After passing the Yellow River, Chen Peng chose to go to Huaiyang and pass the White Horse.

This is where the famous Battle of Guandu broke out.

Entering Chenliu all the way from Huaiyang, and then turning into the boundary of Yingchuan...

Chen Liu, already I.

"Big brother! Big brother!"

"Look at what I brought today!"

In front of a somewhat dilapidated thatched hut, a giant man nearly nine feet tall was carrying a black-haired wild boar that looked like it had been shot dead.

The wild boar looks like [-] jins, but it is like a piece of tofu in the hands of the giant.

With a smile on his face, the giant man stood outside the thatched hut with a wild boar in his hand and shouted twice.

But after calling twice, no one in the room answered.

The giant frowned, and suddenly a fierce aura rose from his body.

Extending an arm as thick as a small tree, the giant man pushed open the door of the thatched cottage.

As soon as he entered the room, the giant's brows tightened even more.

Because he asked about a smell, a smell of dead corpses.

Having spent years in the mountains and forests and hunting for a living, he was all too familiar with this smell.

Immediately, the giant hurriedly dropped the wild boar weighing more than three hundred kilograms in his hands and ran into the house in three or two steps.

As soon as he entered the house, the giant man's footsteps stopped in front of the door.

"Big brother!"

The giant man roared and almost opened the roof of the thatched hut.

A man in the house who had been dead for many days was covered with flies.

The open wound in the abdomen exposed the internal organs.

The giant man was stunned for a moment, then took two steps forward.

But the people in the house have been dead for many days.

The giant man didn't dislike the rotten smell of the corpse, so he hugged the corpse and walked out of the courtyard, shouting, "Sister-in-law!"

"Sister-in-law is here!"

Hearing the shouts of the giant man, no one in the house answered, but some people came out of the neighbors.

When they saw the giant man holding the smelly corpse in his arms, the surrounding neighbors all ducked aside.

"Whoever told me what happened to my brother's house, who is this wild boar!"

The giant man said and threw the wild boar of more than [-] catties out of the courtyard like throwing bean sprouts one by one.

This wild boar weighing more than [-] kilograms is not something that anyone can beat.

And this meat is enough for the whole family to eat for a long, long time.

Some people who don't want to cause trouble are weighed in their minds.

Now is the time of spring ploughing, and everyone's family is short of food, so after all, there are still people who can't resist the temptation to stand up.

"I know, but if I say it, this wild boar is mine."

asked a thin middle-aged man who stood up.

The giant tiger's eyes swept over and wrinkled thick eyelashes.

"You ask in Shili Baxiang. I, Dian Wei, don't count. If I tell you, that's for you, as long as you tell my brother's house what happened!"

Dian Wei said while holding the corpse of his dead brother.

The deceased's surname was Liu, and he was Dian Wei's brother.

One year Dian Wei went into the mountains to hunt, which coincided with winter.

At that time he was besieged by two fierce tigers.

What's worse is that he lost his weapon at that time, otherwise he would not be afraid of two tigers.

If you have a sword in your hand, it is not a problem to kill two tigers.

But if you fight a tiger with bare hands, even if he can win, he will definitely have it in his hands.

It also happened that Liu Ru, who was also an Orion at this time, didn't even think about going to the rescue after hearing the sound nearby.

Therefore, Dian Wei was able to get out of trouble.

Since then, the two have become best friends.

When you have nothing to do, go hunting in the mountains together.

But now is the time of spring ploughing, Liu Ru family has land to cultivate, so it is inconvenient to enter the mountains.

And at this time when there was a shortage of food, Dian Wei let Liu Ru cultivate the land with his sister-in-law at home, and he went into the mountains to hunt by himself.

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