"Your Majesty, Wei Chen does have something to ask your Majesty!"

Chen Peng said.

"you say.


Liu Hong said directly.

Chen Peng raised his head and looked at Liu Hong and said, "Your Majesty, Wei Chen and Princess Wannian have admired for a long time. I hope that Your Majesty will show mercy and marry Princess Wannian to Weichen!"


Liu Hong was obviously taken aback.

Chen Peng repeated it again: "Your Majesty, Wei Chen and Princess Wannian have admired for a long time, and I hope Your Majesty can marry Princess Wannian to Wei Chen.


This time Liu Hong heard it clearly.

The deep-set eyes flashed a stern look.

However, it was soon covered up by Liu Hong.

And Chen Peng didn't mean to change his mind at all.

Princess Wannian he must marry.

If he married Princess Wannian, then he would also be very convenient for many things in the future of the royal family.

This is his quid pro quo.

A state shepherd, plus a princess.

Although he definitely couldn't help Liu Hong, but Liu Hong didn't know this... so he could only promise...

Fifteen miles outside the city of Luoyang.

Two large armies, one from the west and the other from the north, came straight towards Luoyang City from two directions.

The larger the army that came from the west was about [-] people, mainly cavalry.

A large black flag was erected at the front of the entire team.

The embroidery of the dragon and snake is embroidered with a huge Dong character.

The leading general was tall and mighty, with a large knife in his hand flashing a terrifying cold light, and he was wearing a coat of armor and a wolf fur coat.

It was none other than Hua Xiong, the number one general of the Xiliang Army who once fought against Zhao Yun at the Longxi Racecourse.

The long Xiliang iron cavalry followed behind Hua Xiong, and the army was Megatron.

On the other side...., there is also a large army on the north side of Luoyang City that is slowly heading towards Luoyang City.

The leader of the general wears a purple-gold three-pronged hair-gold crown, wears a Xichuan red brocade Hundred Flowers battle robe, wears a beast-faced swallowing armor, an exquisite lion belt around his waist, and carries a bow and arrow. He holds a square-shaped halberd. There are goose eggs! "Fifteen miles ahead is Luoyang City. You should go ahead at full speed. Before it gets dark today, you must reach Luoyang!"

With a roar of tigers, Lu Bu rushed in the direction of Luoyang City! Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read: collect, recommend, and divide

Chapter 0167, the melee outside the city of Luoyang, the famous scene of Lu Bu! (please customize, fully order!)

Chapter 067, the melee outside Luoyang city, the famous scene of Lv Bu! Please customize, all orders! Outside Luoyang city is stationed [-] troops led by Chen Peng.

At this time, the sky was dark, and the sentry suddenly sent a signal that two large armies were coming towards Luoyang City outside Luoyang City.

Chen Peng is not in the army, he is in the army.

It was Guan Yu.


The drums are beaten, the main camp is on alert, and if any enemy forces attack the camp, immediately counterattack!"

Chinese Army.

In the middle, Guan Yu walked out of the army camp wearing a green shirt with a long chin and long beard, and then his own guards came carrying Guan Yu's Qinglong Yanyue Saber.

Immediately in the camp, drums were beating loudly, and soldiers were ordered.

Dian Wei and Zhao Yun are now guarding the safety of Chen Peng in the city.

Therefore, in the camp outside the city, apart from... Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, there are also Sun Ce and Ma Chao.

Ma Chao is a new general, so he has not yet led the troops.

In addition to... [-] cavalry, the rest of the camp were all infantry, and they quickly defended all around the camp.

The movement on Guan Yu's side quickly attracted the attention of the defending troops headed by He Jin.

He Jin had previously explained that he had to be careful with the [-] army under Chen Peng's command.

At this time, the [-] troops outside the city suddenly moved for unknown reasons, and the defenders immediately sent the news to He Jin's mansion.

How long has it been since the forefoot and the rear foot of the city guard had just sent the news out, then he stood on the towering city wall and saw two fire dragon-like teams advancing slowly under the night sky.

As for the target, there is only one, and that is Luoyang City! The team holding torches like a long dragon is the two armies of Dong Zhuo and Ding Yuan.

At this time, the two large armies had already entered Luoyang City upon He Jin's summons.

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