He once read a book, the book said that in ancient times, some royals and nobles used some incense as a special incense, and they could even add some incense to the incense.

Chen Peng suspected that the incense he smelled at this time, which made his blood surge even more, had those...effects.

If both of them are willing, Chen Peng doesn't mind if something happens to Queen He.

But he didn't like the feeling of being calculated.

So after placing Empress He on the soft slump, Chen Peng held his breath and turned to walk outside.

But just as he took a step, he found that his robe was being pulled from behind.

"Champion Hou, where are you going?"

Empress He opened her beautiful eyes slightly, and said with a confused look.

Chen Peng frowned. At this time, he was convinced that the incense was indeed... There was a problem.

"in spite of.……

What is the purpose of the queen today, and now I go out from here, as if nothing happened, I don't like the feeling of being calculated, no matter who this person is!"

Chen Peng's voice was very cold.

Empress He, who had been in a state of confusion, was suddenly awake by three points 3.

After saying this, Chen Peng waved his hand, and immediately knocked down Empress He's hand holding her robe, and then walked outside.

"Chen Peng, I beg you, don't go!"

Empress He struggled to get up, but grabbed an empty one, and then fell to the ground softly.

"Chen Peng, I'm begging you all, don't go, it's really not that I'm begging you, really, listen to my explanation!"

Queen He, who fell to the ground, said while struggling.

Just when Empress He begged Chen Peng to stay, two other voices suddenly came from outside.

"Queen Mother, Queen Mother, I heard that Champion Hou is here with you!"

"Princess Wannian, the Empress said that no one is allowed to enter without her order!"

As soon as Chen Peng listened to it, he could hear that it was the voice of Princess Wannian Liu Yao and Empress He's maid Luluo.

Chen Peng turned his head and glanced at Empress He, who fell to the ground, and at Princess Wannian, who was about to enter the door outside, and rushed to the palace gate in a single step! Feilu reminds you: three things to read: collect, recommend, and divide

Chapter 0165, after ten thousand years, Liu Hong wakes up? (please customize, fully order!)

Chapter 065, After ten thousand years, Liu Hongsu wakes up and asks for a custom order! Hearing the voice outside the palace gate, Chen Peng rushed to the palace gate with a single step.

Too bad it's still half a step too late.

Before he could come to the front of the palace, Princess Wannian who was outside the door had already pushed the door and entered.

"Champion Hou!"

As soon as she came in, Princess Wan Nian stood at the door and shouted.

As soon as the voice fell, a strange fragrance penetrated into her nostrils.

Princess Wan Nian frowned slightly when she smelled this fragrance.

"Hold your breath, don't inhale!"

Chen Peng, who rushed over, shouted at Liu Yao, Princess Wannian.


Princess Wannian was stunned and didn't understand what it meant.

Chen Peng suddenly cried out in his heart that he was broken.

At the same time, Luluo, who was standing outside the palace gate, stomped her feet in a hurry but did not dare to step forward.

Princess Wannian, who was standing in front of Queen He's palace, didn't wait for Chen Peng to come over before she felt her body soften, and then she fell down when her legs became weak.

"What's wrong with me, I'm so dizzy"

Princess Wan Nian covered her forehead with a hazy look in her eyes, and a layer of red glow climbed up on her snow-white pretty face.

Chen Peng, who had no time to explain, picked up Princess Wannian from the ground and rushed out of Queen He's bedroom.

"Use cold water for your queen to wake up well!"

After rushing out of the palace gate, Chen Peng turned back and snorted coldly.

Afterwards, he held the Wannian Princess and ran wild for a while.

"Tell me where your bedroom is.


Chen Peng looked at Princess Wannian who was drunk and blurred in his arms and said.

"I... I'm so sick, so dizzy, so hot"

Princess Wannian said in a hazy voice, with a weak hand guiding Chen Peng the way.

After a short while, Chen Peng came to the palace of Princess Wannian.

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