Refractory disease is one of them.

Of course, its contagiousness is the most terrifying thing. If it fails, the entire Zhen Clan will be unlucky.

Therefore, the general way to deal with this disease at home is to detect it early and eliminate it early.

As for how to eliminate it, the answer is very simple.


"Doctor, is there really no other way? We can pay, any amount!"

Zhang shi said with a look of despair.

Zhongshan Zhen is rich, otherwise these doctors would not have come all the way by car.

But this disease...

Whether it is cured or not is not to be said, if there is an infection, it may be a disaster for the whole family, and no one dares to make jokes with the whole family easily.

"I'm sorry ma'am, it's not about money, we really can't do anything about it!"

All the doctors in the yard shook their heads and hurriedly walked outside.

I am afraid that as long as I stay for a while, I will be infected again.

Facing the helpless answer, Mr. Zhang was completely panicked.

The two sons are still young, and there is no man in the family to call the shots. How can this be good?

What can she do as a woman?

As for the other relatives of the Zhen family, they were eager for her husband to have an accident, so that they could divide up the Zhen family's property.


In one of the ancestral halls in Zhen's Manor, there were several thin figures kneeling.

Two of them were male and four female.

The two boys were about fifteen or sixteen years old, the oldest of the four girls was about fifteen or sixteen, and the other one was smaller than the other.

The youngest one was only four or five years old.

"Ancestor shows spirits, bless my father safe and sound, Jiang Er is here to kowtow to the ancestors."

Zhen Jiang, who was in a white dress with clear eyebrows, said and started to kowtow.

Seeing her sister like this, several younger sisters followed Zhen Jiangzhao.

After kowtowing three times in a row, Zhen Jiang stopped, but instead of getting up, she still knelt on the futon.

Turning his head to look at the sisters beside him, Zhen Jiang's pale and pretty face had a complicated expression.

Now that my father is seriously ill and my mother has no time to leave, there are so many things at home that can only be handled by the two older brothers.

And although she is not big, she should be responsible for some things at home.

"Second sister, take the third sister and the fourth sister back to the house. It's too cold here. If it's freezing, mother will also worry about it!" Zhen Jiang said to Zhen Tuo, who was slightly older beside him.

Hearing her sister's words, Zhen Tuo nodded obediently, then got up from the futon and dragged her two younger sisters towards the residence of the female family members in the backyard.

Zhen Jiang was the only one left in the ancestral hall, still kneeling there, sincerely helping his father to heal from his serious illness.

Just when she closed her eyes and prayed sincerely, she suddenly heard a loud noise from the front yard.

After listening carefully, Zhen Jiang heard his mother's cry, so he stood up nervously and walked towards the front yard.

In the front yard, not long after the doctors went out on the front foot, there were a lot of people knocking on the courtyard door on the back foot.

Mrs. Zhang thought that a doctor had come back and was willing to see a doctor for her husband.

But after opening the courtyard door, it was found that it was not the doctor who came, but the second, third and fourth rooms of the Zhen family.

These people don't know which doctor they learned that Zhen Yi had a sore disease.

Perhaps some of the doctors who just came to see Zhen Yi were bribed to get through Zhen Yi's condition.

In short, the doctor has just left, and the second, third, and fourth rooms are all coming!

The courtyard instantly became noisy.

"Sister-in-law, isn't it right for you? My elder brother suffers from scabies. It's not just your family's business, it's the whole Zhen family's business."

Zhen Mao, the second room of Zhen's family, looked at Zhang's expression badly.

"Yes, sister-in-law, you also know that this sore is different from other diseases. If it is really infected, the entire Zhen Clan will face extinction. If the government knows about it, they will definitely not let us Zhen Clan. !"

Zhen Wen's third room, Zhen Wen, followed.

Although Zhen Chen, the fourth room of Zhen's family, did not speak, but at this time he stood at the door covering his mouth and nose with disgust, as if he was afraid of being infected.

Mrs. Zhang had just learned that her husband was suffering from aphthous ulcers, and these side rooms had come to the door to make a noise, and she was immediately distraught.

"What do you say? I'm a woman, how do I know this?"

Zhang shi agreed in a chaotic manner.

Hearing Zhang's words, the other three rooms who came to force the palace looked at each other with determination in their eyes!

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