Even if he had his own interference in this life, Liu Hong still passed away without completing the establishment of the reserve.

History is still heading towards the original track under the strong and powerful wheels.

"My lord, our priority should be immediately.

Let the army enter the city or leave the city immediately, otherwise, He Jin will probably attack first!"

Xi Zhicai said.

Chen Peng nodded.

"My husband knows that you are sad, but now is not the time to be sad. We must act immediately, otherwise many people will die today!"

Looking at Princess Wannian in her arms, Chen Peng patted her on the back.

At this time, Liu Yao was already crying.

The sensible Zhen Jiang seemed to know what was going to happen, and came over from the backyard to see if there was anything... I can help.

Just happened to see this scene.

Chen Peng waved at Zhen Jiang.

Then she handed over the Wannian Princess in her arms to Zhen Jiang.

"Jiang Er, I will ask Dian Wei to escort you out of the city, and you can take care of it here in Wannian.


Zhen Jiang nodded quickly.

At this time, a smart woman will never give her man a little more trouble.

"Zhicai, when you take your sister, I will let Dian Wei escort you out of the city first. If anyone stops you, don't pay attention to killing them on the spot, and bring all the family members in the house. It is only safe to go to the big camp outside the city. After entering the camp, I understand that my eldest brother Guan Yu and my third brother Yide will lead the cavalry into the city!"

Chen Peng explained in one breath.

After the tea time, all the soldiers in the champion mansion gathered together.

At this time, Chen Peng's army was still there: outside the city.

But the people in the champion mansion are all the elites among the elites.

Nearly [-] double-axe berserkers were led by Dian Wei.

There are also nearly five hundred heavily armored high-level cavalry.

Dian Wei and Zhao Yun have finished wearing their armor.

Dian Wei led double axe berserker.

Zhao Yun led the heavy armored cavalry.

Chen Peng also put on blood armor, and behind him a scarlet cloak rode on a black dragon horse.

"Zhonglie, wait for you to escort the military division and all the family members out of the city and back to the camp, no matter what...

Whoever intercepts it, even if you kill it, can you hear it clearly!"

Chen Peng sat on the horse and looked at Dian Wei.

"My lord, let Zilong escort his family out of the city, and I will stay in the city to help the lord!"

Dian Wei said.

Chen Peng shook his head: "It is an important task for you to escort Ben Hou's family members. Only when the family members leave the city will we have no scruples, do you understand!"

Dian Wei, who understood this time, nodded hurriedly.

"You take the berserker one step ahead, remember, you must protect the safety of this marquis's family and military advisors and others. If you can't complete the task, bring your head up to see this marquis!"

At this time, Chen Peng's brows were tightly knitted with murderous aura, and his whole body exuded an air of majesty that only belonged to the superior.

With the sound of the armor rubbing, Dian Wei knelt down on one knee: "Master, you can rest assured, Dian Wei is not dead, and no one can approach the convoy!"


Chen Peng nodded with satisfaction, and he was still assured of Dian Wei's ability.


Set off, Zilong will go to the imperial city with Ben Hou!"

Chen Peng flicked the reins of the war horse and then headed towards the imperial city.

It happened suddenly and no one was prepared.

It's not that He Jin can't be in Luoyang City, so he can mobilize troops and horses.

If the army under his command enters the city, it is a sin.

But He Jin has the convenience of deploying troops.

Although it is impossible to let: Dong Zhuo and all the troops under Ding Yuan enter the city.

But it was easy to replace a group of defending soldiers with the elites of the two men.

Chen Peng now just hopes that Zhang Rang and Jian Shuo don't let He Jin frighten them, and they must stick to the palace gate.

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