The daughter in the woman's arms looked at the porridge churning in the pot in front of Chen Peng and said timidly.

The woman was startled, and quickly reached out her hand to cover her daughter's mouth, then secretly slapped Chen Peng in the face in horror.

Seeing that Chen Peng didn't respond, the woman was relieved.

Chen Peng did not take the initiative to invite the people around to come over for porridge.

but waiting.

The middle-aged man looked at the woman and daughter behind him, and there was a look of firmness in his eyes.

It doesn't matter that they are starving as adults, but not children.


The woman reached out and grabbed her man, then shook her head slightly.

The middle-aged man patted the woman's hand lightly, showing a relieved look.

"Ni'er is waiting for Daddy.


The middle-aged man said with a smile to the daughter in the woman's arms.

After speaking, the middle-aged man came to Chen Peng without hesitation, and then knelt down in front of Chen Peng with a thud.

"The Caomin kowtowed to the general, and asked the general to give me a bowl of porridge, I can not eat it, but the child can't take it anymore.


The middle-aged man put his head on the ground with a sincere expression.

Chen Peng turned his head to look over.

Then he looked at the woman hiding beside the tree and the daughter in her arms.

"You can eat if you want, Ben Hou has a question for you.


Chen Peng said while stirring the pot with the wooden stick in his hand.

"Big... General, ask, Caomin will definitely answer.


The middle-aged man's voice trembled with fear.

Chen Peng's eyes looked around, and he found that many people were secretly looking this way.

"Ben Hou asked you, why did you want to escape with the rebels because the rebels were good to you or because Chen Peng's army slaughtered the people?"

Chen Peng looked at the man in front of him and asked.


The middle-aged man is sinking.

The middle-aged man does not know how to answer this question.

Whether the rebels are good or not, he doesn't know.

But he was indeed told that Chen Peng's army would slaughter the people.

But after all, he never saw it with his own eyes.

"You abandoned your homeland and fled along with the rebels. You never thought about your ultimate goal."

Chen Peng asked again.

This time, the middle-aged man kneeling on the ground raised his head, with a dazed look in his eyes.


When they fled, they only heard that the soldiers said that Chen Peng would massacre after breaking the city.

But the rebels never told them where their destination was.

And most of the people will never leave their homeland of Taiyuan in their lifetime.

As a result, few people know where they are heading now.

Chen Peng stretched out his finger and pointed to the back: "Go straight forward from here, you can reach Xianbei in two or three days' journey, your ultimate goal is there.


"The Marquis can tell you that after arriving there, your fate has only two choices.


"Either abandoned, or given as a gift to Xianbei or Wuhuan, because you have lost the value of use.


Chen Peng said in a calm tone.


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