Two large camps suddenly appeared outside the city of Luoyang, and the neighing of the war horses inside the camp... The sound of killing made many people tremble with fear.

The emperor was seriously ill, and the change of dynasty was just around the corner, but He Jin recruited the army in the name of defending Luoyang. In fact, everyone knew that he wanted to kill the eunuch.

The general's line was excited, but Zhang Rang and the other ten permanent attendants were terrified.

Early the next morning, before going to court, Zhang Rang and the others held a small meeting first.

"Dong Zhuo and Ding Yuan have already entered the capital, and it seems that His Majesty's body can't support it for a few days.


"If Your Majesty has not established a reserve, once His Majesty passes away, He Jin will definitely enter the palace to kill me and others, everyone, come up with a solution!"

Zhang Rang looked at many of his comrades and said.

Jian Shuo looked normal, but in fact, he had not slept all night after receiving the news that Dong Zhuo and Ding Yuan had entered the capital yesterday, and he had doubled the number of forbidden troops stationed in the imperial city.

But Jian Shuo also knew that the Imperial Army under him was absolutely no match for the Tiger and Wolf Division from Liangzhou and Bingzhou.

"There is only one way now, and that is to quickly promote His Majesty's reserve.


Zhao Zhong said: "I heard yesterday that Chen Peng scolded Dong Zhuo and Ding Yuan outside Luoyang City and did not dare to speak out.


"Now, only the army under Chen Peng can deter He Jin. Didn't Chen Peng make a request to His Majesty, let's hurry up and make it happen!"

Zhao Zhong's words were agreed by everyone! So many eunuchs came to the door of the Queen Mother Dong.

Feilu reminds you: three things to read: collect, recommend, and score

Chapter 0169, Xun's came to regret the marriage, and the imperial decree entered Yingchuan! (please customize, fully order)

Chapter 069, The Xun family came to repent of the marriage, and the imperial decree entered Yingchuan! Please customize it, and fully order Yingchuan.

Xun Yu had returned to Yingchuan from Luoyang for several days.

And because of Xun Yu's return, the entire Xun clan has been holding family meetings for the past two days.

There is only one thematic target around, and that is Chen Peng.

As for what to discuss.

Of course it's Wayne's business.

Although Xun's support for Chen Peng at the court last time was not related to the interception of Wei's.

But this is because of political needs.

The Xun family must stand on the Chen family's side.

But whether or not... this happened, Wei Shi needs to know.

To be precise, Xun Shuang and some members of the Xun clan need to know.

And Xun Yu followed Chen Peng all the way to Liangzhou, Xun Yu would naturally know all this.

At this time, in the main hall of the Xun family, Xun Yu's elders and several outstanding peers were sitting around them.

The owner of the house, Xun Shuang, is naturally among them.

In addition to... Xun Shuang, there is also the second dragon among the eight dragons of the Xun clan, Xun Wan.

And Xun Yu was the same generation as Xun Chen and others.

Xun Yu, who was sitting in the middle of the main hall and at the front of the third generation, lowered his head and looked very embarrassed.

"Wen Ruo, Cai'er hasn't passed through the gate of Chen's family yet, it's still our own family there, and you are also a son of Xun's family, don't you want to watch your siblings enter the fire pit?"

The one who spoke was none other than Xun Yu's father, the second dragon among the eight dragons of the Xun clan, Xun Wan.

Xun Shu had eight sons, who were known as the Eight Dragons of the Xun family.

And Xun Lai Xing II 2, although Xun Shu's sons were not the most educated, but Xun Lai had three good sons.

Xun Yu, Xun Chen, Xun Yan.

But it is said that the three sons of Xun Wan supported the third generation of the Xun family.

Xun Wan had a face with a Chinese character, and sat beside Xun Shuang with stubby eyebrows and a straight waist, quite majestic.

Because of Xun Yu's questioning, Xun Yu's head lowered.

"Wen Ruo.


Xun Shuang, who was wearing a black robe and had a similar appearance to Xun Hao, also spoke up: "Why don't you say something?"

"Xun Cai is your sister, do you really have the heart to look at your sister like this?"

Xun Cai is the daughter of Xun Shuang.

Xun Shuang was the one who was most worried when something like this happened.

"Father, uncle..."

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