The Zhen family in Zhongshan said that it was also an aristocratic family, but it gradually withered from the Western Han Dynasty.

But other Zhen Shi did not have money and food.


Chapter 026, Zhao Yun, who has not returned from his studies, returns to Zhuo County (new book for flowers [5/7])

Chapter 026, Zhao Yun, who has not returned from his studies, returns to Zhuo County (new book for flowers [5/7])

When Chen Peng came to Zhen's sixth day, Zhen Yi was able to get up from the sick bed and walk.

Everything went in the direction Chen Peng expected.

It's just that there was a little accident in Zhao Yun.

When staying at Zhen's, Chen Peng learned that Zhen Yi's wife, Zhang's family, was in Changshan, and it was not far from Zhao Yun's hometown.

So in order to avoid wasting time, Chen Peng thought of having someone invite Zhao Yun first.

However, the people who went back and forth searched for two days in Zhending, Zhao Yun's home was found, but Zhao Yun was not at home.

It is said that the art has not come back.

Thinking of Zhao Yun's shocking martial arts, he couldn't have realized it by himself.

So that makes sense.

Chen Peng was a little disappointed that Zhao Yun was not brought under his command first.

But no way.

The days of Zhang Jiao's uprising are getting closer and closer, and he will immediately return to Zhuo County to start preparations.

In front of Zhen's Manor.

A long line of teams is slowly moving towards Zhuo County.

Most of what this team transports is food and grass materials.

These things also have a unified name, that is, dowry.

Zhen Jiang's dowry.

Zhen Mi is still young, and Chen Peng also likes Zhen Jiang very much.

So the marriage certificate naturally belongs to Zhen Jiang.

It's just that he can't pick up Zhen Jiang now.

In the next year or so, the world will be in chaos, and he has to fight in the north and south, so that the beautiful woman cannot be left alone in the empty room.

It is better to keep Zhen Jiang in the Zhen family.

Of course, with the marriage certificate, everything has been finalized.

Therefore, Zhen's dowry was unequivocally sent to Zhuo County.

Among them, the money alone is [-] million, and there are [-] stones of food and grass, as well as some hidden armor and weapons.

Zhen Yi and Mrs. Zhang stood in front of Zhen's Manor to see each other.

"Father-in-law and mother-in-law have been hoarding food and grass in the castle recently and recruiting family soldiers. If there is any difficulty, you can send someone to send a letter to Zhuo County, and the younger son-in-law will definitely come here with all his strength."

Chen Peng did not fully clarify.

But Zhen Yi and others are smart people. Chen Peng is from the Yingchuan nobility, and he must know more than them.

So what Chen Peng said must be reasonable.

"Also, be careful with Daoist Taiping, don't let them enter the manor." Chen Peng said in a low voice.

"Don't worry, son-in-law, we know how powerful it is." Zhen Jiang nodded in agreement.

The walls of Zhen's manor are taller and thicker than those in Wuji County, and there are many private soldiers with sharp armour, so Chen Peng has nothing to worry about.

Moreover, there is no record in history that the Yellow Turbans looted the Zhen family, otherwise there would be no later Zhen family.

In addition to his reminder this time, Zhen Shi must be more foolproof.

"Father-in-law and mother-in-law go back first, I'll leave after a few words with Jiang Er."

Zhen Yi and Mrs Zhang nodded.

In a bright carriage outside the manor.

Zhen Jiang was sitting in the car.

The carriage slowly drove behind Chen Peng's team.

Zhen Jiang in the car was crying like a tearful man.

Chen Peng gently wiped Zhen Jiang's tears.

"If you don't cry, you won't look good when you cry."

"Don't worry, I will come back to marry you in one year, at most one year, and take you to Luoyang to see the prosperity of Luoyang!" Chen Peng comforted Zhen Jiang.

Zhen Jiang shook his head and threw himself into Chen Peng's arms.

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