Xun Shuang was a six-year-old at home, and Xun Yu's father, Xun Qian, was a two-year-old, so he was called Xun Shuang's sixth uncle.

"You are joking, how is that possible!"

Guo Jia shook his head again and again: "Don't talk about your sixth uncle, that is... it may not be useful for your whole family to go!"

"You've been with Chen Peng for so long, don't you know who Chen Peng is? There is no news from the Guo Tu family. Don't you know why?"

Guo Jia said.

Xun Yu was stunned.


Back then, when Guo Tu was married to the Xun family and the Chen family, he was behind the scenes, and after that, he set up a bureau to take advantage of the Chen family's name.

After being punctured by Chen Peng, he broke a leg on the spot.

In the end, it was broken out of Yingchuan to make a living, but on the way, he encountered 'the bandit family has no survivors.

How could there be so many coincidental bandits? The more Guo Jia said that, the more Xun Yu felt that this time was over.

"Fengxiao, don't give a shit, let's talk about it, who should go to Chen Peng and tell me what to do?"

Xun Yu asked hurriedly.

Guo Jia shook his head and said, "Since ancient times, heroes have been saddened by Beauty Pass, and Bai Lian Dao was defeated by Luan Zhirou!"

Guo Jia, who shook his head, had "you know" on his face

's smile.

After listening to Guo Jia's words and seeing the smile on Guo Jia's face, Xun Yu immediately understood.

Guo Jia is talking about Xun Cai! This is what Guo Jia said, he must be the one to untie the bell.

Xun Yu slapped his thigh! "I knew you had a way!"

After saying that, Xun Yu got up and walked outside.

"Slow down, don't forget my pot of good wine!"

Guo Jia waved at Xun Yu.

But don't wait: When Xun Yu walked out of the door of Guo Jia's house, a hurried attendant whispered a few words in Xun Yu's ear.

Then Xun Yu's face turned ashen.

"Why don't you leave?"

Guo Jia asked.

Xun Yu mechanically turned his head to watch Guo Jia spit out two words: "It's too late!"

"what's late"

Guo Jia frowned and asked.

"Your Majesty has just issued the imperial decree, and seeing that Princess Wannian has given marriage to Chen Peng, Chen Peng is now the concubine of the great Han!"

"real or fake!"

Guo Jia's eyes widened! ... Youzhou.

Guangyang County, Yecheng! "Kill!"

"The first person to climb to the top of the city will be rewarded with a thousand gold, a hundred cattle and sheep, and a hundred slaves!"

Qiu Liju, the great leader of the Wuhuan, was sitting on a group of Wuhuan horses and pointed to Jixian not far away.

Jixian is the seat of Youzhou, located in Guangyang County, which is today's Shangjing.

At this time, Jixian was surrounded by hundreds of thousands of troops from three directions.

At the beginning of this new year, no one would have imagined that hundreds of thousands of rebels would suddenly emerge from Youzhou and then encircle them from three sides.

Yuyang, Shanggu, and Zhuojun were all occupied at one time, and countless Han people were reduced to lambs to be slaughtered.

At this time, above the city head of Ji County, Chen Peng's father, Chen Xin, was wearing a suit of black armor, holding a sword in one hand, covered in blood.

"in spite of.……

What, you must hold on, the people who sent out to ask for help have been gone for a few days.”

Chen Xin looked at the lieutenant beside him and asked.

"Reporting to the governor, the cavalry who asked for help have been out of the city for more than ten days. I believe that there will be reinforcements nearby to help soon. Master Lu Zhi, the master of the master, Beizhong Lang, is in Qingzhou!"

said the lieutenant.

Chen Xin nodded: "Go on, pay attention to patrolling the city at night to prevent thieves from attacking!"


: Ask for a wave of custom, full order!... Feilu reminds you: three things to read, collect, recommend, and score

Chapter 0171, Liu Hongxi, the beginning of troubled times! (please customize, fully order!)

Chapter 071, Liu Hongxi goes, the beginning of troubled times! Please customize, fully order! Luoyang.

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