layer of skin from the merchants.

As a result, small merchants, in addition to large merchants, did not dare to organize large-scale transactions at all, nor did they dare to transport goods too far.

Especially at this time when the warlords are fighting, the taxes are extremely onerous.

Many merchants have even stopped business and shifted their focus from commerce to agriculture.

And Xiao Zhe's move greatly stimulated the businessmen's desire for profit, and a large number of businessmen saw the opportunity and began to rush in the direction of Fancheng.

For a while, this small city in Jingbei became crowded.

Seeing this, Xiao Zhe simply demarcated an area outside the city and began to build houses and city walls to demarcate the trading area.

Of course, the trading area is demarcated, and the house can no longer be built by them.

Xiao Zhe simply invited a group of Jingzhou scholars to pay for the construction of houses as a tax exemption for renting land in the future.

It seems that Kuailiang, Cai Mao and others saw Xiao Zhe so prosperous, and they immediately took action.

After all, Xiao Zhe built Fancheng like this, and the scale of Fancheng in the future will inevitably be small, and they can ensure that they can have a place to live in the future.

In this way, the strategy of the white wolf with empty gloves made tens of thousands of people outside Fancheng who did not use labor.

Workshops, facades, and restaurants were built.

After the initial construction of the outer city wall, the entire area of Fancheng has been more than doubled.

Of course, in addition to building a city and building a business, Xiao Zhe also extended his hand to the real industry.

With the money from the sale of land and the treasury, more than a dozen workshops of various kinds were purchased around Xiangyang as military assets.

After a large amount of raw materials are bought, production begins.

In the blink of an eye, autumn and winter are coming, but the whole Jingzhou seems to be extremely hot.

At this time, outside Xiangyang City, in a workshop, Xiao Zhezheng and Gu Yong visited the workshop under the leadership of a small official.

In the workshop, women are stepping on the loom and toiling.

The sound of looms was everywhere in the workshop.

The two traveled all the way, and the little official kept explaining:

"Governor, Gu Jun, since the governor improved the loom, our army has added 2,000 looms.~. "

"Every time the loom is lifted, the number of nails is increased to ten, and four catties of silk can be spun every day. "

"One person can produce one horse of silk in half a month, and he can produce at least four thousand horses of silk every month!"

"In addition, there are two large spinning wheels, which can spin 100 catties a day and produce 50 horses of silk per month!"

Listening to the explanation, Gu Yong came to a textile machine and said with a strange face:

"What kind of textile is this?"

He couldn't help but be amazed when he saw that various patterns were directly woven on the silk, bright and picturesque.

It should be known that the textile machinery of this era generally produced monochrome fabrics.

This is the first time he has seen such a textile method.

When the little official heard this, he looked at Xiao Zhe with admiration and said:

"Gu Jun, this is the textile technique improved by the Governor, there are wrong yarns, color matching, heald lines and other intelligent manufacturing, you can easily weave broken branches, group phoenixes, chess games and various words!"

"Now there are as many as 9,000 horses of all kinds of textiles in our army!"

Gu Yong listened to Xiao Zhe's improvement again, and said in a casual manner for a while:

"Du Du has a wonderful idea, even this loom can be improved!"

"In this way, our army is worth the money!"

The reason why he is here is entirely because the money and food in the house have been almost spent.

Seeing that tens of millions of dollars had not been spent, he naturally panicked.

hurriedly came to Xiao Zhe and asked where the money was going and how long it would take to get it back.

Seeing this, Xiao Zhe took him to the workshop outside the city.

Seeing Gu Yong like this, Xiao Zhe smiled at the little official:

"In addition to textiles, what is the output of our army's clothing workshop?"

When the little official heard this, he hurriedly said:

"According to the Governor's orders, we have already started making ready-to-wear clothes, right in front of the workshop!"

Hearing this, Gu Yong couldn't help but wonder:

"What does the governor mean by this, textile cloth can be sold directly, why do you want to make ready-to-wear clothes?"

"You'll know when you see it!"

Xiao Zhe smiled and instructed the little official to lead the way and walk towards another workshop with Gu Yong.

When I entered the factory gate, I saw rows of peasant women stepping on sewing machines to make cloth into clothes, and on the shelves beside them, there were a dazzling variety of clothes.

is the so-called love of beauty, everyone has it, Gu Yong looked at those gorgeous clothes, and was shocked for a while.

In this era, clothes are bought by themselves and made at home, and there is no model like Xiao Zhe that directly makes ready-to-wear and sells them.

After entering the workshop, Xiao Zhe asked people to take a brocade robe and put it on Gu Yong's body and said:

"Yuan Si might as well try to fit it or not?"

Seeing this, Gu Yong hurriedly changed his coat and put it on his body, and then said in surprise

"How does the Governor know what size it is?"

Hearing this, Xiao Zhe motioned to the little official to explain, and the little official hurriedly smiled:

"Gu Jun doesn't know, it seems that in this workshop, there are many code types, different sizes. "

"Generally, as long as you are not too tall or too short, you can find the right clothes!"

"I see, wonderful, wonderful!"

Gu Yong was amazed when he heard this, but when Xiao Zhe saw this, he smiled and said:

"Yuan Si might as well look in the mirror and see how?" (read the violent novel, just go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

"Where's the bronze mirror?"

Gu Yong was surprised when he heard this, and then he saw a small official push out a glass mirror.

Looking at himself in the mirror, Gu Yong gasped for a while and said:

"What is this?"

"How can you shine so clearly on people!"

Facing Gu Yong's exclamation, the little official said with a smile on his face:

"This thing is a glass mirror, which is produced by our army's glazed workshop, and there are few pieces in the whole Jingzhou!"

"Don't hide it from Gu Jun, when the villain saw it for the first time, he was also shocked by the villain. "

Hearing the three words of Liulifang, Gu Yong was not calm for a while, and looked at Xiao Zhe in surprise:

"Could it be that the Governor is still going to make glass to sell?"

"Why not?"

Xiao Zhe nodded and did not deny it.

And Gu Yong shook his head and said:

"It turns out that the governor has been busy with these things all this time. "

"In this way, I am worried about too much!"

Just this textile workshop and the glass workshop, it is easy for them to get back to their roots.

But when Xiao Zhe heard this, he shook his head and smiled:

"Our army didn't know what to do during this time, in addition to this, I also improved the method of making salt, the method of making sugar, and there was a paper workshop, a Titian workshop, and a soap workshop. "

"'There are too many things, so I won't take Yuan Si to see them one by one!'"

Gu Yong listened to so many things, and exclaimed for a while:

"How much did the Governor do?"

"So many things, our army has to sell them?"

"Naturally, if we don't sell it, how can our army recover its capital?"

Xiao Zhe smiled, came to the side of a suit, and said with a smile:

"It's like this dress, it's worth a thousand dollars, I don't know what Yuan Si thinks?"

Gu Yong looked at the gorgeous clothes on Xiao Zhe's side, squinted and said:

"If it's this dress, a thousand is not a lot!"

In addition to being an official, he was also a child of a family, and from his point of view, it was not much to be able to buy such gorgeous clothes for only a thousand dollars.

Seeing this, Xiao Zhe came to the glass mirror again:

"If this item is sold for 10,000 yuan, is Yuan Si willing to buy it?"

When Gu Yong heard this, he immediately said without hesitation:

"This thing costs 10,000 yuan, which is still cheap, and if I want to see it, even if it is 100,000 yuan, someone is willing to buy it!"

"That's right, this is the source of our army's money!"

Xiao Zhe smiled slightly:

"Like these clothes, each cost less than 500 yuan. "

"A glass mirror, one costs less than a thousand. "

"For every piece of clothing sold, our army can get half of the profit, like a glass mirror, our army will have ten times the profit!"

"As long as we sell it to our army, we can make a lot of profits. "

In addition, there are refined salt, sugar, soap and other substances, each of which is a profiteering product. "

"All our army has to do is sell it!"

When Gu Yong heard this, he immediately realized how big a business Xiao Zhe was going to do.

After thinking about it clearly, he sighed with emotion:

"(Zhao Zhaohao) Du Du is really an all-rounder, so our army will not be short of money in the future!"

Saying that, he couldn't help but sigh secretly, Xiao Zhe was really a little too comprehensive.

A few months ago, it was said that there was a shortage of money and food, but before the blink of an eye, not only was there enough food, but now even the money is about to be available!

He has already seen the batch of corn planted, and just looking at the growth, he can harvest another million stone of grain this year.

In an instant, their financial pressure was reduced by more than half.

Now that many products have been created, you can imagine the rapid influx of money in the future.

With this kind of thousands of ways, if Sun Jian doesn't rely on Xiao Zhe, who can he rely on?

After hesitating for a moment, he gritted his teeth and said:

"Governor, in fact, in addition to coming to see our military industry this time, there is another matter to report below!"

"What do you have to report to Yuan Si?"

Xiao Zhe looked at Gu Yong with a serious face, and knew that things were not simple.

Hearing this, Gu Yong directly arched his hand and said:

"Regarding the matter of the last time the governor asked, I have already checked the demon. "

"The second prince has been very close to a few people in the school palace recently. "

"One of them is named Liao Li, and this person is the one who advised Gongzi to persuade his wife to go out of the city to meet the governor. "

"I have already admonished the second son for this. "

"But Liao Liqi is a disciple of the Liao family, a soldier in Jingzhou, and it is difficult for the lower officials to be punished, so they have to ask the governor to come forward. "

"It turned out to be Liao Li's idea!"

When Xiao Zhe heard this, his expression was already cold, it seemed that it was still useful for him to beat Gu Yong before.

No, it didn't take long for a real villain to be exposed!.

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