After the system beep sounded again in his mind, Chen Peng saw Zhang Fei's value.

Name: Zhang Fei

Age: 18

Force: 98

Domination: 86

Politics: 22

Intelligence: 33

Charisma: 20

Skill: [War Cry]

The system displays Zhang Fei eighteen.

But no matter how Chen Peng sees Zhang Fei, he doesn't look like [-]. It may be believed that he is [-].

Zhang Fei is already here, and Guan Yu is definitely not far away.

So Chen Peng began to look for it in the crowd again.

Sure enough, just not [-] meters away from Zhang Fei's butcher's shop, a guy with a purplish red face and a beautiful beard was sitting and looking at it from a distance.

Name: Guan Yu

Age: 22

Force: 97

Domination: 96

Politics: 63

Intelligence: 75

Charisma: 94

Skills: [Spring and Autumn Swordsmanship] [One Rider is a Thousand] [Three Swords Instant Kill]

Chen Peng wondered why Guan Erye's force value was lower than Zhang Fei's, but it was clear that Guan Erye's skills were much stronger than Zhang Fei's!

And after two thousand years, when Chen Peng saw this living Martial Saint, he was inevitably excited.

Now that Zhang Fei has it, so does Guan Yu, and their ill-fated eldest brother, Liu Bei, who is already twenty-eight years old and still unmarried, should also be nearby.

Doesn't it mean that this guy looks different from ordinary people?

Said that he could see his own ears.

So Chen Peng looked for it in the crowd again.


Just casually sweeping through the crowd, Chen Peng saw Liu Bei.

Name: Liu Bei

Age: 28

Force: 73

Domination: 76

Politics: 78

Intelligence: 74

Charisma: 99

Skills: [Li Xian Corporal] [Unparalleled Fortune] [Uncompromising] [God-level Acting]


Almost full of charm value, look at these three skills.

Chen Peng finally knew why Liu Bei was so lucky and had such a tough character.

Unparalleled luck made him avoid danger many times, and his perseverance made him reborn from adversity again and again, Li Xian Corporal, which made him gather around him almost the most powerful and intelligent people in the Three Kingdoms.

As for god-level acting... everyone knows it.

As expected of Uncle Liu!

And also looks different from ordinary people.

Although he can't see his own ears as in rumors.

But Liu Bei's ears are really big, and his arms are very long, almost reaching his knees.

How can I say it... It's like... It's like it hasn't evolved too completely.

When he saw the three brothers, Chen Peng felt a sudden realization in his heart.

Why are the three of them the three of them in Taoyuan?

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