Chen Peng said.


The system prompts: "Ask the host whether you are sure to place the [Ordinary Infantry Battalion] and place the [Ordinary Infantry Battalion] for [-] yuan!"

The system prompts: "Is the host sure to place [ordinary cavalry battalion] to place [ordinary cavalry battalion] for [-] yuan!"

With [-] million dollars in his pocket, Chen Peng is naturally rich.

Without thinking about it, I chose to place it directly.


Chen Peng said.

In the camp, two barracks appeared directly after his order.


The system prompts: "The current host can choose to recruit soldiers as follows:"

[Ordinary Infantry Battalion]: Every six hours, an ordinary infantryman with a force of 5 is produced, and an ordinary soldier consumes one kilogram of food and grass every day.Recruitment costs 100 dollars.

[Ordinary Cavalry Battalion]: Every 12 hours, an ordinary cavalryman with a force of 10 is produced. The ordinary cavalry consumes 5 kilograms of grain and grass every day, and the recruitment costs 200 money.

Chen Peng did not immediately choose to recruit soldiers.

He is going to upgrade.

At present, even if there is still a month before the Yellow Turban Uprising, which means that he has only [-] days, at most [-] days.

Thirty days can only recruit 60 ordinary soldiers with a combat power of 5, and 30 ordinary cavalry with a combat power of 10.

Even if Zhang Fei and Guan Yu were able to recruit some soldiers, the total number was far from enough to deal with the Yellow Turban Rebellion.

What Chen Peng wants is not just to keep one side at peace.

He has to take the initiative to attack.

So even if the quantity cannot keep up, the quality must also keep up.

"System, I want to upgrade the barracks!" Chen Peng gave the order.


The system prompts: "The current host has [Ordinary Infantry Battalion*1] [Ordinary Cavalry Battalion*1], which can be upgraded to [Intermediate Infantry Battalion] [Intermediate Cavalry Battalion]."

"Upgrading the [Ordinary Infantry Battalion] will cost 50 dollars, and upgrading the [Ordinary Cavalry Battalion] will cost 200 million dollars! Will the host be upgraded!"


It's just stealing money.

Fortunately, he went to the Zhen family, otherwise, it would not be enough to rely on Zhang Fei's family property.


Although it hurts a bit, Chen Peng chose to upgrade.


The system prompts: "Congratulations to the host for spending 50 dollars to upgrade the [Intermediate Infantry Battalion], congratulations to the host for spending 200 million dollars to upgrade the [Intermediate Cavalry Battalion]."

[Intermediate Infantry Battalion]: Recruit a mid-level infantry soldier with a combat strength of 10 every six hours. The soldier consumes 2 catties of food and grass every day, and the recruitment costs 200 money.

[Intermediate Cavalry Battalion]: Recruit an intermediate cavalry with a combat strength of 20 every 4 hours. The soldier consumes 400 catties of food and grass every day, and the recruitment costs [-] money.

Chen Peng was very satisfied with the doubled combat power.

The two million and a half million dollars are not wasted.

But he was still not satisfied.

Soldiers' base combat value is now 10 and 20 and doubles if upgraded to an advanced barracks.

The cavalry will be able to reach a force value of 40.

What does the force value of a 40 cavalry represent?

Chen Peng was a little excited when he thought about it. If there were a hundred such cavalrymen, it would be too cruel.

"System, I have to upgrade the barracks!"

Chen Peng was determined to upgrade again.


System prompt: "The host currently owns [Intermediate Infantry Battalion*1] [Intermediate Cavalry Battalion*1] and can be upgraded to [Advanced Infantry Battalion] [Advanced Cavalry Battalion.]"

"Upgrading the [Intermediate Infantry Battalion] will cost 500 million dollars, and upgrading the [Intermediate Cavalry Battalion] will cost 2000 million dollars. Will the host be upgraded!"


Chen Peng almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

This is really a fucking tenfold increase.

One of these two barracks is 5 money, and the other is 20 money.

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