On the erection day, when Xiao Zhe woke up, it was already three poles in the sun, and he was summoned by Sun Jian before he got up to wash.

When everything was done, we came to the main hall.

When I arrived in the hall, I saw that Sun Jian also looked like he was sleeping poorly.

In addition to Sun Jian, there are also Kuai Liang, Sun Ce, Huang Zhong and others in the hall.

Although Zhong Xuan and Cai Yong were invited to join Sun Jianjun yesterday, they were not officially appointed after all, so it stands to reason that the two could not attend the meeting.

Seeing Xiao Zhe coming, Sun Jian patted his head and smiled:

"It is said that drinking is wrong, and it seems that this wine really can't be drunk too much. "

"It's rare for even a military advisor to be late! It's rare, it's rare!"

Xiao Zhe listened, shook his head and smiled:

"I didn't drink too much wine, the key is that I was tired after many days of traveling!"

He came to Sun Jian and sat down beside him:

"I don't know if the lord and the princess are recruiting each other, what do you have to discuss?"

Seeing this, Sun Jian grinned and said:

"It seems that the military advisor doesn't know everything!"

"What else can our army talk about now?"

"Except for the Wuling barbarians, our army has no enemy troops in the four borders, and now the administration of Jingzhou is chaotic, our army is complicated, and most of the officials are vacant, these are all things to discuss!"

As soon as his voice fell, Kuai Yue got up and said:

"What the lord said is extremely true, now that our army has newly occupied Nanyang, there are serious vacancies of officials in various places, and it is urgent to come up with a way to completely stabilize the situation in Jingzhou!"

Just like the "440" that Kuai Yue and Sun Jian said, although they defeated Jingzhou.

But a foundation has been laid, but it needs to be governed!

Under the dual administration of Liu Biao and Yuan Shu, the situation in Jingzhou as a whole can be described as extremely complicated.

First of all, Jingzhou's seat of governance is not actually Xiangyang.

In ancient times, Jingzhou was Jiangling, and during the period of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, the establishment of the Jingzhou Thorn History Department was also in Nanjun.

As a result, as soon as Liu Biao came, because of the unstable situation in Jiangling, he moved the administrative office to Xiangyang.

In order to facilitate his own rule, Liu Biao divided Nanyang County and Nanjun into four, and divided two more counties, Zhangling and Xiangyang, turning seven counties into nine counties in one fell swoop.

As a result, now that Nanyang is in hand, there will be confusion of responsibilities.

Secondly, Jingzhou's territory is too vast, and the richest of them is Nanyang, which has more than 500,000 households and 2.43 million people in its heyday!

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the first county of the Eastern Han Dynasty.

Compared with Nanyang County, Wuling County, which has the largest area, is the least populated county, with a population of just over 200,000.

But there are Wuxi barbarians entrenched.

The entire state spans thousands of miles, and the population is extremely unevenly distributed!

These two points have brought out many problems, and they also need to be solved urgently.

Listening to the questions raised by Sun Jian and Kuai Yue, Xiao Zhe lowered his head and thought about it:

"In other words, our army is actually facing three problems at present!"

"First, the responsibilities of officials are chaotic, there are vacancies everywhere, and it is difficult to coordinate up and down"

"Second, there are too many soldiers and horses, and a thorough integration has not yet been carried out. "

"Three, the territory is huge, the chaos in various places has not stopped, and the situation needs to be stabilized!"

Seeing that Xiao Zhe had sorted out the specific problem so easily, Sun Jian hurriedly said:

"As the military advisor said, I don't know if the military advisor has a good strategy?"

Everyone listened, including Kuai Yue, and they all looked at Xiao Zhe.

Although Xiao Zhe has been strategizing in the past, this matter of governance is a serious ability to govern the country, and military struggle are two different things.

At this time, Xiao Zhe's level has to be tested.

Seeing Sun Jian throw these questions out, Xiao Zhe said very calmly:

"If you talk about these three problems, in fact, they are not problems, as the old saying goes, governing a big country is like cooking a small fresh, and it is indeed complicated to put things on the table. "

"But if you start small, then it's not difficult!"

"To deal with these three problems, our army can solve them one by one from many aspects!"

"First of all, the first thing is to open a mansion and summon Peng's subordinates!"

"First open the mansion to summon Peng's subordinates?"

When Sun Jian heard this, he immediately felt that this matter had entered his knowledge blind spot.

He naturally knew what was going on with the opening of the mansion.

But before that, he was at most a miscellaneous general, and now he is one of the four expeditions, Yitong Sangong, how to use this power, he is still a little blind!

"The military advisor can tell me in detail!"

Xiao Zhe smiled when he heard this:

"The lord must not have understood the meaning of opening the mansion!"

"The reason why you want to open a mansion is because one person is short in wisdom and everyone is long!"

"The opening of the government and the summoning of staff are to assist in dealing with these things. "

"The reason why things are complicated in Jingzhou at the moment is that the territory is too vast, and if you rule by one person, you can't find a place to start. "

Therefore, the lord may wish to open the palace first, and set up a special staff officer according to each issue, and each person should consider one aspect of the problem. "

"The right to drive, govern, and engage in the government is included in the house!"

"For example, if the duties of the current officials are chaotic and the positions are vacant, the corresponding subordinate officials can be summoned, and the counties under them can be inspected and reported to the officials and vacancies. "

Then from within the government, the appointment of officials from various departments was discussed, and the division of responsibilities was discussed. "

"In this way, we can gradually grasp the details of all aspects of the state!"

"The reason why there are all kinds of problems now is because the system at the time of governing the world no longer meets the needs of the current troubled times, and our army needs to change the original governance system in order to adapt to the situation!"

"Only in this way can we ensure that the officials appointed by our army are responsible for their duties and can be of use!"

After he finished speaking, Sun Jian gradually comprehended.

Xiao Zhe's suggestion is about opening the government on the surface, but in fact it is centralized!

The originally scattered powers are withdrawn from the subordinate officials, and then spread out through the general's palace to control the appointment and dispatch power of officials!

Only in this way can they firmly hold the entire Jingzhou in their own hands.

Instead of relying on the majesty of the assassin to subdue disobedient officials like Zhang Xian like Liu Biao!

This point that he is not very good at governing the country himself can also be solved by opening the government and summoning his staff.

One inside and one outside, two sets of governing teams, which can not only govern the country, but also centralize power!

Thinking of this, Sun Jian nodded again and again and smiled:

"The military advisor can also discuss this, our army can open the government on the same day, and take charge of everything!"

And Kuai Yue listened on the side, already secretly thinking in his heart.

Xiao Zhe's method is not bold!

The ordinary Kaifu only summoned the staff, but Xiao Zhe asked Sun Jian to take all the power into his hands. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

This kind of method can be said to be extremely effective in quickly sorting out the chaos of officials.

But again, it can be a huge problem.

That is, after Sun Jian collects these powers, the officials appointed in the future will only obey Sun Jian, and will no longer take the imperial court into account!

It's good that Sun Jian doesn't have much power now, and after he dominates several states in the future, Sun Jian will rely on these supports to become a powerful minister with more influence than Dong Zhuo!

This isn't a governance method, it's a dragon slayer!"

For a while, his eyes when he looked at Xiao Zhe became more and more complicated, and it seemed that Xiao Zhe's purpose was not as simple as helping the Han family.

As he was thinking so, Xiao Zhe seemed to have a sense, turned his head and smiled:

"Why does the gentleman look at me like this, but I have a question to ask?"


Kuai Yue was panicked by Xiao Zhe, lowered his head and said:

"This discussion of the military advisor is really a strategy to control chaos!"

With that, he had already made a decision in his heart.

Since Xiao Zhe has such thoughts, after Sun Jian's mansion was opened, he simply entered the mansion directly!

Because the centralization of power in the opening of the government means that only by entering the government can you become a real henchman!

Even if you are a taishou outside, you don't have the power that comes with entering the house!

His thoughts were in turmoil, and Xiao Zhe had already continued to speak:

"Opening the mansion is only the first step for our army to govern Jingzhou!"

"If you want to cure Jingzhou, you still need a lot of talents and officials!"

"Therefore, in addition to opening the government, our army should also recruit a large number of virtuous people for the use of our army!"

"Otherwise, even if the government is opened, our army still has no officials to send to various places!"

Hearing this, Sun Jian nodded and said thoughtfully:

"Virtuous things, I can do what I want!"

"How to recruit talents, you still need the guidance of the military division!"

When Xiao Zhe heard this, he sorted out his thoughts and smiled:

"Recruiting talents, you need two other aspects.."

"Internally, Jingzhou itself has a large number of talents, and what our army needs is to invite them to be appointed!"

Therefore, you can invite the children of major families to go out as officials, one can stabilize people's hearts, and the other can get a large number of ready-made talents. "

"In addition to the children of the family, the majority of poor scholars also have no way to serve the country, and our army can post an example to recruit such people to help. "

"In this way, our army will be able to get a large number of talents from within!"

If he could, he would even want to issue a recruitment order directly.

But they can recruit talents, but whether people are willing to work is another matter.

At this time, the local plot of the scholars is still very heavy, and it is quite unrealistic for people to leave their hometowns to seek officials!

Therefore, the fastest is to promote the local scholars of Jingzhou!

As soon as Kuai Yue heard this, he gave up his hand and praised:

"The military advisor can also discuss this, my Jingzhou scholar will be able to use it for the lord!"

Born into a family, what he is most afraid of is that Sun Jian will promote foreign scholars and press on the heads of Jingzhou people.

Now Xiao Zhe proposed to appoint Jingzhou scholars, and he raised his hands in favor.

Seeing Kuai Yue's support for the first time, Sun Jian nodded and smiled:

"This is a matter of necessity, so how to obtain talents from the outside?"

Seeing this, Xiao Zhe smiled and said:

"As for the second thing, it is to recruit famous people from all over the world to settle in Jingzhou, so as to attract students from all over the world to come to Jingzhou to study!"

"Today, there is a big chaos, like the Central Plains, there are countless celebrities and people, and they have suffered from war for a long time. "

"Before, Cai Gong and I proposed to revitalize education and rebuild Taixue, and for this reason, our army can follow the example of the ancient Jixia School Palace and recruit famous people from all over the world to come and give lectures!"

"Let Jingzhou become the supreme institution that students all over the world yearn for, so that those talents will not come to vote!"

The star effect was there in 4.6 ancient times, and when he looked at the Three Kingdoms in his previous life, he always lamented the density of talents in Liu Biaojingzhou.

But when I grew up, I found that the reason why Jingzhou had many talents was because Liu Biao himself was greatly educated and absorbed more than 1,000 famous people from the north.

These people will gather in one place, not by chance, but by necessity!

There are so many celebrities and scholars in Jingzhou, and those talents want to learn, so they have to come to Jingzhou.

This is also the reason why the talents of the Three Kingdoms period looked at Yingchuan in the early stage and Jingzhou in the middle period.

It can be said that the siphon effect brought by Baume & Mercier is extremely powerful!

Hearing Xiao Zhe's words, Kuai Yue stroked his beard and smiled:

"The military advisor has this discussion, but the talents of the world can be used by our army!"

Although Sun Jian is not good at governance, he also knows the name of Jixia Academy, so he immediately nodded and said:

"The military advisor can also act on this proposal, since it is mentioned by the military advisor, it can also be led by the military advisor!"

After setting the agenda briefly, seeing that Xiao Zhe easily solved the first problem, Sun Jian became more and more pleased:

"Then, according to the opinion of the military division, how to solve the second and third problems faced by our army?"

When Xiao Zhe heard this, he smiled without thinking about it:

"As for the second and third issues, they can be solved together. "

"To put it simply, it is eight words called the reduction of elite soldiers, and the training is carried out by recruitment!"

Hearing Xiao Zhe's eight words, Sun Jian hurriedly probed and said:

"What is the reduction of elite troops to recruit and train?"

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