"Why did you come back?".

After arranging for Cai Mao to leave, Liu Biao arranged for the Kuai brothers to be seated.

As a result, before he could say a few words of greeting, he saw Cai Mao turn back again.

In the face of Liu Biao's doubts, Cai Mao was a little difficult to speak, but the incident had happened, and he had to say that he could only bite the bullet and say:

"Envoy, I'm afraid Changsha has lost its ......."

"Changsha lost?".

As soon as Liu Biao heard this, he felt his blood and qi surge, stood up and said:

"Let you go and transfer troops to the south, you haven't go, how do you know that Changsha is lost?".

The Kuai brothers were also shocked.

Seeing that Liu Biao was so excited, Cai Mao hurriedly stepped forward and held him up

"Let the king be angry, let the king be angry!"

He picked up the letter in his hand and said:

"The reason why I concluded that Changsha had been lost was because Lu Gong sent a letter to him, saying that General Liu Pan had sent a letter a few days ago, saying that he was asking for help from the direction of Jiangling and asked me to respond from the side. "

"But Gangneung has long since fallen, who will go to ask for help?"

"Most of it is Sun Jianjun's plan to transfer the tiger away from the mountain. "

"Now that a few days have passed, Liu Pan has been tricked, how can Changsha be protected?"

Liu Biao was supported by Cai Mao, and after listening to his narration, he was shocked again

"Sun Jian'er is so sharp!".

Originally, I thought that Changsha still had a turning point, but that thought had become a dead end.

When the Kuai brothers heard this, they also looked at each other and sighed, secretly surprised by Sun Jian's speed.

Seeing this, Kuai Yue simply got up and arched his hand

"Envoy, it's no wonder that Brother De Jue is doing this. "

"The enemy's army is full of wisdom and decisiveness, and our army is simply overwhelmed. "

"Even if Brother Deqi is still in Jiangxia, it is difficult to guarantee that Changsha will not be lost!".

Seeing Kuai Yue's intercession, Liu Biao gradually calmed down, but he frowned again when he thought about it

"Who is the enemy who advises and advises?".

"Why is it that every time you take the lead, you are always one step ahead of our army?"

Cai Mao listened on the side, shook his head and said

"Envoy, there is more than one step, there may be as many as a few steps, since the sneak attack on Jiangxia that day, our army has been in a passive state!"

Kuai Liang, who had not spoken all this time, listened, and stood up with a somewhat embarrassed expression and said

"Envoy, there is something to report below. "

"In fact, the people who gave advice to Sun Jian during this time have already been found out by their subordinates!".

"Proven out?".

Liu Biao perked up when he heard this, and hurriedly asked

"What is the name of that person, who is the person, and when will he be under Sun Jian's command?"

During this time, he was tortured enough by this counselor.

But he was in the light, and the other party was in the dark, and he didn't even know who was calculating.

Now that I heard that I had found out my identity, I naturally wanted to know urgently.

But the more Liu Biao was like this, the more bitter Kuailiang's mouth became, and he said in a deep voice:

"Qi Yu envoy, that person's name is Xiao Zhe, the word Xiansi, is from Jingzhou. "

Although I don't know when Sun Jianjun joined, it is certain that this person gave Sun Jian advice during this time. "

"Now he has been appointed as a military advisor by Sun Jian, and he is very important!"

"Xiao Zhe Xiao Xiansi?".

Liu Biao frowned when he heard this:

"Who is this? I have such a famous person in Jingzhou!"

If you talk about celebrities, there are definitely a lot of Jingzhou.

Like Pang Degong, Huang Chengyan, and Liu Xian, Pang Ji, Deng Yi and others under his command are all celebrities.

But the name Xiao Zhe was the first time he had heard it.

"It is normal that you have never heard of it. "

Kuai Liang shook his head and sighed

"Because this person was originally a small official in my Jingzhou!".

"Don't talk about my lord, even we have never heard of this person's name!"

"What? This person is my Jingzhou official?"

Liu Biao's eyes were almost popping out, and he exclaimed

"Where did this man be?"

He thought it was the fairy who suddenly helped Sun Jian, but he didn't expect it to be his own person!

Looking at Liu Biao's astonishment, Kuai Liang simply finished speaking at one time

"Xiao Zheqi, whose reputation is not obvious, was originally a Nanyang clan, and he followed his father south to avoid trouble. "

"When he was young, he was called a prodigy. "

"When I was seventeen years old, I served as the county official of Dangyang County, Nan County. "

"He was a humble man and often helped the village, so he had a high reputation in the village. "

But last year, because of the conflict with the county and the death of his father, this person resigned and went home to keep filial piety. "

At the beginning of this year, he scattered all his family wealth and said that he was going north to join Cao Cao. "

"I don't know why I actually entered Sun Jian's army!".

"In terms of time, when Sun Jian besieged the city that day, it should be this person who discovered the ambush of our army and offered Sun Jian a plan to deceive and attack Jiangxia. "

Then it was this person who offered a plan, pretending to withdraw from Jiangxia and entering Jiangdong in the east, but in fact attacked our army Jiangling. "

"If you are not mistaken, this is the person who used the plan to divert the tiger from the mountain and seek to win Changsha!"

Speaking of this, he was already a little gloomy

"Envoy, although this person is old and crowned, he has repeatedly offered miraculous strategies, and he can be described as the number one enemy of our army!"

Listening to Kuai Liang's words, Liu Biao and Cai Mao were stunned on the spot.

Who would have thought that Sun Jianjun's great changes would come from this young man who was only twenty years old!

"Wizard, wizard!"

After thinking for a while, Liu Biao was already emotional

"I don't want to have such a genius in Jingzhou!".

But when he said this, he said with hatred on his face:

"Check, go and find out, who is the Cheng of Dangyang County!".

"Let our army miss such talents!".

"If it weren't for this person, why would our army be here!".

After knowing Xiao Zhe's origin, he hated that Dangyang County Cheng for a while.

Xiao Zhe deserves to be an official well, if it weren't for this person's run, how could he resign and not do it.

If Xiao Zhe hadn't resigned, he would naturally not have thought about going north, and it would be impossible for Sun Jian to get a military advisor.

Without this military advisor, Sun Jian might have died a long time ago.

It can be said that the cause of everything is on this county.

If it weren't too far away from Dangyang County, Liu Xian would have the heart to directly strangle this county!

Seeing Liu Biao so out of shape, Cai Mao and others also expressed their understanding.

After all, Xiao Zhe's deterrent effect to them was too strong.

After he joined Sun Jianjun, Liu Biao didn't get a good night's sleep for a few days.

Even Cai Mao and Kuai Liang were also toyed with.

This kind of accumulated anger is by no means a momentary solution.

Among the people, only Kuai Yue had not yet fought with Xiao Zhe, after listening to Xiao Zhe's deeds, he thought for a while, and then said:

"Envoy, now is not the time to regret it. "

Xiao Zhe joined Sun Jian's army and was appointed as the division of the First Army at a young age, which shows that he is very convinced of Sun Jian's appointment. "

"Sun Jian's good fighting is already famous in the world, and now having this person as the humerus is definitely a big trouble for our army!"

"Moreover, now that Jiangling and Changsha have fallen one after another, the enemy's foothold has been stabilized. "

"If our army does not respond early, I am afraid that the four southern counties will not be able to protect it!"

When Liu Biao heard this, he hurriedly asked

"For today's situation, can Xenomorph have a good plan?".

Kuai Yue thought about it and said in a deep voice:

"But there is a plan, and it can be done!"

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