Outside the city of Dengxian, Yuan Shujun camped.

In order to prevent the enemy from attacking at night, Yuan Shu built the camp on a wide field.

There are watchtowers everywhere, and there is no place to hide in the whole wilderness as far as the eye can see.

It was early in the morning, and Yuan Shu gathered a group of civil and military personnel early in the morning to discuss the military.

After the civil and military sat down, the general Liu Xun got up and said:

"Lord, our army has been repaired for two days now, and the soldiers have all recovered their spirits, and from tomorrow, they will be able to storm Deng County!"

"Okay! Even if you have the will to fight, you will start attacking the city tomorrow!"

Yuan Shu nodded, looked at Yan Xiangdao:

"Where are the reinforcements of our army now~?"

When Yan Xiang heard this, he hurriedly got up and replied:

"Lord Qi, since the camp was moved that day, our army has sent orders to Wanxian, Xiling and other departments. "

"General Zhang Xun led 30,000 troops from Nanyang to the south, and now he has arrived in Xinye. "

"At most, we can reach Deng County in two days. "

"As for the soldiers and horses in the direction of Xiling, from Xiling to the north, I'm afraid it will take seven or eight days!"

Hearing that the two-way march was smooth, Yuan Shu nodded and said:

"But also, although it will take seven or eight days, but with Nanyang soldiers and horses, our army's strength is enough to capture the city!"

As he said this, all the generals showed a look of confidence, Fancheng can't be captured now, but they don't believe that Deng County can't be captured either!

Seeing everyone like this, Yang Hong was a little worried:

"Lord, although our army has successfully moved here, Sun Jianjun's movements must not be ignored!"

"According to the report from our army spies, when our army moved to camp that day, Sun Jian seemed to have sent a transport team to cross the river simultaneously and transport it to Deng County. "

"In addition, the enemy army also sent more than 10,000 soldiers and horses south, passing through Liqiu to the south!"

"These two armies must not be worried!"

"If Sun Jian transports the consecutive bows and crossbows that day into Deng County, then it will be difficult for our army to capture Deng County!"

Listening to Yang Hong's words, Yuan Shu stroked his long beard slightly and looked at Yan Xiang and said:

"Gong Yan, you come to solve your doubts with Zhangyou!"


Yan Xiang listened and stood up.

Since Yan Xiang's plan that day, Yuan Shu has become more and more trustworthy to Yan Xiang during this time, and he will ask Yan Xiang whenever he has something.

This is also why Yang Hong is a little worried.

In addition to the pressure of the enemy army, he also felt that Yuan Shu had begun to gradually distrust his plan.

At this time, seeing Yan Xiang get up, his heart sank again.

Obviously, Yan Xiang had begun to know more than he did.

Thinking like this, he saw Yan Xiang say with a smile on his face:

"I have discussed the two things that Changshi said!"

"Regarding the advantage of the enemy's crossbows, the lord has ordered General Zhang Xun to travel lightly when he goes south this time, and use the baggage carts and horses to transport siege equipment such as rushing carts and well fences!"

"The highest well fence of our army is three zhang high, and the wall of the enemy's Deng County is only more than two zhang!"

"After the well fence is delivered, our army can condescendingly cover the enemy with bows and arrows. "

"In this way, you can break the advantage of the enemy's crossbow!"

"In addition to the repeating crossbows, there is also cover on the top of the rushing car, and there is no fear of the enemy's crossbow shooting. "

"With these two things, even if the enemy army brings all the crossbows, our army has no need to be afraid. "

"As for the troops and horses that Sun Jian sent out, there are at most three intentions. "

"First, I just guessed that our army wanted to transfer reinforcements and wanted to block our army's reinforcements. "

"Second, it is nothing more than to take advantage of the emptiness of our army in Jiangxia to repeat the old trick and attack Xiling. "

"Regarding these two points, before sending the letter, I have sent a letter to the two generals Lei Shu and Chen Lan, whether they are marching or defending the city, they must beware of the enemy's surprise attack. "

"It is expected that even if the enemy army attacks suddenly, it will be difficult to cause damage to our army. "

"And the third intention, at most, is to take advantage of the situation of encircling Wei to save Zhao, trying to attack our army's Zhangling and forcing our army to retreat!"

"But the land of Zhangling is between Nanyang and Jiangxia, as long as Nanyang and Jiangxia are not lost, it is useless for the enemy to take Zhangling!"

After saying his plan in a row, Yan Xiang looked at Yang Hongdao:

"Regarding Sun Jianjun's movements, our army is responding like this for the time being, I don't know if Yang Changshi has anything to add?"

Seeing that Yan Xiang was all-encompassing, Yang Hong sighed secretly in his heart for a while, shook his head and said:

"Yan Gong planned properly, Hong admired it very much, where is there anything to add!"

Seeing that Yang Hong had no opinion, Yuan Shu smiled and said:

"It seems that Zhangyou also thinks that our army's westward advance this time is appropriate!"

"Now that I think about it, in fact, although Xiao Zhe's little tricks are good, most of them are conspiracy!"

"And now that Sun Jian's troops are insufficient, it is a fact that the soldiers are all soldiers!"

"No matter what tricks this person has up his sleeve, as long as our army is careful, it should be fine!"

Yan Xiang listened and hurriedly praised:

"What the lord said is true, and when he fights against Sun Jianjun, it is most taboo to act according to the enemy's intentions. "

"As long as you don't guess the enemy's intentions, you can just act according to the Yang plan, and you can be fearless of Xiao Zhe. "

By now, he has gradually discovered a trick against Xiao Zhe.

That is, to think less about what Xiao Zhe's intentions are!

Because that will most likely lead you to fall into the illusion that the other person has created for you.

As long as you don't guess what the enemy thinks, you won't fall for Xiao Zhe's tricks.

Listening to Yan Xiang's words, Yang Hong's eyes narrowed, and he felt that there seemed to be something wrong with these words.

But what was wrong, he couldn't say.

Between thoughts, a soldier from outside the battalion came to report:

"Report, lord, there is a fog outside the camp, and it is difficult to find out the surrounding situation!"


When Yuan Shu heard this, he hurriedly walked towards the outside of the camp.

And the crowd hurried along.

Then I saw that outside the camp, I don't know when a vast white fog had been filled.

Seeing the fog, Yang Hong hurriedly said:

"It's not good, my lord, it's so foggy, you have to beware of enemy attacks on the camp!"

When Yuan Shu heard this, he was also busy and said in a deep voice:

"Pass the order, let Liang Gang guard the back camp baggage, if the enemy breaks through the back door, I will ask other people's heads!"

The soldier listened and hurried away. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Seeing this, Yan Xiang thought for a while and also persuaded:

"The lord has fog rising now, you must beware of Sun Jian taking this opportunity to cross the river!"

"You have to be cautious about the surroundings of our army!"

"Hugh wants to let the enemy soldiers go out to ambush!"

Yuan Shu nodded again and said: []

"Yan Gong is reasonable, quickly send someone to inform Chen Ji to patrol along the riverbank, and Sun Jian must not be allowed to cross the river with a single soldier!"

"Send spies to reconnoiter all over our military camp, and don't let the enemy have the slightest chance to get close!"

After giving several orders in a row, Yuan Shu was relieved.

But he didn't know that under the cover of the fog, Fancheng sent a soldier and horse north to the upper reaches of the river.

At this time, in the city of Dengxian County.

When Sun Jian was defending against Yuan Shu in Fancheng, Sun Ce also brought 20,000 Jingzhou troops to be stationed here.

After several days of training, the morale of the entire Jingzhou soldiers was restored, and he gradually developed a sense of belonging to Sun Jianjun.

Seeing that there was a lot of fog outside the city, Sun Ce took his soldiers to the city to inspect.

Huo Jun looked at the fog under the city, and couldn't help laughing:

"Thanks to the military advisor for reminding me that there is fog today, otherwise this fog will come suddenly, our army is not prepared, and we are really afraid that Yuan Shu will come to sneak attack!"

Sun Ce walked ahead, looked at the soldier with a repeater in his hand, and nodded:

0 begging for flowers

"The military advisor is very knowledgeable, knows astronomy and geography, and it is really a blessing for our army to have a military advisor!"

He patted the soldier on the shoulder, took the repeater, took the crossbow, took a closer look at its ingenious construction, pulled the trigger and fired an arrow.

Watching the arrow shoot into the crack in the wall, he couldn't help laughing:

"With this sharp weapon, I don't think Yuan Shu will be able to attack it!"

Seeing this, Huo Jun said with a thoughtful look in his eyes:

"General, although this thing is strange, but about defending the city, I need to mention it below!"

"Although the crossbow arrows are sharp, the enemy is not without a way to counteract!"

"The city wall of this Deng County is low, if the enemy army uses the well fence to cover, then our army may be difficult to deal with the enemy!"

Seeing Huo Jun mention this matter, Sun Ce returned the crossbow to the soldiers, and turned around and said:

"I'm also worried about this matter, I don't know what Zhong Miao's countermeasures are?"

"In response to this, there is a plan in the bottom, which can be on the city wall..."

Huo Jun opened his mouth to reply, but before he could say his strategy, he heard a call in the distance:

"Where is the Major General?

As soon as Sun Ce heard this, he immediately signaled Huo Jun to silence, Huo Jun saw this, kept silent, and then saw Zhang Hu come to the city with an excited face:

"Major General, it's rare to have a heavy fog today, and now Yuan Shu is outside the city, taking advantage of the fact that the enemy can't see the situation outside the camp clearly, our army might as well take this opportunity to raid it!"

"As long as you send troops now, you will be able to break the enemy army!"

Hearing this, Sun Ce frowned and said:

"This discussion is not allowed, the military advisor strictly ordered our army not to send troops without an order!"

"Although there is fog now, you can't send troops without permission!"

Seeing that his proposal was rejected, Zhang Hu was a little unhappy and said:

"Young General, there is a way to be unaffected by the order of the king outside!"

"Now that the opportunity to break the enemy is ahead, is there any reason for An to hesitate?"

"The general might as well send troops, if he can defeat Yuan Shu, Xiao Zhe won't dare to say more!"

But as soon as he finished speaking, Sun Ce raised his eyebrows and said:

"What do you say, will you be disqualified by the king's order outside?"

"Do you know that in our army, there is a strict order not to disobey the general's order!"

"If you let the military advisor hear this, I can kill you immediately!"

Seeing that Sun Ce was annoyed, Zhang Hu lowered his head for a while and said in a panic:

"It's the last general's speech that is wrong, and please atone for the general's sins!"

Seeing this, Sun Ce snorted coldly:

"Go down, don't mention this matter again, if you mention it again, don't blame our military law for being ruthless!"

Zhang Hu listened, and turned around resignedly.

After Zhang Hu left, Sun Ce pulled Huo Jun to the corner and asked:

"I don't know what Zhong Miao's countermeasure is?"

Seeing this, Huo Jun said a little strangely:

"The major general just made this move, and it seems that he doesn't trust that Zhang Hu!"

"They are also the generals of our army, how can they be treated like this?"

Sun Ce listened, shook his head and said in a low voice:

"It's not that I don't trust the two, but before going north, the military advisor once told me that when the Xiangyang mutiny, although Kuai Yue was the mastermind, it was for the family after all, and it seemed that Zhang Hu Chen Sheng was the one who killed the master, and he would inevitably rebel again in the future. "

"Let me not know the details of my actions with the two of them, so that's why I am like that!"

"It turned out to be the words of the military advisor!"

When Huo Jun heard Xiao Zhe's words, he immediately said in a low voice:

"If the military advisor expects this, then now that Yuan Shu is outside, these two people will have bad intentions. "

"If you let people find out quietly, if the two really have different intentions, they can be captured!"

Hearing this, Sun Ce smiled slightly:

"The military advisor has already ordered that the two of them may secretly communicate with the enemy, and the plan has been decided, Zhong Miao does not need to worry!"

Huo Jun saw that Xiao Zhe had made arrangements, and he was relieved.

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