"Sir, this is a brilliant plan!".

After savoring Xiao Zhe's strategy, Sun Jian suddenly sighed, before Xiao Zhe came, he only wanted to defeat Liu Biao and capture Xiangyang.

Subconsciously, his thoughts have been limited to the front of Xiangyang City.

Before you know it, you will enter the confinement of the enemy army.

And now, after Xiao Zhe's reminder, he found out that there is a huge Jingzhou, where can he not go?

Since he had already gone south, Yuan Shu did not have a single soldier, so he naturally had to think about himself.

If you don't take a foundation now, will you continue to send people under the fence!

Thinking of this, his eyes when he looked at Xiao Zhe changed again and again, and he was already full of admiration, and said with a smile:

"I have to be reminded by Mr., otherwise I am afraid that there will be more luck today!".

"As Mr. said, there are only three strategies, and I am willing to do the best one!"

The generals reacted at this time, and they also gave up their hands one after another

"Sir's clever plan, I admire it!"

Sun Fu looked at Xiao Zhe, feeling a little scared in his heart.

I thought the other party was a spy, but I didn't expect that not only was it not a spy, but it was a military talent.

If it weren't for Sun Jian's unique vision, they would be in danger today!

In the midst of everyone's words, Xiao Zhe still smiled faintly and asked rhetorically

"If you want to do the best thing, dare to ask the general how he is going to act?".

Sun Jian listened, thought for a while, and said strangely:

"What do you mean, sir?"

"Didn't Mr. Fang just say that our army defeated Huang Zu first, pursued him, pretended to ambush, and deceived Dongdu?"

"In this way, although I can deceive Liu Biao, I can't deceive the Kuai brothers!".

Xiao Zhe said smugly:

"If you talk about the strategists under Liu Biao, it should be the Kuai brothers. "

"Most of the ambush general's strategy this time came from his hands!".

"If it is just a false ambush and the damage is not great, the enemy army will probably be on guard and will not be able to completely scare its heart!"

"Sir, there is a point in that!"

Sun Jian frowned for a while, and he was a little embarrassed

"But if our army wants to seize Jiangxia, it cannot suffer heavy losses. "

"If you don't suffer heavy losses, you won't be able to trust the enemy!"

"In this way, this strategy is a bit difficult to do!"

Sun Jian was talking, but a young man behind him smiled

"Uncle, since Mr. Xiao can offer this strategy, he must have a comprehensive method, why bother thinking about it?"

Sun Jian was stunned when he heard this, and he fixed his eyes to see that the person who spoke was his cousin's son Sun Xiang.

At this time, he was serving as Sima in the army, and Cheng Pu was responsible for handling military affairs.

Seeing that Sun Xiang said this, he was busy looking at Xiao Zhe and said:

"Sir, do you have a plan?".

When Xiao Zhe heard this, he glanced at Sun Xiang, and secretly said that Sun Jian's group of nephews really had some skills, and immediately nodded

"Yes, but this plan needs to be arranged!"

"Dare to ask how many Jingzhou Army prisoners the general has in his hands now?"

When Sun Jian saw Xiao Zhe asking about this, his thoughts became a little lively in his heart, and he hurriedly replied:

"About 4,000 people!".

These 4,000 people were obtained by defeating Huang Zu before he crossed the Han River.

"Sir, do you mean that you are going to have these captives as the front?"


Xiao Zhe nodded again

"Now that the general wants to attack, it is difficult for these prisoners to take away, so you might as well use this as a front and pretend to be defeated!"

"But with only these captives, Liu Biao may not believe it!".

Sun Jian was still frowning, at least from his point of view, only this point of capture was defeated, and it was difficult for the enemy army to relax their vigilance.

Seeing this, Xiao Zhe shook his head and smiled:

"There are only prisoners, Liu Biao naturally won't believe it, but what if he is adding a general!".

"Now Liu Biao is afraid of the only one who is afraid of the general!"

"As long as the general dies, no matter how much your army loses, Liu Biao will relax his vigilance!"


Sun Jian was shocked when he heard this.

The generals looked incredulous.

Let Sun Jian die, then what's the point of them getting Jiangxia!

Only Sun Xiang seemed to have realized something, and hurriedly said:

"Sir, what do you mean, let my uncle fake his death?".

"That's right, that's exactly what I meant!"

Xiao Zhe nodded in approval to Sun Xiang, and took a step forward and said with

a smile

"The reason why this plan was put to death and survived was that Liu Biao felt that your army had no power to return!"

However, the general has rarely been defeated along the way, so if the general does not die, then Liu Biao and his advisers will not relax their vigilance. "

"According to the opinion below, the general may wish to select dead soldiers from the army who are similar to the general's appearance and pretend to be a general!"

"The general can first defeat Huang Zu, lead the army in pursuit, and then lead the army with dead soldiers. "

"As long as the dead soldier dies and the Jingzhou captives are defeated, the news that the general is dead will reach Liu Biao's ears through the mouth of the captives. "

"These captives don't know the appearance of the general, even if Liu Biao asks, they must be sure that it is the general's corpse. "

In this way, in Liu Biao's eyes, the general is dead, and the rest of the soldiers are not enough to worry about. "

"Huang Zu has made great achievements, and he will not return to Jiangxia in a hurry!"

"At this time, as long as the general is running in the starry night, Jiangxia is empty, how can he defend it?"

After saying a few words, Xiao Zhe completely stopped and returned to his seat.

But in the whole camp, there was silence.

Without exception, they all looked at Xiao Zhe dumbly.

This Mr. Xiao's strategy is really imaginative!

The enemy's ambush plan was not only calculated by the general, but also used this design to seize Jiangxia.

First deceit, then fake death, and then attack.

One ring is one ring, as long as it is successful, who can prevent it?

After being silent for a while, Sun Jian had already stepped forward and bowed to Xiao Zhe and said

"Sir's whimsy, can't be strong!".

"If you can get out of the way this time and seize Jiangxia, you will be rewarded heavily!"

Although this plan will cost a dead soldier, the general who leads the army, Ci is not in charge of the army, how can there be such doubts!

After speaking, he turned around, faced the generals, made a decision, and said in a deep voice:

"The generals obeyed the order, packed up the baggage, and put ten days of food and grass on the whole armament, and gave up all the rest of the baggage. "

"Boyang, Guoyier and others stayed to defend the camp, and as soon as our army was defeated, they immediately crossed north. "

"The rest of the people, follow me to defeat Huang Zu first, and then take Jiangxia!"

He is a decisive person, and since he has decided to run, he simply does not want to carry weight.

The generals have long been accustomed to Sun Jian's style, and when they heard this, they were all in good spirits, and they got up and promised

"We will obey the order!".

With this order, the entire Sun Jianjun was mobilized.

An army of 21,000 and 4,000 prisoners, except for 7,000 led by Sun Ben who remained in the camp, the rest of the soldiers and horses all marched out of the camp.


At this time, outside the city of Xiangyang, south of Hanshui, and north of Da Xian Mountain.

Huang Zuzheng led more than 10,000 soldiers and horses towards Sun Jian's camp.

As a result, twenty miles before arriving at Sun Jian's camp, a sentry came to report:

"Report, General, the enemy has marched out of the camp and lined up ten miles in front of our army, and seems to be waiting for our army to arrive!"

Hearing this, Huang Zu looked different:

"Huh, Sun Jian is out of the camp?".

ps: The new book is on the journey, asking for collections, flowers, and evaluation votes.

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