Cao Cao brought Chen Peng into the residence of General He Jin.

He Jin was obviously not the only one in He Jin's mansion at this time.

After Liu Hong was in a coma, the situation in the court became more and more thoughtful of He Jin.

Therefore, more and more people are investing in He Jinmen.

Just as Chen Peng entered the hall with his front and back feet, He Jin was the first to stand up.

"Everyone, please see, here are our champions, Yingchuan Chen Peng, Chen Yunqing, you welcome champions!"

Under He Jin's voice, everyone focused their attention on Chen Peng, who had just entered the door.

"Champion Hou, the general who has been admired for a long time, today's general is really extraordinary.


"Yes, yes, the young talent really looks like a Kunpeng!"

"The big man has such talents as champion Hou, it's just... Fortunately, it's a big event!"

Listening to the condescending compliments around him, Chen Peng smiled politely in return, and turned on the system by the way! After a glance, he didn't find any outstanding talents.

They are all old fritters from the nobility.

However... Chen Peng is very interested in someone close to He Jin.


Chen Peng was not sure when he first saw Wang Yun's attributes, but this serial calculation can't be wrong.

Now that Dong Zhuo's entry to Beijing is imminent, and Wang Yun appears next to He Jin, everything echoes the historical process.

I just don't know where Diaochan is now. It's in Wang Yun's mansion. If Diaochan cuts his beard halfway by himself, then Lord Situ Wang's chain plan will be gone. Without the chain plan, will Dong Zhuo still die? Will you still betray Dong Zhuo? Chen Peng thinks it should be interesting! It seems that he should take time to visit Mr. Wang! To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter 0164, Cao Cao's reminder, Empress He's plea! (please customize, fully order!)

Chapter 064, Cao Cao's reminder, Empress He's plea! Please make your own order, all orders! After staying in He Jin's mansion for a while, Chen Peng bid farewell.

He Jin's intention to invite him is already obvious, that is... I hope he can join the team that eliminates the ten permanent servants.

Chen Peng naturally agreed with his mouth full.

In fact, it's just perfunctory.

When he came out of He Jin's mansion, Cao Cao took the initiative to ask to see him off.

"Brother Meng De has something to say to me"

When it was delivered to the door, Chen Peng looked back at Cao Cao with a smile.

Cao Cao also laughed: "Sure enough, Brother Yunqing is the smart one, yes, I do have something to say to Brother Yunqing.


Chen Peng stretched out his hand and made a gesture of invitation: "Brother Meng De said it, no one will hear it here.


Even so, Cao Cao still looked around, and then said cautiously to Chen Peng: "Brother Yunqing knows that this time the general not only recruited Brother Yunqing to lead his troops back, but also summoned the other two"

Chen Peng nodded after hearing this.

Of course he knew this.

One Dong Zhuo, one Ding Yuan quilt.

Cao Cao saw Chen Peng nod his head and continued quickly, "Brother Yunqing, do you know who the two of them are?"

Chen Peng didn't know what Cao Cao was going to say to him, so he shook his head: "I also ask Brother Meng De to make it clear.


"Dong Zhuo, the prefect of Longxi in Liangzhou, and Ding Yuan, the prefect of Bingzhou, are all people of tigers and wolves!"

"Master Zhang Wen once said when he was working with Dong Zhuo, that this man is very ambitious and ruthless, and living in the bitter and cold land of Liangzhou all the year round makes him a bit eccentric and violent. Once such a person leads troops into Luoyang, What if something goes wrong?"

"Also, Ding Yuan from Bingzhou is not a kind person, and his subordinates are fighting against foreign races all the year round and are brave.


Cao Cao said with a worried look on his face: "Brother Yunqing, you said, if such a person enters Luoyang, who can check and balance once he loses control"

Listening to Cao Cao's words, Chen Peng couldn't help but blink.

Knew it.

Boss Cao is worthy of being Boss Cao.

It was already anticipated what would happen next.

It's a pity that Cao Cao's ability is too weak now, and there is no way to prevent this from happening.

"If that's the case, why doesn't Meng De speak like a general?"

Chen Peng said knowingly.


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