Jingzhou, in the city of Xiangyang.

Just as Huang Zu and Sun Jian were fighting outside the city, Liu Biao and Liu Xian, who governed Pang Ji in the middle of the city, and Kuai Liang, who was on the main book, were anxiously waiting.

But seeing Liu Biao walking in the hall with his hands in his hands, his face was cloudy, pacing back and forth, and his behavior showed how anxious he was.

After a few steps, he was about to call the guard at the door and asked

"Hasn't there been news from outside the city?"

Seeing Liu Biao like this, the guard hurriedly arched his hand and said:

"Lord Qi, General Huang has already started a war with Sun Jianjun. "

"The subordinates have ordered that as soon as there is a result, they will report it immediately. "

"I haven't replied yet, so it can be seen that the winner has not been decided!".

"Why haven't you come yet!".

When Liu Biao heard this, he hurriedly looked back at everyone and asked

"Could it be that the enemy has discovered the anomaly?".

Seeing this, everyone was not able to speak out, Liu Xian stood up alone and said with a smile:

"Don't worry about you, Zirou is unprepared to attack him unexpectedly, Sun Jian is now winning consecutive battles, and his momentum is slack, how can he find something abnormal?"

Seeing this, Pang Ji also got up and comforted:

"Let you rest assured, our army is meticulous, even if Sun Jian does not die today, he will definitely be defeated!"

In the face of the reassuring words of the two, Liu Biao's expression was a lot more relaxed.

Then he looked at Kuai Liang and asked again

"Zirou, this strategy is offered by you, what do you think the odds of winning this plan are?"

Kuai Liang is a person who is a famous minister in the early Western Han Dynasty, after Kuaitong, with an elegant appearance, although he is a scribe, he is good at military and political affairs.

is also the person who offered this plan to capture Sun Jian.

Seeing Liu Biao asking, Kuai Liang smiled slightly

"Rest assured, there is an old saying: 'The country is big, the people are the people, and those who want to see the enemy are called proud soldiers, and those who are proud of the soldiers are destroyed.'" ’"

Sun Jianqi people, from Jiangdong troops, won many battles, and then entered Changsha, because of Dong Zhuo, the first to enter Luoyang. "

"Now that our army has been defeated and Deng and Fan, their soldiers have been arrogant, and their people have been indulged, otherwise they will never lightly set foot in the south of the Han River to besiege the city. "

"Our army stood still, waited in the city, and insisted that our army was afraid of it and did not dare to fight. "

"Now General Huang went out to transfer troops, and soldiers and horses came to Sun Jianbi to fight. "

"No matter how much we win, we must chase again, as soon as we arrive at Da Xian Mountain, our army will ambush soldiers and horses, and we will not worry about Sun Jian's undefeated!"

Speaking of this, he smiled again:

"Moreover, even if Sun Jian is undefeated, our army has now mobilized troops and horses to surround it, Cai Taishou and my brother have more than 10,000 troops to the north, and the naval army has intercepted the Han River, and has surrounded the enemy legions. "

"As long as Sun Jian can't cross the river, sooner or later he will be trapped and killed by our army under this Xiangyang City!"

Just like Xiao Zhe's analysis, Kuai Liang's strategy was divided into two steps, the first step was to defeat Sun Jian, and the best situation was to kill Sun Jian.

Even if the first step can't be completed, there is still a second step to besiege Sun Jian here, just waiting for Sun Jian's soldiers to run out of food and collapse without a fight!

The two-step strategy, no matter which step is successful, is a fatal blow to Sun Jianjun!

Seeing that Kuai Liang was right, Liu Biao's anxious heart sank a lot, and he nodded

"Zirou said this, I am relieved!".

"With Zirou's strategy, don't worry about Sun Jian's undefeated!".

"Envoy, our army is in an urgent situation outside the city!"

As soon as Liu Biao's voice fell, he heard a chant outside the hall, and when Liu Biao heard it, he hurriedly said:

"Come in and answer!".

Then I saw a soldier enter and kneel down on one knee and said:

"Envoy, our army spies have found out, the enemy camp outside the city has left, and now Sun Jian's camp has become an empty camp!"

"Hmm, Sun Jian's army is gone?"

When Liu Biao heard this, his eyes lit up, and he turned his head to look at the crowd

"Guys, why is that??"

Liu Xian got up and said with a smile

"It must be Sun Jian's defeat and dispersion, and the enemy army can't hold the camp, so he leaves!"

Pang Ji hurriedly arched his hand:

"Envoy, the enemy army is leaving, you might as well send a soldier and horse to pursue!"

"No, never!".

Kuai Liang got up and persuaded:

"Now that the war outside the city of our army is unknown, we should not send troops easily, so we should send people to investigate carefully, so as not to fall for Sun Jian's strategy!"

He is cautious, so naturally it is impossible for him to let his guard down because of a single piece of news.

Seeing this, Liu Biao nodded and said:

"Zirou's words are good, the key at present lies in Sun Jian'er, these soldiers and horses who are guarding the camp, don't care what he does, and go to find out again!"


When the soldier heard this, he hurriedly got up and left.

After getting this news, Liu Biao and the ministers calmed down a lot, and they were no longer so nervous.

And after about half an hour, an excited voice sounded outside the hall

"Retribution, envoy, great joy, great joy!".

"Outside the city, General Huang sent a military report, saying that our army had won a great victory, killed 1,000 enemy troops, and captured more than 3,000. "

"The enemy chieftain Sun Jian is headed, and he is now heading towards the city!"

"What did you say?".

Liu Biao was shocked when he heard this, reacted for a while, and then said with a happy face

"Sun Jian is dead?".

When Liu Xian and the others heard this, they also stood up one after another.

The soldier hurriedly arched his hand

"Returning to the envoy, exactly!".

Seeing this, Kuai Liang hurriedly stepped forward and asked

"But General Huang Zu said this himself?"

Although the matter had been confirmed, he still had to confirm it.

The soldier hesitated for a moment, then said in a deep voice

"This matter is indeed General Huang's rumor, and there is no falsehood!"

"Okay, good, Sun Jian'er is really dead!".

Seeing this, Liu Biao stroked his beard and laughed:

"This battle can defeat Sun Jian, Zirou should be the first merit, Huang Zu beheaded the enemy, it is also a great achievement, come, prepare a banquet, I want to reward the three armies tonight!".

Seeing this, Liu Xianpang Ji got up to congratulate him, and when Kuai Liang saw this, he wanted to say something, but he didn't say it.

In this way, in the afternoon, Huang Zu led his troops into the city, and the head of 'Sun Jian' was also presented in front of Liu Mian.

Liu Biao had never seen Sun Jian, but when he saw his mighty appearance, he was naturally more and more pleased.

Kuai Liang left a lot of thoughts, and asked a few more prisoners, all of whom said that this was Sun Jian's head, so he didn't ask any more.

At night, a big banquet was opened, and Liu Biao personally made the east, inviting Huang Zu, Lu Gong, Lu Jie, Kuai Liang, Liu Xian, Pang Ji and others to feast.

On the banquet, pushing the cup and changing the lamp, the chips are staggered, and they are all beaming.

Sun Jian's death is of great significance to everyone, especially to Liu Biao.

After all, the name of the Jiangdong Tiger has long been spread to the world with the battle against Dong, before Liu Biao was ordered by Yuan Shao to attack Sun Jian, although he won, but also formed a beam.

Now that Sun Jian has been defeated, the unique Yuan Shu is in the north, and it is no longer enough to be troubled.

I saw Liu Biao's face flushed from drinking, and he took Huang Zu's hand and said:

"Obey the virtue of leading the troops this time, and the defeat of Sun Jian is a great achievement. "

"I have prepared grain, grass, gold and silver, and I will return to Jiangxia this time, and I will bring it back with virtue!"

When Huang Zu heard this, he stroked his beard and laughed, not even daring.

Among the crowd, only Kuai Liang was holding the wine glass, as if he was thinking hard.

Seeing this, Liu Xian couldn't help but wonder:

"Why is Zirou sullen?"

Liu Biao and the others looked at it when they heard the sound, Kuai Liang raised his head, as if he had been awakened and pondered, and said with a dry smile:

"Why are you unhappy, but you are worried about the collapse of Sun Jian's army!"

"I heard General Huang say that the enemy retreated very quickly, it can be seen that the troops still exist, and they should not be underestimated!"

"What's this afraid of! It's just a little rout!"

Huang Zu smiled smugly

"Now that Sun Jian is dead, our army will start searching everywhere tomorrow, and we will not let his rout cause trouble to my Jingzhou!"

"Effective virtue is there, my heart is very peaceful!".

Liu Biao heard another burst of laughter, and stepped forward to start drinking with Kuai Liang.

When Kuai Liang saw Liu Biao coming, he didn't dare to hold it up, so he hurriedly served the wine and drank it, and shook his head when he thought about the others, and didn't think about it anymore.

At this time, a group of soldiers and horses were going down the river and were heading towards Xiling City, the seat of Jiangxia Governance.

ps: The new book is on the journey, asking for collections, flowers, and evaluation votes.

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