"Okay, Ji Fang, let's see you off!"

After speaking, Chen Yan walked towards the back hall.

The people of the Chen clan in the main hall were full of resentment when they looked at Xun Hao and Xun Shuang.

The Xun family took the initiative to come to the door to break off the marriage. If this was spread, then the Chen family would become the laughing stock of the world.

Xun Shi did this without saving face for Chen Shi at all.

Although Chen Peng was indeed wrong about this, Xun's behavior was unacceptable to Chen's.

Chen Yu's words to see off a guest means that the Chen family and the Xun family are afraid that they are going to be strangers.

However, just when Xun Qian and Xun Shuang had not walked out of the door of the Chen family.

A pair of cavalrymen hurried from Luoyang City came to Chen's gate.

"The decree has arrived! The decree has arrived!"

"Chen's order!"

Here came a pair of imperial imperial guards, their armor and robes were the same as the guards.

When the dusty imperial army came to Chen's door, they stood in front of Chen's door with a scroll of imperial edicts in their hands.

Hearing the shouts of God outside the door, all of the Chen clan immediately went out to meet the imperial decree.

However, Xun Wan and Xun Shuang, who had not yet walked out of the Chen's door, were blocked inside the door.

"Chen Kuo, the grass-man, knock to see God's grace!"

Chen Yu took the lead, and all the Chen clan members bowed and bowed in salute.

"Your Majesty has a decree, the Chen family has a son Chen Peng, who is now the champion of the Han Dynasty, a general of the left, who has contributed to the society, worked hard and made great achievements, and was married at eighteen years old.


"There is a princess in the royal family, she is twenty-eight years old, and the grace of heaven is mighty. Today, she will marry Chen's Chen Peng!"


There was a sound of gasping for air at the scene, resounding.

Xun Qian and Xun Shuang, who were standing at the door and were blocked, were suddenly stunned! This.... What's going on....: Please customize, fully order!... To read the underlined novel, please download Feifei Lu's novel

Chapter 0170, the New Year's shouting and killing! (please customize, fully order!)

Chapter 070, The cry of killing from the New Year! Please customize, all orders! When today there are only three children.

Two of them are princes.

One is the prince's argument from Empress He.

The other is the Prince Association, the child of Wang Meiren who was killed by Queen He.

And there is only one princess, and that is the Wannian Princess.

The emperor suddenly bestowed the marriage, not only was the Xun family who was stuck in the Chen family and did not go out a little bit confused.

Even everyone in the Chen family was stunned.

The emperor gave the marriage to the Princess Wannian to marry this... The front foot Xun Shi just came to break off the marriage, and the back foot emperor married the princess. I'm afraid everyone will think that this is Chen's conspiracy! But now they have just broken off their marriage, and the news of the emperor's marriage has come to Chen's.

What's the matter? Xun Qian and Xun Shuang both looked very embarrassed.

They, the Xun family, chose to break off the marriage because of the Wei family's affairs because they were afraid that Chen Peng would act recklessly and be implicated.

But after the emperor married the princess, this is not the same as slapping Xun in the face. What would people say if this matter spread out? Xun said that Xun was short-sighted or that Xun was asking for trouble and how should Xun Cai get married in the future? Therefore, the faces of Xun Qian and Xun Shuang were very ugly.

"Caomin Chen Yu, thank you for the grace of God!"

Chen Yu was the first to kneel.

With Chen Hao kneeling like this, all the Chen clan members in the courtyard followed Chen Hao to kneel on the ground and thanked Heavenly grace.

"Second brother this..."

Xun Shuang stood aside and looked at the Chen clan, and then at Xun Hao.

However, the Xun brothers thought that there was only one thing to slap in the face.

But in fact the decree has not been read yet.

The next appointment was to make Xun Hao and Sun Shuang brothers even more blackened.

"The DPRK decided to change the prefecture and county to the state shepherd system, and Chen Xin, the father of Chen Peng, bestowed the title of Youzhou Shepherd.


The imperial decree was read aloud by the imperial guards who came from Luoyang.

The state animal husbandry system! It was actually changed to the state animal husbandry system! When Emperor Chengdi of the Han Dynasty changed the prefectural history to the state animal husbandry system, but it was abolished later.

The Inspector advocated the administration of a locality, which was the same as the jurisdiction of the state shepherd.

But the state shepherd has much more power than at this time.

In addition to... local government affairs, military affairs are also single-handedly.

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