At sunset the next day, Liu Bei, who was desperately fleeing, finally realized the problem.

"My lord, a soldier came to report, saying that more and more people turned back and walked in the direction they came from!"

Jian Yong came to Liu Bei who looked a little tired and said.


Liu Bei, who was resting, was startled and stood up abruptly.

But as soon as he got up, he felt that he had lost his temper.

So he hurriedly changed a distressed expression and patted his thigh: "What's the matter? Send someone to stop them. If they encounter Chen Peng's pursuers, won't the people suffer?"

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Chapter 0186, the heroic stranger, the death of Liu Bei! (please customize, fully order!)

Chapter 086, The hero is a stranger, Liu Bei's death! Please make your own order, all orders! Hearing that Jian Yong said that all the people turned back, Liu Bei was the first to panic! No one knows better than him... the role of the people .

If it weren't for those... common people, Chen Peng would be best at cavalry to pursue him, how could he have escaped, but this time Jian Yong did not immediately execute Liu Bei's orders.

"My lord...... We are now running lightly, abandoning all the infantry, and then taking the remaining cavalry to get rid of Chen Peng. My lord, don't embarrass those... people!"

Jian Yong said in a sincere tone.

Liu Bei, who was about to act, suddenly stopped.

Then suddenly turned around and looked at Jian Yong.

"Xianhe, what are you talking about"

Liu Bei frowned and looked at Jian Yong who turned his head to look behind him: "The reason why I moved the people was to avoid the people being massacred by Chen Peng!"

"You are doubting me"

Liu Bei turned around and put a hand on the hilt of the sword.

However, seeing Liu Bei's anger, Jian Yong had no intention of backing down.

He had advised Liu Bei several times before to let the people go.

But Liu Bei refused.

For a long time, Jian Yong comforted himself in his heart, saying that Liu Bei did not take advantage of the people, but really took the people along with them.

But just now, just when he said that the people were turning back, he suddenly couldn't deceive himself.

"Lord, let go, let the people leave, we can also escape with the cavalry!"

Jian Yong said in a pleading tone.

Jian Yong knew very well that if Liu Bei really used these people, then in the end only one of the hundreds of thousands of people would end up.

That is to die in the grasslands.

There is no food, and after walking for so many days, no one has... the strength to go back.

Moreover, as long as the Wuhuan people or the Xianbei people found these people, they would not let them go.

And these soldiers and horses under their command are simply not enough to resist Xianbei or Wuhuan.

There is only one ending.

And the reason why Liu Bei needs these people Jian Yong is also very clear.

It is nothing more than that Liu Bei does not want to give up the soldiers and horses in his hands.

At this time, they still had [-] or [-] remnants of the army.

But most of them were infantry, and only a small number of cavalry had more than [-].

Once they escaped lightly, the remaining thousands of soldiers would be scattered.

Liu Bei did this because he didn't want to lose his soldiers.

However, Jian Yong's hard persuasion did not persuade Liu Bei, who was at the end of his life! At this moment, Liu Bei tore off his disguise.

When people are in a dead end, there will be no more... nothing to disguise.

Liu Bei, who rushed to Jian Yong, grabbed the front of Jian Yong's clothes with both hands.

"Do you know what you're talking about, Jian Xianhe, I'm your master!"

Liu Bei roared hoarsely: "I gave up everything, how can I get revenge!"

At this moment, Liu Bei lost his elegant demeanor, and under the choice between life and death, he chose life.

However, if you want to survive, you have to pay a certain price.

Jian Yong also stared at Liu Bei with wide eyes.

This is the first time Jian Yong has seen such Liu Bei.

The former... Liu Bei, who was talking with him and sketching a grand plan in his heart, has disappeared without a trace.

"Come here, tie Jian Yong, and immediately send people to drive away the people. Never let them go back! If they resist, kill them!"

Liu Bei's eyes were full of anger, and his eyes were fixed on Jian Yong.

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