Skill: [Lixian Corporal]

Architecture: [None]

Grain rate: [none]

Military pay: [none]

Chen Peng, who was holding the wine bowl, could clearly feel that after the force value was increased by 10, a stream of heat flowed through his body.

"Uncle Liu, I'm sorry."

Mission accomplished, good luck!

And Liu Bei, who was sitting in front of the booth in Zhuo County, was weaving straw sandals, and suddenly felt a shock.

"Eh...seems like something is missing?"

Although he said that, he didn't feel it, which made Liu Bei a little confused.

Chapter 007, Time is running out, prelude to troubled times! (New book for flowers [7/7])

Chapter 007, Time is running out, prelude to troubled times! (New book for flowers [7/7])

It has been several days since Taoyuan got married.

After tasting the sweetness of cutting Hu for the first time, Chen Peng thought about cutting Hu again, and of course he had to start with Uncle Liu.

Because Zhuo County was not too far from Changshan, he wanted to get Zhao Yun under his command first.

If you want to do it, do it right away.

In the past two days, Chen Peng specially built a weapon for Zhang Fei and Guan Yu.

No matter what the two of them used in his official history, the ones he made were the Zhangba Snake Spear and the Qinglong Yanyue Sword.

"Big brother, third brother, are you ready?"

Chen Peng led three horses to Zhang Fei's manor.

In the hospital, Zhang Fei and Guan Yu had already packed their bags, and the three of them were going to Changshan Zhending to find Zhao Yun.

If you're lucky, you might find it.

"Yun Qing, Yed and I are ready, let's go now!"

As Guan Yu said, the three of them got on their horses and walked out of Zhuo County.

But before the three of them rode out of the city, they were stopped by a group of people in front of the city gate of Zhuo County.

In fact, it does not mean that they were stopped, but that a large number of people gathered not far from the city gate of Zhuo County at this time.

"Hey, what is this for? Why are there so many people?" Zhang Fei said in a buzzing voice.

Hearing Zhang Fei's words, one of the people beside him was waving the broken bowl in his hand while turning his head and said, "You don't know this, the great virtuous teacher sent the disciples who sat down to spread the talisman!"

"It is said that after drinking this talisman water, you can prevent all poisons from invading and all diseases!"

"Fu Shui? What mother's thing?"

Zhang Fei scratched his head and looked at Chen Peng.

"A few years ago, when I was still in Qingzhou, I heard about this great teacher and Taiping Dao. It is said that Taiping Dao has a kind of talisman water. After drinking it, it can cure people, exorcise evil spirits, and strengthen their health." Guan Yu Qingluo He glanced at the long whiskers of his lower jaw.

Guan Yu and Zhang Fei both turned to look at Chen Peng after they finished speaking.

Unexpectedly, Chen Peng was already stunned there.

"Second brother?"

"Second brother?"


Guan Yu and Zhang Fei called out to wake Chen Peng up.

"What happened to the second brother?" Guan Yu asked with concern.

Just when he heard that Taiping Road still has Fushui, Chen Peng almost stood up in shock.

He said that he seemed to have forgotten something.

Now is the seven years of Guanghe, Taiping Road, the Yellow Turban Uprising!

How could he even forget such an important thing.

It's already January.

Originally, Zhang Jiao planned to revolt in March, but due to Ma Yuanyi's arrest, the revolt was delayed by a month, which is February in the seventh year of Guanghe.

It's already January, and there's still more than a month left before the Yellow Turban Army sweeping the world is coming.

And his heart is in Youzhou, which is also a hardest hit area!

If he hadn't gone out today and encountered Taiping Dao Guang Shi Fu Shui, he would have completely forgotten about it.

"Big brother, third brother, let's put the matter of going to Changshan first, we have more important things than this!" Chen Peng said in a low voice.

"What's the matter?"

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