Then the torches on the city walls of Luoyang City were bright:.

The general He Jin and others who received the news have already arrived at the city gate.

And Chen Peng also received the news that Ding Yuan and Dong Zhuo had arrived in Luoyang, and rushed over immediately.

Under He Jin's order, the east gate of Luoyang City was opened.

He Jin brought Cao Cao, Yuan Shao and others out of the city, while Chen Peng also brought Dian Wei, Zhao Yun and others to the scene of the confrontation between the three parties.

When he came to the scene of the confrontation between the three parties, He Jin, who was wearing a set of top-grade armor made of Wujin, pressed the imperial golden sword hanging from his waist with one hand.

"What's the matter, Ben just heard from the soldiers in the city that you are moving outside the city"

"This is Luoyang, and you think this is still a barbaric place. I would have recruited you to come to Beijing to kill eunuchs. You are good. You fight within each other as soon as you arrive. This is pure heart and shame for this general, isn't it?"

He Jin glared at Ding Yuan and Dong Zhuo.

The faces of the two who were reprimanded were not very good-looking.

On the other hand, Lu Bu, who was beside Ding Yuan, was dissatisfied.

"General, it's the sergeants under my command that have some conflicts. After I go back, I will teach you a good lesson!"

Dong Zhuo smiled awkwardly.

"Yes, yes, the general calms down his anger, his subordinates are ignorant!"

Ding Yuan also laughed at the side.

After reprimanding Dong Zhuo and Ding Yuan, He Jin turned his head to look at Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, and knew that they were both Chen Peng's subordinates and did not say a word.

"Big brother, third brother is fine!"

With a horse whip in one hand and a big cloak on his body, Chen Peng came to Guan Yu and Zhang Fei.

Guan Yu shook his head slightly: "It's okay, Yun Qing, it's been a long time since I moved my muscles and bones, and I just came out for activities today, but everyone came at the wrong time, otherwise I'd be sweating!"

Guan Yu lightly wielded his long beard with one hand, and Danfeng squinted at Lu Bu.

Although he didn't do anything, he felt pressure on the person in front of him.

When Guan Yu looked at Lu Bu, Lu Bu also looked at Guan Yu, but Lu Bu did not speak.

"Second brother, you came early, otherwise my eldest brother and I would not teach this little white face how to behave!"

Zhang Fei looked at Lu Bu arrogantly: "Little white face, you are lucky today, otherwise you will enter Luoyang City sideways!"

"You! Ugly, you say it again!"

Hearing Zhang Fei's talk of "little white face", Lu Bu couldn't hold back any longer. When had he ever been so angry, so he pointed at Zhang Fei and cursed angrily.

Lu Bu's scolding didn't matter, the atmosphere at the scene suddenly became tense again.

It's just that this time Chen Peng's lineup is slightly stronger.

Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Zhao Yun, and Dian Zhonglie who was invincible in battle.

Four people 4 are like four gods of war behind Chen Peng, exuding a terrifying aura.

"Shut up!"

Ding Yuan turned his head and scolded Lu Bu angrily.

"Foster father, you heard it too, he was the one who scold me first, why should I shut up?"

Lu Bu said very unconvinced.

Originally, it was embarrassing enough for Ding Yuan to be reprimanded by He Jin, but now that he was contradicted by his adopted son, the face on his face was even more unbearable.

"Nizi, didn't you hear what I said, and let me repeat it a second time!"

Ding Yuan's eyes widened, he raised the whip in his hand and sat up to strike.

"Sir, calm down, Feng Xian didn't mean it, Feng Xian didn't mean it!"

Zhang Liao, who was following behind Ding Yuan, quickly pulled him.

Dong Zhuo, who was beside him, grinned.

And Lu Bu was still unconvinced.

As for Chen Peng, he has already seen some clues.

The person in front of him almost doesn't have to guess who he is.

By looking at the outfit, you can tell that it is Lu Bu, and the person beside Lu Bu must be Ding Yuan, the prefect of Bingzhou.

Looking at the current situation, it was not without reason that Lu Bu turned his back on Ding Yuan.

First, it should be that Lu Bu was not taken seriously under Ding Yuan's command, and second, Ding Yuan did not take Lu Bu seriously.

Lu Bu looked at Ding Yuan with dissatisfaction, then turned his head and glared at Zhang Fei.


Chen Peng shook the reins of the war horse gently and walked out from He Jin's side.

Immediately everyone's eyes were focused on Chen Peng.

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