Facing Yuan Shao's repeated questioning, Cao Cao was also a little confused! If he didn't stop him, the people below might not be able to stop Dian Wei.

But if you stop him, you will have a dead end with Chen Peng! Yuan Shao looked at the hesitant Cao Cao and pushed Cao Cao.

Yuan Shao was tall, and Cao Cao was only less than seven feet tall, so he almost fell over by Yuan Shao's push and stagger.

"Yuan Shao, what are you doing!"

Cao Cao scolded Yuan Shao angrily.

"Meng De, I know that you have something to do with Chen Peng, but it's a big deal right now. If you're not careful, the country will be overturned, so I won't make you embarrassed. You don't need to give this order!"

Swish! Having said that, Yuan Shao pulled out the saber from his waist and pointed at the bottom.

"Come here, shoot arrows, never let them go out of the city!"

There are thousands of archers on the top of the city.

Under Yuan Shao's order, all bows were aimed at Dian Wei and the others under the city.




Thousands of longbows were pulled, and the sound of bowstrings piercing the air.

A strong humming sounded to replace all the surrounding sounds.

Dian Wei, who was fighting in the crowd, suddenly felt that the top of his head suddenly turned black, and Dian Wei didn't even have to look up to know that it was a rain of arrows coming.

Dian Wei, who didn't have time to say more, grabbed a defender in front of him and lifted it up.

"Duh duh!! Duh duh!!!"

The arrow rain instantly shot the carriage like a hedgehog.

It's just that the carriages that the girls were riding were all specially made, and arrows couldn't be shot into them at all.

At the window and the car door, there are berserkers in heavy armor blocking them with their bodies, so this wave of arrows has no effect! The army was shot in a large area.

Yuan Shao, who was above the city, saw that this wave of arrows had not worked, so he frowned and waved.

Then, several divine arm crossbows were pushed over.

At the end of Qin Dynasty and the beginning of Han Dynasty, Liu Bang, the great ancestor of the Han Dynasty, was trapped in Baishan Mountain.

It was with the help of the big yellow crossbow and the divine arm crossbow that he could hold on to help Baishan Mountain, so that the newly established Han Dynasty was not destroyed by the Xiongnu.

After hundreds of years, these... Divine Arm Crossbows have been re-improved several times.

Now it's more powerful and has a longer range.

In between, several soldiers pulled the winch of the Divine Arm Crossbow, and then aimed under the city head.

"Aim at those carriages and break them first!"

Yuan Shao pointed his finger at the carriage below the city head! "In the beginning, what are you doing? If Chen Peng's family members are in the carriage, they will be the mortal enemy in the future. We kill people, if you do this, if Chen Peng clears up anyone in the future, it will not be better!"

When Cao Cao saw that Yuan Shao was about to shoot the carriage, he became anxious.

But Yuan Shao had already made up his mind.

He didn't want it either, but there was no way, he couldn't disobey his uncle's orders.

"Meng De, the kindness of women will harm you and me!"

Yuan Shao gritted his teeth and pointed downward: "Shooting, we must not let them leave Luoyang!"

'Om!' "Whoosh!"

There is a strong wind breaking sound: the feeling of piercing the eardrum.

Under the strong force of the beef tendon and the winch, the gleaming crossbow arrows as thick as a baby's arm went straight to the carriage under Luoyang City.

"Protect the lord's family!"

Dian Wei let out a roar, and his yellowed pupils were coated with a red glow.

At this time, Dian Wei couldn't care less.

He can die, but he must complete the task that the main bus represents.

Dian Wei, who put down his mace, picked up the two sides and the big shield from the ground, and then jumped on the second carriage of Xi Zhicai and Xi Nianyi at a rapid speed.

I saw Dian Wei holding the double shields in front of him, with one foot on the carriage behind him.



With a strong impact, Dian Wei's upper body was directly attached to the carriage.

On the two sides of the hand, the large shield was directly turned into fragments under the powerful penetrating power of the divine arm crossbow.

Fortunately, on both sides, the large shield still removed most of its power, so that the crossbow arrow did not shoot directly through Dian Wei's body.

But even so, the crossbow still pierced into Dian Wei's shoulder.

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