That's why Liu Bei just wanted to use the common people to hold back his pursuers.

And Cao Cao once commented on Liu Bei when he was cooking wine with green plums.

Cao Cao said that Liu Bei is the only one in the world who can use benevolence and righteousness as a weapon! At this time, although there was no battle of Xinye, Liu Bei fled with the fallen city and the people of several surrounding cities! Is this a replay of old tricks?" What a good ear, what a benevolent gentleman!"

Chen Peng, who was sitting on the horse, smiled.

"Second brother, that ear slandered the second brother so much, let me take someone to get him back, and then chop it into minced meat!"

Zhang Fei shouted with a pair of bull's eyes.

Chen Peng originally thought about going into the city for a little rest, and after rectifying it, he would go to the whereabouts of the city to find Liu Bei's troubles.

But now it seems that if he doesn't go, he will probably let Liu Bei drag hundreds of thousands of people to Xianbei.

Hundreds of thousands of people follow Liu Bei to eat what to eat? Those in the grasslands...the people are not the same, they will be discarded "Brother, you led the Qinglong Army to be stationed in Zhuolu County, the whole army is going to Jizhou, I will lead the cavalry to chase Liu Bei, The people must not let it: he takes it away!"

Chen Peng said with a frown.

Guan Yu, who was beside him, nodded quickly.

"Yunqing, let's go, I have no worries here!"

Guan Yu said.

"Zilong, you and Meng Qi are flanking from the left, and Benhou and Yide are outflanking from the right. No matter what, you cannot let Liu Bei take the people away!"

Chen Peng gave a low drink.


Zhao Yun and Ma Chao, who were on horseback, took orders and then ordered their troops to leave.

As for Chen Peng, he took his [-] guard cavalry, that is, the [-] heavy armored cavalry from the barracks and the Heisha cavalry led by Zhang Fei, chasing Liu Bei from the right...

Shanggu County was originally at the junction with Xianbei.

The whereabouts of the city is not far from the Great Wall.

Going out from the Great Wall is Danhan Mountain, and after that, there is an endless prairie.

Looking for someone is no different than looking for a needle in a haystack.

In the past half a year, Liu Bei and Gongsun Zan have been working here.

Therefore, at this time, Liu Bei was familiar with the road.

At this time, Liu Bei was riding on a warhorse, and the male and female swords were hanging on the side of the saddle.

There was a horse beside Liu Bei, and a man of the same age as Liu Bei was sitting right away.

This man was not tall, with a Chinese character face, a loyal face, and a gray robe on his body.

This person's surname is Jian, the name is Yong, the word is Xianhe, and Liu Bei is an old friend, his home is in Zhuo County, and he is a fellow with Zhang Fei.

When Liu Bei was in Zhuo County, he had a good relationship with Jian Yong, and the two were together for a long time.

When Liu Bei and Gongsun Zan fought against the Yellow Turbans together before, the prime minister took Jian Yong with him, but at that time the old mother of Jian Yong's family passed away, and Jian Yong did not go at home to observe filial piety.

Later, Liu Bei and Gongsun Zan committed crimes.

Jian Yong also helped a lot when he fled back to Zhuo County.

At that time, Jian Yong wanted to help Liu Bei go with him, but Liu Bei did not let him.

When Liu Bei and Gongsun Zan came back, Liu Bei thought of Jian Yong, so he recruited Jian Yong to his side.

But Liu Bei did not expect that the good times would not last long, and after Chen Peng returned, he directly defeated the rebels they had worked so hard to form.

Chen Peng's fighting skills exceeded everyone's expectations, and Liu Bei had no choice but to follow Gongsun Zan to retreat to Shanggu County again.

And Jian Yong also accompanied him all the way.

At this time, Jian Yongzheng was not far behind Liu Bei, and every time he walked, Jian Yong would look back at the endless army of refugees formed by the people behind him.

"My lord, the people can't keep up with our speed. If not, don't take the people with you!"

Jian Yong whispered behind Liu Bei.

Liu Bei, who had been walking forward with his head down, did not turn back immediately.

Instead, he pursed his lips and squinted his eyes, and Liu Bei didn't turn his head until he took a deep breath and showed a sad and angry expression.

"Xianhe, you don't know that Chen Peng was brutal, but in Jixian, Chen Peng used human heads to cast Jingguan after the Yellow Turban was broken.


"In Liangzhou, Chen Peng cut off [-] Qiang heads and placed them in front of the Golden City Gate.


"There are also tens of thousands of corpses in Agu'er Mountain. If we leave the people like this, what should Chen Peng resent these people for helping us?"

"Even if I can't escape from Chen Peng's pursuit, I must protect the people!"

Liu Bei said very sincerely.

There were tears in Liu Bei's eyes when he said that he was protecting the people well.

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