Outside Xiangyang City, Sun Jian's big tent, a banquet is underway.

I saw him stand up with a wine glass and smile at the generals

"During this time, thanks to your lives, now our army has surrounded Xiangyang, and the city is just around the corner!"

"Please also encourage you, we will break through Xiangyang City together and capture Liu Biao'er. "

In front of him, there are two generals, the outer generals are Cheng Pu, Han Dang, Huang Gai, and Zhu Zhi, and the internal generals have his two nephews, one Sun Xiang and one Sun Ben.

But in the face of Sun Jian's words, both internal and external generals raised their glasses and smiled:

"I'm waiting for the general!".

During this time, they broke through several enemy formations one after another, and with more than 10,000 troops, Liu Biao did not dare to go out of the city.

This kind of victory, even if you look at the world, there are few people who can do it.

Needless to say, everyone can already think of the day when the city will be broken in the future, and the scene of capturing Liu Biao!

When Sun Jian heard this, he burst out laughing, and his heart was full of pride.

On that day, Liu Biao was ordered by Yuan Shao to block him, so that he could not go south, and now he can finally take revenge, how can he not like it!

While smiling, I suddenly heard a voice outside the account

"Report, my lord, General Sun Fu asks to see you!".

"Oh, Guoyi is back, let him in!".

Sun Jian smiled when he heard this, and waved his hand to let Sun Fu enter.

Sun Fu is Sun Ben's younger brother, and the two brothers are Sun Jian's elder brother Sun Qiang.

So compared to Sun Xiang, a cousin, the two brothers are more close.

In the midst of the words, I saw a heroic young general marching in and standing with his hands


"The last general, Sun Fu, has seen the lord!".

"Guoyi, take a seat quickly, it's up to you!".

When Sun Jian saw it, he laughed to himself, and stepped forward affectionately to hug Sun Fu's shoulder.

Seeing this, Sun Fu frowned and said:

"My lord, there will be news at the end!".

Seeing Sun Fu talking about formality, Sun Jian said with a look on his face:

"What's the news?".

His natural instincts make him extremely sensitive to military situations.

When Sun Fu heard this, he hurriedly bowed his head and said:

"Returning to the lord, the last general took people out to investigate, and received news that an enemy army was marching in the direction of our army. "

"I'm afraid that the troops of Huang Zu's department, who escaped before, are recruiting troops!"

Hearing this, Sun Jian was not only not surprised, but sneered:

"I knew that this person went out of the city to transfer troops to relieve the siege of Xiangyang, and it was not a trouble!"

Sun Ben, who was in the distance, listened and said with a smile:

"Huang Zu's defeated generals, why be afraid?"

"Little brother doesn't have to worry so much!".

As soon as the two of them said this, Cheng Pu, Han Dang and the others laughed one after another.

Secretly said that Sun Fu was too young to make such a fuss!

Seeing everyone like this, Sun Fu still said with a stern face:

In addition to the enemy troops, the child also caught two small works. "

"But no matter how they asked, the two of them didn't say a word, and one of them even said that he wanted to see the lord!"

"The child doesn't dare to call the shots, so I'm here to repay!".

"It's just two meticulous work, and if you can't ask, you'll kill something!".

Sun Jian waved his big hand and was about to decide, but seeing that Sun Fu was so serious that it was not easy to fight, he smiled and said:

"But since you want to see me, let him come!"


Sun Fu hurriedly walked out of the tent.

After a while, he entered the tent with two young men.

"Get down on your knees!".

As soon as they entered the account, the guards escorted the two men to their knees, but one of them struggled, but the other stood with his head held high

"We are not prisoners, and we are not members of your army, why do we kneel!".

As soon as he finished speaking, the guards behind him were stunned, and Sun Ben, who was beside Sun Jian, got up and shouted angrily

"Be bold and meticulous, wait for you to be a spy, and you are captured by our army, how dare you not kneel!".

Sun Jian saw that his expression was calm and his bearing was extraordinary, and he was quite curious

"You are so careful, since you want to see me, it can be seen that you don't want to die, let you kneel, why don't you kneel?"

"It turns out that the respected driver is General Sun Wentai!".

When Xiao Zhe saw Sun Jian speak, he immediately arched his hand and said:

"Returning to the general's words, first of all, we are not meticulous. "

"I've never admitted that I'm a fine worker. "

"Secondly, we were not captured, but captured by mistake. "

"Therefore, we are not prisoners of your army. "

"In the end, the eldest husband was born in the world, and he only knelt to the heavens and knelt to his parents, and the next is not a fine work, the second is not a prisoner, and the general is not a king, so why should we kneel?"

"Therefore, I don't kneel, it's not that I disrespect the general, but I don't kneel right now!"

When Deng Er heard this, he hurriedly said in a muffled voice:

"That's right, Childe said yes!".

Sun Jian saw that Xiao Zhe spoke in an orderly manner, and he couldn't help but look different.

But when Sun Fu saw it, he immediately shouted:

"What a clever spy, since you said that you are not meticulous, then who are you?"

"In this blue sky and white day, why don't you take the main road, why do you go in the forest!".

He shouted angrily, obviously he had already suffered a small loss at Xiao Zhe's hands.

And Xiao Zhe was still holding his head high in the face of angry shouting:

"Back to the words of this little general, it has been said below that I, a native of Nanyang, went south to avoid disasters due to war. "

"Now I heard that Cao Mengde is recruiting talents in Yanzhou, and I am going to take refuge!"

"Passing by here, I knew that your army was fighting with Liu Biao, and I was afraid that I would be robbed by a rout, so I chose to walk through the forest. "

"It's just that I didn't expect your army to be captured while exploring in the forest, what does this have to do with the spies?".

"Hmph, you still say you're not a spy!".

Sun Fu looked unforgiving, and said in a deep voice:

"You are a person from Jingzhou, and Liu Biao is not out of office, why do you have to go to Yanzhou, which is thousands of miles away?"

"Besides, Cao Mengde is just a county guard, so many princes in the world don't vote, but go to vote for him?"

"Making up excuses is full of loopholes, which shows that you are not sincere. "

When Xiao Zhe heard this, he shook his head and smiled

"The general's words are simply ridiculous!"

"As the saying goes, good birds choose trees to perch, and virtuous ministers choose their masters. "

"I have a good talent in my belly, how can I be a mediocre master?".

"If the general feels that what he said is full of loopholes, then he can only laugh at the ambition of the bird!"

"You say I'm a bird?".

When Sun Fu heard this, his eyes widened, and he stretched out his hand to draw his knife.

But the more Sun Jian listened, the more interested he became, and he hurriedly stopped Sun Fu:

"Slow down!".

As he spoke, he looked at Xiao Zhe with interest

"You said that you are a virtuous person, and you compare yourself to a bird, which is very good, and you will believe it for the time being!"

"That Cao Mengde is also an old acquaintance, and he is indeed a hero. "

"Then I will admit that what you said is true, then you say that you have something to see me, why

do you do it?"

When Xiao Zhe heard this, his expression remained unchanged and said:

"Because I know that the general's life is not long, I have come to save the general's life!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the tent was shocked, and the Yaqi was silent in an instant.

Sun Jian was a little incredulous:

"You say I'm going to die soon?".

As he spoke, Sun Fu pulled out his knife and shouted angrily

"What a big boldness, Ann dares to talk nonsense, do I really dare not kill you?"

Seeing this, Xiao Zhe was not afraid:

"If the general wants to kill, he will kill!".

"I thought that General Sun was also a rare hero in the world, and I didn't want to have such a reckless man under his command!"

"Left and right are just one death, Zhe is one step ahead, and I will wait for you on Huangquan Road for a few days!"

After saying that, he stretched out his neck and lowered his head, looking like he was going to kill and chop.

Sun Fu was already angry, and immediately raised his knife and wanted to chop down.

But when Sun Jian saw it, he quickly got up and said:

"National ceremonies are not allowed!".

He sat down, stopped in front of Xiao Zhe, and said in a deep voice:

"You say my life is in danger, but you tell me what life I am in danger!"

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