After entering the door, Chen Peng motioned Zhang Fei to close the door tightly.

"Big brother, third brother, when you start, all the rest of the demons will be killed, just leave him alone."

Chen Peng said in the direction of Deng Mao.

"Second brother, don't worry, I will clean up some trash fish without big brother's action."

Zhang Fei's eyes showed a fierce light.

"Is Master Deng satisfied with this manor?" Chen Peng asked with laughter behind Deng Mao.

As Deng Mao walked inside, he looked left and right: "Satisfied, very satisfied."

"Haha, it's good to be satisfied!" As soon as Chen Peng's voice fell, he stepped aside.

Behind him, Zhang Fei, who was holding a snake spear eight feet tall in one hand, and Guan Yu, who was holding a Qinglong Yanyue Sword in the other, came up to kill him.

"Dog Taoist priest, accept your life!"

Zhang Fei roared angrily, and the ashes on the roof beam were shaken off by him.

Chen Peng, who was on the side, looked at him and was speechless.

This fellow is afraid of using the skill war to roar.

This is still under the circumstance that he is prepared. If the unprepared others are yelled at by Zhang Fei, not to mention the eardrum perforation and a slight concussion.

With a roar of war from Zhang Fei, the twenty or so Taiping demons, including Deng Mao, were all stunned like chickens.

And Zhang Fei's snake spear in Zhang Fei's hands had already torn bloody mouths out of several people's bodies.

Guan Yu dragged the knife and walked, the sharp edge of the knife rubbed a spark on the blue brick on the ground, and the light of the knife swept over the head and landed.

In just a moment of effort, the bloody atmosphere in the courtyard was everywhere.


Chen Peng only felt that his stomach was churning violently.

First time seeing murder.

And more than [-] people died together. As a modern person, it is a lie to say that there is no feeling.

I can't help but stay away when I see a dead cat and a dead dog on the walk.

Not to mention more than twenty big living people.

The blood flowed along the gaps of the blue bricks to Chen Peng's feet.

Chen Peng didn't feel any embarrassment when he vomited.

Although he vomited, he promised not to do it next time.

In troubled times, human life is not as good as dogs. If you want to survive in this troubled time, you must adapt to the survival rules here as soon as possible.

After wiping the corners of his mouth, Chen Peng's eyes became firmer.

"Second brother, it's alright, you said earlier, I'll be more gentle." Zhang Fei buzzed.

"Ha ha."

Chen Peng smiled wryly: "How can you be polite about murder?"

"There are only dozens of people today, and there will be millions of people in the future. Don't worry, your second brother, I am stronger than you think!"

As Chen Peng said that, he stepped over the stump and broken arm on the ground and walked in front of Deng Mao.

"Yun Qing, this person has been handed over to you!" Guan Yu held the bloody Qinglong Yanyue Sword.

Chen Peng nodded: "Let's go, I know you are a tough guy, and you won't speak so easily, but please rest assured, my methods are beyond your imagination!"

Chapter 009, Activate the copy of the Yellow Turban, get the building! (New book for flowers [2/7])

Chapter 009, Activate the copy of the Yellow Turban, get the building! (New book for flowers [2/7])

The backyard of Zhang Fei's manor.

Deng Mao was tied under a peach tree.

At this moment, his two hands were fixed on the peach tree, and a wooden thorn pierced through his nails.

Large beads of sweat fell from Deng Mao's forehead.

Deng Mao, who clenched his teeth, looked at Chen Peng with murderous eyes.

"I know you're a tough guy. Don't worry. You still have nine fingers. If you don't talk about your ten toes, I'll chop them off piece by piece."

Chen Peng held a wooden thorn in his hand.

Zhang Fei on the side looked at Chen Peng and shivered.


Deng Mao looked at Chen Peng in horror.

"I....I said....whatever you want to know, I'll say it!"

People are often not as strong as they think.

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